A/N: Yea, yea. Bad girl. I already have an unfinished story. But I just had to write this. I'll alternate. Update The Prank Wars one day, this one the next. Ok? Ok. So we're good to go.

Warning: Faxness ahead. Proceed with caution. Lol. I'll probably use some language not appropriate for ity bity kids. Mkay? Mmkay. This will probably end up being a bit OOC.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Maximum Ride. James Patterson does. Now leave me alone!

Copyright thingy: I own this story plot line thing. No stealing. If you want to use my idea, ask. And maybe I'll let you. I didn't steal this from anyone else. It was an idea that David and I talked about on MSN one night. So there. MINE!

Strike Up The Band

Chapter 1 - The Evil Bambi Eyes

Max's POV

Have I ever mentioned how much I despise Bambi eyes? Well, I do. The stupid, evil, adorable Bambi eyes tricked me into it. I suppose I should explain, huh? It was just yesterday...

"Max, I have a great plan!" Nudge exclaimed.

"What is it?" I asked warily. She always has some weird plan to try to beat her ever present boredom.

"We should form a band! Not the kind they have at school, but like a rock band but with some different instruments. I wanna play the flugelhorn. It's just such a cool word! It's kinda like a trumpet, but way cooler!"

"Alright, Nudge, I got it."

"So can we?"

"No." That's definitely not a good idea. Six mutant freaks in a band? No thanks.

"Please?!" Don't look! She's probably giving me the Bambi eyes! No, don't lo -too late. Aww! How cute!

"Fine," I said grumpily. Stupid Bambi eyes work all the time. Everyone cheered with the exception of Fang and me. At least he's on my side...

"So, what instruments do you guys want to play?"I might as well get them some instruments since money isn't a problem anymore. My bank card gets more cash every week. I wonder why.

"I call the tuba!" Gazzy yelled. As if someone would fight him for it.

"Ooh, Max, can I play the flute?" Angel asked in a sweet voice. I nodded my head.

"I'll take guitar," Iggy said, trying not to let his excitement show. I wish he wouldn't. I can barely put up with one mute boy. What would I do with two Fangs?

"Drums," Fang said. Darn him and his one word sentences!

Well, what's that leave for me? I don't really have much talent. "Max, you should sing. You have a really pretty voice," Angel inputted, obviously reading my thoughts.

I blushed a deep red. I only sing when I think of a certain someone. I'm sure you all know that I'm talking about Fang here... Angel giggled. Darn her mind reading abilities!

"Aww! That's so sweet Max! I need to tell you something about F-"

"Right so. Let's go get those instruments then. Maybe some books to teach us to play. Yea. So. Let's move." I said quickly, keeping Angel from saying anything potentially embarrassing.

Fang's POV

What's up with Max acting so girly and jittery? It's like she's hyped up on coffee and estrogen. I swear, I'll never figure girls out.

We headed out of the abandoned vacation house we were staying in and walked to the local Music Doctors. So Gazzy's on tuba, Angel with flute, Iggy on guitar, Max on vocals, and Nudge with the flugelhorn. Ok. Wtf? Flugelhorn? That girl gets crazier every day.

I immediately chose the drums. I mean come on, everyone knows you have to have a hot, studly drummer. It was either Iggy or me. Easy choice. Me. Just look at me. You know I'm hot. And sweet. Oh, don't forget modest.

"Fang, I gotta tell you something about —"

"Hmm? What Max? You want me to come pick out a drum set? Ok. Be right there," I said, trying to get away from Angel. If it was bad news, I didn't want to hear it.

I walked over to where Max was standing by the drums. I picked out a random one, not really paying attention. Hey, as long as it doesn't bust, I'm fine.

The others picked out their instruments and Max got some books on how to play them. I didn't get one though. I'm cool enough to figure it out on my own.

We headed back to the house, instruments in tote. God, these things are heavy. Angel's lucky. Hers is so flippin light. So not fair.

"Well Fang, if you want a lighter instrument, you can play flute." Darn Angel. Always reading my mind.

Iggy burst out laughing. "Come on, Fang. You'd be great. And now, here's Fang the Pansy Boy here to play his manly flute!"

"Shut it Iggy," I warned. He shut up, seeing the danger behind my words. We made it to the house in about five minutes. We put our instruments up and headed to our rooms. I guess we'll start practicing tomorrow.

A/N: I know it's short, but you'll just have to deal. I do have a life outside of fanfiction, no matter how pathetic it may be. Ha. So. Please review. PLEASE?! I'll give you brownies. Mmm brownies. You know you want them...

Suggestions are welcome, reviews are love.