
This goes with Unknown. The sisters aren't sisters and they barely know each other. Read Unknown so it'll be easier. Um, this is the separate Piper part. Next will be Phoebe. There'll probably be around five or six chapters with these separate parts. So, anyway, this is Piper.

Piper was sitting at the window in her bedroom, just staring out, and...thinking.

*These have really been an amazing past few months. Trying to make sense of it all...that would just be a hopeless cause. There is probably no way to make sense of these kinds of events. The demon attacks, they're easy to explain, but meeting Prue and Phoebe...still lost on that one.
Seeing Prue at the club was nice. I'm still wondering why Leo tried to keep us from meeting again. I don't know anymore. My life seemed to be pretty much on the path to normal, or at least what a witch who fights demons and is married to a whitelighter finds normal. It seems to get harder everyday to just get up in the morning. Not because of my regular life, but because of the witch life. What if one day Leo gets here one second too late...no, that would never happen. But what if?...no. No what-ifs ands or buts. My life may not be "normal" but I like it...mostly.*

Piper got up and went downstairs. She didn't feel like doing anything today, but she knew that she would have to. She always had to. Wasn't there ever a day of relaxation? No. She never got to have a day of relaxation for some reason. She remembered the reason.
"Demons." Piper sighed and said to herself.
"What?" Leo asked as he came into the kitchen.
"Nothing." Piper replied gloomily.
"What's wrong?" Leo asked.
"Nothing. Everything is just great." Piper lied.
"You're much too gloomy for everything to be fine." Leo said.
"I was just thinking." Piper told him.
"I guess there's a first time for everything." Leo joked.
Piper smiled and threw a dish towel at him and said, "Ha ha. Very funny. I was just thinking about, you know, everything."
"Ah, witchy worries." Leo said.
"That's a new one. Witchy worries." Piper said.
"They just keep coming." Leo said.
"Just like demons." Piper commented.
"Aha. So that's what's bothering you." Leo said.
"You got it. I'm just so sick of the normal vanquish the demon and save the world...again. It's just so boring these days." Piper said.
"You don't know boring until you're a whitelighter." Leo told her.
"Oh yeah, sure. Meeting new people and traveling everywhere and hearing interesting stories...it must be torture." Piper said sarcastically.
"If it was like that, which it's not, I would still be even more bored than you." Leo said.
"Sure, whatever you say." Piper said.
"Speaking of my job..." Leo said his voice trailing.
"See you later then." Piper said. Leo smiled and orbed out.
Piper sighed and went into the living room.