yes it took forever and I'm SORRY! But I hope its long enough for you guys!

You know, it's sad, it seems like I've been chased my whole life. Chased by..well a lot of things. The organization, the truth, love, regret, my past, all that stuff. It's like someone doesn't want me to have peace, they're gonna keep haunting me with those chasers. Right now, I'm being chased by the org, what a surprise.

But now, as I was staring in shock at the screen, my eyes probably bigger than the plate Zexion was eating off of, the others were probably in equal shock. But I was the one being hunt down here, but for what? Okay sure, I pretty much betrayed that crap of a 'family' I had back then. But is it such a crime to find out about my past? Wouldn't you be a bit confused when you magically end up outside some weird castle? Actually..I don't know what happened when I landed there..Damn those lost memories..

When Zexion switched off the TV, I felt three pairs of eyes on me, I really don't like that feeling. I could tell Axel's was out of concern for me..but I couldn't really read the others.

Gritting my teeth I turned around, sighing. "Now what?" this didn't help at ALL, we were supposed to be looking for those damn members, but it turns out they're looking for ME. No one else, just me. Why is it always me? Axel did more treason then I could count, but why would that matter?

I ask way too many questions.

After a moment of silence, Axel met my gaze, he looked dead serious. "Well, for now we'll have to leave, but if they end up finding us, we have to fight back," a tone of grimness in his voice, and I knew he was right. There was no point running.

Demyx and Zexion nodded solemnly, everything was so serious and quiet now. We finally realized what we had to do.

The rain was pouring down hard onto the pavement, it would of been pitch black if the moon wasn't there. The girl had no idea where she was, who she was..or why she was even there. Her chestnut hair strewn over her face, her eyes shined with a blank but confused expression. Under those eyes were pure power, something everyone else knew but she didn't.

The strange man had told her to come here, if she knew anything about him or this world, she would of declined. But what choice did she have? It was either that or she starve or die from this weather. Sighing she continued down the road, pulling her hood up and pressing her jacket closer to herself. There was so many questions she had. So many answers she needed.

As she neared the castle she saw a flash of red and black zoom past her, then a circle of white oddly shaped creatures surrounded her. What were those things?! The girl didn't know how to fight yet, heck, she didn't even know what her weapon was!

Suddenly, nausea and a pain in her side overwhelmed her, making the girl collapse onto the cold, hard concrete. Everything was blurring and turning black, the last thing she felt was strong arms pick her up and the nobodies disappeared.


I snapped out of my trance to find myself back in space, in the gummi ship. I hated this stupid space traveling. I NEEDED to find a way to portal. I could tell Axel was frustrated with it as well, since he always teleported to get anywhere.

Though, instead of being in front of Axel, I felt myself staring into the indigo eyes of Zexion. He looked puzzled but concerned, a book in his hand as he was seated comfortably on the couch.

"Oh er..yeah I was just dozing off.." I wasn't really used to telling others about my weird flashbacks, I only really told Axel. Though, I think Zexion would probably understand..

"I see.." he replied, examining my expression.

From the front I could see Demyx yawning and stretching in his seat, I could tell he was obviously bored. Like we all were. Axel's arms were crossed as he tensely settled in his own chair. He seemed to be deep in thought. I always questioned Axel's thoughts, mostly cause I couldn't read them. He was an enigma at times. But a hot enigma for sure.

"How much longer till we get...wherever?" I asked in a bored tone, my eyes half open. I wasn't really directing the question at anyone in particular. I was just thinking out loud, as usual.

"Eh..we're about halfway there.." sighed Axel, wishing this would go by faster, Demyx yawned again and looked like he was ready to fall asleep.

"Well I'm gonna go rest for a bit.." I announced and walked into the bedroom, still tired from how late Axel and I had stood up the night before. Cuddling up on the bed, I felt kind of uneasy about me being the only girl in this ship full of guys. (No I am not a stupid Mary Sue) But I shook it off as I drifted into another daze.

The thirteen throne-like chairs were in a circle formation in the gigantic main hall where all the organization members were seated. Roxanne had just joined the organization, after being rescued by a cloaked man who she still did not know the name of. In fact, the only one she knew of was Xemnas. The rest of them had their hoods up and were silent and nonchalant as the Superior began the meeting.

"As you all have noticed, we have a new member." he announced, gesturing towards Roxy, who timidly removed her hood. She heard a few whistles from across from her, which made her flush slightly, but she tried her best to look as impassive as the rest of them.

"We are now a complete organization, and we'll be soon taking our forces upon the keyblade wielder..What is it number III?" the Superior looked at Number III in a bit of an annoyed way.

"I was hoping we could test this new member's skills, to see if she is worthy of being in this organization." replied the calm voice of the muscular man seated two seats away from the Superior. Roxy froze. Test her skills?! What exactly was he planning on doing?

Xemnas thought this over than continued, "Very well, just try not to make much of a ruckus."

'Thanks for the help Xemnas.' thought Roxy, feeling exasperated. Looking up at Xaldin, she saw two spears floating in midair next to him. Frozen, she had a feeling what he was about to do. Violet eyes widening, the spears zoomed towards her, oh god this was it..

Just as she thought the spears would stab her, they stopped midair in front of her, a purple aura controlling them. Was that..her doing?! She heard the other members murmur in approval, she really did do that.

"Impressive." admitted Number III, nodding slightly, Xemnas nodded in approval as well, seeming to be calculating something.

"I see you control gravity..very well, I'm sure you'll make an acceptable edition to this group." he smirked, "Dismissed."

Roxy easily hopped down from the insanely tall chair, luckily she controlled gravity so it wasn't a big deal. Upon landing Xemnas approached her, "I will have number XIII show you to your room and help you in combat training." he gestured to a tall, lean man who walked over to her, he had good posture, and his muscles were defined, but not insanely huge like the other members.

"Try to be on time as well." said Xemnas as he disappeared in a portal. Leaving Roxy and this man alone.

"Well, now that Xemnas is done rambling. I'm Axel, commit it to memory." he smirked and removed his hood, revealing stunning emerald green eyes and spiked blood red hair.

Roxy tried not to stare in awe, "I'm Roxy." she managed to say without stuttering, was this org full of hot guys?

He smiled and had a somewhat soft look in those green eyes that you could drown in. "By the way, nice reflexes on that so called 'test to challenge your skills' junk. You handled it way better than some of the other guys here."

Roxy felt a light blush come to her cheeks from his compliment. "Thanks."

The redhead looked down at her intently, and was about ready to say something when-


The scream was interrupted by a yelp which probably came from a guy, and the scream seemed to be from a very pissed off girl.

Axel, who was looking in the direction of the screams with his eyes wide, snapped back to Roxy and plastered a nervous smile on. "So, how bout that tour eh?"

I hope you guys liked it. ;;