Disclaimer: I do not own the TNA trademarks and/or wrestlers. All I own in this story is the plot and the original character of Magic. Jessie is a real person working for TNA but I have no relations to her at all, except maybe being part of her extended network on myspace.

Here I am, at Universal studios standing in front on the soundstage that houses TNA's Impact arena. I still can't believe it though. It was like it was just a few days ago. Well, actually, yeah, it was just a few days ago. I read a classified that the company was looking for a new production manager. Being a fresh graduate of film with a major on production, I thought this was a good opportunity. Of course, being a long-time wrestling fan pretty much sealed the deal that I was going to try to get the job. And get the job I did.

This wasn't how I originally thought I'd be getting involved with wrestling though. I always dreamed of being up there risking life and limb just to entertain the fans. But alas, at an early age, I discovered just how big of a klutz I can be and have no talent whatsoever when in came to sports. I barely even passed the physical fitness test they required all students to take during high school. I was fit looking yes, but fit in every other sense of the word was another deal altogether.

I'm a petite girl, standing at a pathetic five feet and two inches. I had waist-length light brown hair with natural blonde tints. Paired with light hazel eyes, people said I was a looker. Sure, it's not like there are thousands of other Caucasians out there that don't fit that description. Yes, I am being sarcastic.

I made my way to the back entrance and after having the guard check my ID and pass and finding my name on the list and giving me a double take and disbelieving smile, I was on my way to find Jeff Jarrett so he could introduce me to their current production manager Jessie. I was used to that reaction to my name so I gave the same true story to him – my parents were two percent hippies. Who else would name their kid Mage Isabel-Croix Cortez and give them the nick name Magic? Unless you were high at one point in your life, you would never be caught doing that.

When I finally found Jeff Jarrett, I found him conversing with a short brunette girl that I assume was Jessie. I could already tell why they would need another production manager seeing as Jessie was a good five months pregnant. She can't really run around backstage trying to get big burly wrestlers to where they need to be and do it effectively without endangering herself.

After initial introductions were done, Jessie was instructed to help me get acquainted with the job and introduce me to the people I was set to work with. I met several crew members that set up the ring and lights. I met the sound manager and some cameramen. I even met all the knockouts once we got to catering. And I am so glad to say that they are not one of those eat-half-a-lettuce-leaf types. They are healthy girls with healthy appetites.

I met some wrestlers. Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin and Petey Williams if you really wanted to know. They all remarked at how it's good to know that they were not the only people that got stuck with the short gene. Sure, they're not the ones that are midgets when compared to everyone else. Considerably shorter but not midgets. We all had a good laugh when I said this to them to which Alex, or Patrick as he informed me of his real name, said that I'd fit in with the attitude I have.

After that short laugh trip, Jessie hauled me off to another part of the arena and pointed to certain areas and told me of what the job is basically about.

It's just now a few minutes before taping starts and let me tell you, I am glad that I came onto the job during tapings and not during a PPV. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure my head would have gone off. Jessie and I pretty much ran all over the place. Well, actually, it was more me running because I didn't want Jessie to do so in her state. She protested, but I showed my Latina heritage by showcasing a fierce attitude. I ran around the place making sure that all the ringside photographers were present, made sure all the cameras were in working order, all microphones and headsets were functioning, and making sure the wrestlers know when they're on or when and where they're doing a promo. It was like a madhouse of busy bodies. I could only imagine the PPVs to be ten times as crazy as this.

When I finally made my way back to Jessie who was stationed at the sound booth, she had a good laugh at my already harried state.

"Don't worry, it gets easier over time," she said with a reassuring smile. "You're lucky you have me to show you the ropes, when I got here, the guy that showed me around was such an ass and left me all to myself."

"What'd you do?" I asked.

"I screwed up on my first night, but Dixie and Jeff were nice about it because they were aware of how the other guy was and understood what happened," she explained.

"And I'm the lucky girl that came on the day that your hormones weren't screwing with you," I joked.

We both laughed lightly and calmed down when we heard the producer count down the taping. And with that, Jessie and I were off to the backstage to make sure everything runs smoothly.

The tapings have been done for a couple of minutes and I've found out that it's only during before the actual tapings or show that it's busy. It's when everything needs to be put in order so you have to run around. But with everyone in TNA being somewhat of a close-knit group, everyone basically knew to do their job and even help around with other odd jobs like Jeff Jarrett being the one to knock on a wrestler's door that he's passed knowing that they were on next.

Jessie was teaching me how to do the paperwork detailing reports on the tapings. Basically, you just put on what's wrong, if there's any, with equipment, cards and production. After finishing that, we headed to Jeff's office to hand the papers in.

"So how did your first day go?" he asked politely.

"It's been good. I got to learn what needs to be done and got my hands into it. It's been busy but I can handle it," I said.

"Good, so you won't be running off for having loons around you all the time," he joked. We all laughed at that.

I like having him and Dixie as bosses. Dixie was like a nurturing mother when she interviewed me and Jeff seems like an uncle or big brother type. Both were laid back and unimposing. It wasn't a mystery as to how most wrestlers got along with them. I was about to head for the door and make the short trip home to my Orlando apartment before Jeff's voice stopped me.

"Magic, would you care to join us all for a late dinner? We're having some sort of going away party for Jessie," he said.

"Going away party? I'm only gonna be gone for a couple of months to a year. And I'm not even leaving 'til I reach the seventh month. I still have two months!" Jessie ranted.

"Ok, don't shoot the messenger," Jeff said with both his arms raised in surrender. "Everyone else pitched that idea. Why? I don't know. But you are going to be around considerably less because you're going to be handling the web stuff and photo shoots instead of tapings and PPVs," he explained. "But if you really don't like the idea, you can just think that it's Magic's welcome to the family party."

Jeff and Jessie both looked at me waiting for some sort of answer. Who am I to pass on the opportunity to meet more people that I work with and form friendships with them? That's a standard for every job, for relationships, whether business or friendship, with your co-workers to assure a better work environment.

With a nod of my head, we all made our way out of the office. After being informed that the venue for dinner would be the closest Denny's, I separated from the two and made my way out to the parking lot. I waved to the same security guard who marveled slightly at my name while he gave me a nod and a small smile.

As I get into my car, I can't help but think of what a great start it's been. I start to wonder about the rest of the people I would be meeting at Denny's and slightly worry of what they thought of me. Sure, Jeff and Jessie seem to like me, as well as Patrick and the others I met. But they're comparatively few when compared to the whole population of the TNA roster and crew. Hopefully I don't make an ass of myself and step on anyone's toes while I'm on my stint with TNA. Note to self: ask Jessie what everyone's like, see which people to stay away from.

AN: So here you go. The first chapter of the prequel to "The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows". Please tell me what you think.

Phoenix: Hot off the press! Wasn't I just talking to you about writing this a couple of minutes ago? LOL

CaliforniaQueen: You requested me to go on with the story, and so it shall be. I'll have more chapters up for you when I get to write them. This would just serve as an introduction to and of the girl involved in the short story. I hope this comes out to be up to par with your liking.

And as usual, please read and review. The more reviews I get, the more happy I am to get back to writing out another chapter.

- Nef