8 Years in the Future
Chapter 2: The Dreams of Heroes
Part 3: Had I been asleep? (¼)

The air was hot and thick in the small Earth Kingdom village.

There were only sixteen days left before the Fire Lord's Ball. The leaders of the world would all be demanding answers from Aang. Why wasn't he putting a stop to the fire rebels? Wasn't it the Avatar's duty to keep world peace?

What kind of answer would he give them? He had done his best, put down dozens of small rebel functions. And yet, the rebels were growing. And they were organized. They weren't your ordinary run of the mill thugs. Someone was planning something, and it was bigger than Aang could deduce on his own.

He swallowed another hot swig of the local kuchikami no sake, and paid no attention to the bearded man who sat on the crumbling stone steps next to him.

"So, you're the Avatar, huh?"

Aang slurped another mouthful and wiped the drips from his chin. He didn't turn to the man.

"That's what they say."

"What are you doing in the middle of nowhere?

Aang mumbled under his breath, "Waiting for the world to end."

"What's that?"


"Say, have you heard those rumors from the Gifu village, north of here? About the flying people?"

Aang paused just as he was about to gulp down some more sake. He slowly turned toward the man.

"No. What do they say?"

"Well, some of them claim they've seen people flying in the distance near their mountains. They don't know what to think, but it's got them spooked."

"People can't fly."

"Can't you?"

"Yeah, but there aren't anymore Air benders."

"I guess not, it's just what I've been hearing is all."

The man turned silent and Aang went back to his drink. Flying people? That would be impossible. There were no more Airbenders. He was the last. There were no more.

Still, it wouldn't hurt to look.

The villagers of Gifu village gazed up into the sky as a colossal flying bison appeared. His massive size was frightening and the people backed up into their homes. Dust clouds billowed as he landed.

A tall, lanky young man dressed in yellows, jumped down from the creature. He held a wooden staff in one hand and he carried himself with confidence. He squinted his eyes as he noticed the timid people, standing behind posts, and wagons, or peering out of windows. Perhaps he shouldn't be as direct as he had originally planned.

One young teenage girl peeked out from behind a pillar not too far from his left. He turned toward her.

"Hello, my name is Aang. Is there somewhere I can buy supplies and maybe rest up a little?"

The girl's eyes widened when she realized he was addressing her. She shrunk back. Silently she lifted her hand, directing him northward. Aang frowned. There were not many places around the world where he received such a cold and distant welcome, even in the deepest corners of jungles and desserts, the natives knew of the avatar, and greeted him well. What had made these people so hesitant?

"Thank you. What's your name?"

In a soft, pale voice she uttered, "T-t-tevy."

"Thanks Tevy." He gestured toward the beast behind him. "Would you like to meet my bison? His name is Appa. He's friendly."

Tevy bit her lip. She glanced around and knew all the other villagers were watching her.


She stepped out from behind the pillar, her arms wrapped around her sides.

"H-hello Appa."

Appa bellowed his deep throated response. Terrified, Tevy jumped and ran back.

Despite himself, Aang laughed.

"Don't worry. That's Appa's way of saying hello."

Tevy smiled, and then gasped as Momo jumped onto her shoulder.

"And that's Momo. I think he likes you."

Tevy giggled as Momo licked her ear. A few other children began approaching the Avatar as the adults shuffled ever slower toward the monk.

A teenage boy cleared his throat and asked, "Are you the Avatar?"

Aang turned toward the boy and was met with a face hovering between fear and hope. Behind the boy, more than 50 townsfolk seemed to hold the same expression. Surprised that he had drawn such a substantial crowd within a few minutes, Aang answered softly,

"Yes, I am."

Gasps and whispers came first. Then an old woman suddenly burst into tears as she grabbed at Aang's shirt. His head jerked back in surprise.

She was trying to tell him something but Aang couldn't understand her through the wailing, and the voices of the others in the crowd. A throng of people all attempted to speak to him at the same time. Men grabbed his shoulders, as women held onto his clothing, all of them vying for his individual attention. They pulled him and they pushed him. All were filled with intense emotions.

Aang looked back and forth between them, picking up words or phrases, but not understanding any of them. There were monsters, or was it evil spirits? There were children missing, he thought he heard one woman cry. They pressed in on him from all sides, unaware of their heat, and their pressure. They smothered him as they came to him for help.

He tried to calm them down, while inside himself he battled a terror of claustrophobia, and pushed back memories he had repressed for six years.

He would have been able to handle the people's shrieking cries, and pressing masses if it weren't for those cursed memories. They tore him down inside and weakened his mental stronghold. He fought them off as best he could, but they pushed through and they overtook him.

The people's voices turned into buzzing, and their bodies into blackness, as Aang felt himself collapse.

Shadows haunted his mind.

6 Years Ago…

In a feverish, nauseating stupor, Aang gradually came back to consciousness.

He felt the hands before he heard the mob.

They were harsh hands.

They pinched and crushed him. Shoved, and scratched. Dozens of hands attempted to tug him in numerous directions.

"What's going on?" He mumbled under his breath, it hurt his head to talk. He squinted his eyes open only to close them in the unkind glaring sunlight.

"Get off him! Leave him be!"

It was Zuko's voice. He sounded angry.

Aang opened his eyes in small slits and saw blurred shapes hovering above him backing away quickly. Zuko's face appeared.

Aang, relieved at the appearance of his friend in such a hostile environment, attempted a smile toward the prince.

But instead of acknowledging Aang's gratitude, Zuko grabbed his tattered collar. He was furious as he violently shook the boy.

"What did you do Aang? What were you thinking?"

But to Aang, it sounded as though Zuko was on the verge of tears. Swiftly he sat up, now alert. His head throbbed. He felt the heavy, strong beat of his heart pause for a moment.

"What? What happened?" He whispered as his breath rushed back to him.

Zuko growled and pulled the boy up to his feet.

It was only then that Aang realized the immense horde of people surrounding them. Hatred emanated from hundreds of Fire Nation citizens who shouted and cried, and waved their fists, sparks flying from their teeth. The things they said stung. The utter loathing and deep resentment and lust for revenge leaked from their eyes.

"He did this!"

"He's a monster!"

"He's not even human!"

Zuko gruffly pulled Aang along as they passed through a grim location dotted with ruins and debris.

Where were they?

With a tug from the prince, Aang followed him as they climbed up on top of a once familiar wall.

"I know this, it's from your palace. What happened? I didn't…Did I?" Aang looked up into the older boy's face for answers and reassurance. Neither came. Zuko only looked sad for a moment before clearing his face of what he most likely considered weakness.

Aang looked at the land around him, now scarred, and crumbling. A disaster. It wasn't even this bad after the final battle with Ozai. The palace was decimated. And the people hobbled around, some carrying one another, others bandaging the wounded. Zuko stood to his full height and observed the host of people below him as he waited for their calumny cries to quiet.

And then he spoke. His voice was sturdy, and confident, yet tinted with distress. He kept a firm grip on Aang's collar.

"I know your pain. I know your anger. But this is neither the time nor the place for it. The events of today will be sorted out personally, I'll make sure of it, and justice will be satisfied. There are those who need you right now. Return to your homes and tend to your injured. That is all."

No one moved. But slowly, the once unruly horde began to pick themselves up and walk away. Aang admired Zuko's might and innate ability to lead his people.

They clambered down the wrecked palace structure as Zuko finally let go of Aang. But he wasn't harsh.

"They listen to you, Prince Zuko."

"I'm not a Prince, not anymore Avatar."

Aang stopped in mid step, and tripped, but Zuko gripped his arm and steadied him. Aang shook his head.

"The last thing I remember was that you were being…crowned. Crowned. You're the Fire Lord now!"

"Welcome back to land of the living. Do you remember what happened after that?"

"Afterwards? I think, I think I heard a voice."

"You heard a voice? What did it say?"

"It was threatening to kill you."

"To kill me? Who's voice was it?"

"I don't know. Zuko, did I… did I do all this?"

Zuko didn't look at him.

"I hurt all these people?"

"I don't know what happened Aang. I intend to find out." Zuko paused, and Aang could tell that there was more he wanted to say. Zuko always had trouble putting his mind-set into words. "But, I trust you Aang."

Zuko looked up ahead to a field with tents strewn across it. And for the first time, Aang saw tears in the older boy's eyes.

"Katara's resting up ahead. She was injured from the falling debris. That was why I was angry with you earlier. I'm sorry."

Aang shook his head, suddenly he was more infuriated with himself then he'd ever been.

"I can't believe it, what did I do? What happened? I hurt Katara? I swore to myself, that I'd…I'd…never again."

"She'll be fine, Aang."

The boys turned to see Iroh walking up to them.

Zuko gripped the old man's upper arm in greeting.

"How is she?"

"Drowsy, but she is doing well." Then Iroh smiled. "She tried to get up to find you and Aang. I wouldn't let her, so she pushed me out to do the searching for her. I would hurry if I were you Zuko."

Aang stepped forward to follow, but Iroh held his shoulder.

"Let him go to her."


Zuko enter a tent as Aang's eyes lingered for a moment. The flap fluttered in the wind, giving him a glimpse within. Katara lay on a makeshift bed inside. Her face was pale, scratched, and bruised. But her eyes lit up when she saw Zuko. The wind settled and Aang could see no more.

Iroh's voice brought him back. "Something serious has happened. We need to talk."

"I don't even remember what happened."

"Think back. You entered the Avatar State after Zuko was crowned."

"The Avatar State?"

Iroh nodded. "You appeared to have lost control. But you and I both know that appearances are not what they always seem to be. Someone's hand was in this."

"Are you saying someone manipulated the Avatar State? How is that even possible? Who would have done that?"

Iroh took a deep breath. "Azula.."

(To be continued)