Author Note - "Parting is such sweet sorrow" and perhaps that is why I have prolonged the ending of my trilogy. Also I have been striving to make the final chapter just as perfect as possible. Also I left a little room open in case I ever choose to venture into the adult lives of Esteban and Maddie as they enter royal life and such together.

I thank all of my fans who have stuck by me this past year as I worked on the trilogy. And I hope that I haven't let any of you down. Cheers!

"Esteban, has Maddie talked to you yet?" London asked out of breath.

"No," Esteban answered, "was she going to?" he asked anxiously.

"I was hoping she would have by now. I got the impression at lunch that she was going to. Well, I pulled some strings and grabbed a pre release of a tabloid they were going to run tomorrow," London said handing it to Esteban.

"You lunched with Ashley Tisdale?" Anita asked seeing the front cover as she walked over from the front desk to join them.

"No, I didn't lunch with…Anita?

"Hello, London."

"Don't hello me. How long have you been here?"

"Is this an interrogation?" Anita laughed a little bit confused. "I just arrived about an hour ago. Why?"

"I would tell you why but it's a little too complicated to go into detail. I just need to find Maddie. I hope she's upstairs," London declared as she rain to the elevator.

"Is she okay?" Anita pondered aloud as London disappeared. "I know she's not the brightest heiress, but…"

"No, I think this time she is right on the dinero," Esteban replied.

"I believe the English term is money, Esteban. Right on the money."

"Whatever. I think I need to go see for myself if Maddie is there." Esteban left Anita in a cloud of confusion and made his way to London's suite. "London?" he called getting off the elevator and nearing the door.

"I'm in here," she called back. "But I'm afraid Maddie isn't. Atleast, she isn't now." London pointed to the scraps of the tabloid torn and scattered all over Maddie's bed. "She was here. She must have seen you and Anita together and now…well, now who knows where she is."

"Me and Anita?" Esteban blurted.

"Now's not the time for questions, Esteban. You need to find her."

Esteban and London hurried off of the elevator an hurried back over to Anita, who was laughing with a young man in the lobby.

"Anita, Maddie is missing. I must go and look for her."

"But London is so huge."

"Hey! I'm standing right here you know!" There was a brief moment of silence. "Oh you mean…continue."

"I know but I have to find her. Tell the others if they show up."

"Wait, did you say her name is Maddie?" the young man asked and received a nod from Esteban. "Kinda short, blonde, Oxford freshman?"

"Si! You've seen her?"

"Yes, earlier this morning."

"That is now good," Esteban sighed.

"Maybe not, but she was quite fascinated with this statue we saw on our tour. Mesmerized really. There's a good chance that would be a great starting point for your search. I will write down the directions."

"Gracias, Juan," Esteban said with sincere gratitude to his familiar comrade.

"De nada, su majestad."

The sun was beginning to set, causing the air to cool slightly. Maddie didn't care anymore. She knew she couldn't feel any colder than she already did. She stared blankly at the engraved monument, longing to unlock its mystery. Somehow, she wanted to believe that the words would be able to help her solve her own dilemma. Even for one word of hope, she'd give almost anything to learn what the words said. As she ran her cold fingers across the cold etchings for what felt like the millionth time, she closed her eyes. She began quietly praying for a miracle that would allow her to interpret the stone carvings. She prayed and yearned harder, using all the strength inside of her. She was on the verge of crying out in desperation when she thought she heard a faint whispering.

"We cut these numerous windings in our destinies daily with our own hands, while we imagine that we are pursuing a track on the royal high road of respectability and duty,and then complain of those ways being so intricate and so dark. We stand bewildered before the mystery of our own making, and the riddles of life that we will not solve, and then accuse the great Sphinx of devouring us."

She opened her eyes and stared at the words. She wondered if she could have possibly heard their meanings. She closed her eye again in skepticism and again heard the quote aloud. This time it was crystal clear and the voice was more than just close. Gulping, she took a breath and turned around to see Esteban standing behind her.

"I was told you wanted to know what the monument says.

All memory of what Esteban had quoted disappeared as she stood nearly trembling at the sight of him. "I-I didn't quite get it all."

"It's alright," Esteban repeated the quote patiently. This time the words struck Maddie and she stared at the stone. That was the answer it held? A proverb about…destiny? About purposely dodging it and then complaining about where it has taken you? The words "royal high road" echoed in her ears. She tried to pretend that it didn't pertain to her, but the pinpoint accuracy caused her spine to tingle and the hairs of her arms to stand on end.

"Why are you here?" Maddie wanted to turn her attention away from the statue.

"Because it isn't good for you to be alone in a strange city after nightfall."

"Well it is my new home. So I should get used to it. And what about Anita?"

"Anita isn't alone. You're one I was worried about," the concern in his voice couldn't be denied.

Maddie was more confused than ever. She began to argue with herself inside. "Worried?" she tried to stop herself from jumping to conclusions…"NO!" she finally yelled.

"No?" Esteban was now the confused one.

"No, I can't take it anymore. My mind has been playing games with my heart for tool long, and I just don't think my heart can take one more break. Esteban I'm sorry if I've ever seemed rude to you."

"No, Maddie. You've never been rude to me. A bit distant at times, but…"

"Well, I've done all I could to create that distance."

"Oh, I see," Esteban said, becoming discouraged.

"No, please, Esteban, let me finish. It's not you. It's never been anything you've done. You've always been perfect. A perfect gentleman, a perfect fellow employee, a perfect friend. I just let my mind misconstrue how I felt about you." Maddie gave a deep sigh, letting the past few years and all the feelings of angst disappear as she breathed out. "I guess it's about time I congratulate you and Anita. She's wonderful, Esteban." Maddie felt a single raindrop touch her cheek and realized it was beginning to sprinkle. She took it as a cue to return for the hotel. She walked past Esteban silently.

"I love you," came Esteban's voice, causing Maddie to stop where she was.

"What?" she turned in disbelief.

"I said, I love you. I've always admired you, Maddie. First as a friend, but now something more. Why do you think I followed you here? To London?"

"You chased after me?" Maddie's heart fluttered at the thought. Her mind thought of classic movies where the girl was on the train, pursued in the background by the man of her dreams if only she'd turn around and see him.

"I couldn't risk never having the chance to tell you the truth. I was afraid you would meet someone else."

Maddie felt a sting of guilt about the man she had felt somewhat attracted to earlier that day. "But wait," it sent another thought to her mind, "if you love me, then what about Anita?"

By now the rain was starting to come down more heavily as Esteban tried to grasp the meaning of her question. "What about Anita?"

"You, you once said she was you princess. I overheard you speaking to her in Spanish."

"No. I have never thought of or referred to anyone as my princess but you, Maddie."

"But you're engaged!" Maddie shouted.

"I am? To Anita?" Esteban suddenly remembered the tabloid that was torn in pieces at the hotel. "Maddie, I'm not engaged. Anita is, but I'm not. That picture was taken when she was showing off her ring to me. And the only reason she is here is to make wedding arrangements because her fiancé lives here currently."

"You mean all this time I've…" she couldn't even finish, she felt so foolish. "I've been running when I should have been saying I love you. I love you, Esteban."

"And I love you too, mi princessa," Esteban replied as he lightly lifted Maddie into his arms and kissed her gently yet passionately, the rain now pouring down on them.

The rain had stopped but even if it hadn't, nothing could dampen the high spirits both Maddie and Esteban were in. It was nearing midnight as they strolled past the Thames river on their way back to the hotel. The moonlight glittered upon the river.

"Why didn't you tell me the tabloid wasn't true," Maddie asked randomly.

"I thought you would know better than to trust a tabloid, but then love can cloud the mind," Esteban grinned at the though of Maddie's love for him. "I also thought that Anita had shared her news with you."

"Maybe she tried, but I wouldn't listen because of my jealousy. I am very happy for her."

"Yes, she will make a fine duchess," Esteban responded.


"Si, she is marrying my cousin Juan. He is a duke. They have been sweethearts for as long as I can remember."

"Wait, his name is Juan?" Maddie turned her eyes toward the river bank and strained her eyes to see the several couples who strolled along it. Sure enough, she spotted Anita with the man she had met earlier. "So you were the cousin he was talking about," she said after a while.


"Nothing. Just another twist on the road to destiny," Maddie answered poetically as they crossed the busy street outside the hotel.

They entered hand in hand and were greeted by the doorman, "Welcome to the Tipton."

Maddie and Esteban only looked at each other lovingly and whispered, "Where everything is sweet."