Disclaimer: Do I ever own anything?

Summery: What if Sanzo was actually a woman? How long will she able to keep it a secret? And how will the others react when they find out? Read what it would be like if Sanzo was actually a woman!

Pairing: Sanzo x Just about everyone

Note: This is just going to be the basic original story in the books, with a few minor changes.


"We're gambling here. And we're not doing it with our lives." Sanzo said as she glared at Kami-sama, who was glowering at them. They attacked again and Kami-sama threw them back, panting.

"M-meanies! I don't care how many times you try– You can't beat me!" he yelled. "You'll never even touch me!" He attacked them all again. But no matter how many times they fell, they got right back up. Kami-sama shivered. "J-just cut it out! Sensei said that stubborn boys never get the girls!"

"'Ukoku.'... Am I right?" Sanzo asked as she pushed herself up, a little blood dripping from her mouth.

"Huh? How do you know that name?" Kami-sama asked as he stared at her.

"I finally remembered. I tend to repress things that piss me off, so it took awhile." said Sanzo as he wiped away a little blood. "You don't remember me? It's been ten years. ...You haven't changed much, come to think of it."

//Flash back//

Kouryuu had been doing her chores when she suddenly heard someone say,

"Wanna play?" She turned and saw a little boy with yellow hair and blue eyes. He had a bandage over one of his eyes.

"...Huh?" she said.

"Play! Do you want to?" he asked. Then he suddenly grabbed her wrist and as I'm probably mentioned before, Kouryuu no likey to be touched!

"H-hey! Don't touch me!" she yelled as she yanked her wrist away. The boy suddenly dropped his doll. "Oh. I'm sorry." she apologized. Suddenly she heard some chuckling behind her.

"Heh, heh. Come on, now. Being stubborn with the ladies leaves you lonely!" she turned and saw a man with short black hair and glasses. He was wearing Sanzo robes she notice. "Come here." he said to the boy.

"Yes, sensei!" said the kid as he ran over to him. He then turned to Kouryuuo and pulled a eye lid down as he stuck his tongue out. Kouryuu glared at him, taken aback. How rude!

"Wait. You're a boy? With that pretty face, I mistook you for a girl." said the Sanzo priest. Kouryuu glared at him and he laughed.

That man.

"Ha, ha! Sorry about that." Then he stared at Kouryuu and she noticed he didn't have a chakra.

He was heretical Sanzo, no chakra on his forehead.

"...I see. A kiddo who combined Heaven and Hell." he said as he stared at her.

He was known for his Buddhist powers and his excellence in academics.

"Huh?" said Kouryuu as she looked up at him.

23 years old– The youngest Sanzo at the time. His rumblings lined with intentional hidden meanings still rings inside my ears.

"Nothing. I was just talking to myself." the man said as he removed his crown.

With Pitch black eyes and hair... That man... Was the keeper of the Muten Sutra.

"Well then, Kouryuu-kun. See you later."

//End Flash Back//

"Wait. A Sanzo Priest?!" exclaimed Gojyo.

"Nuh-uh! No way this guy's a real Sanzo!" yelled Goku. Sanzo didn't reply.

"But I am." said Kami-sama. "My sensei is an amazing man. He can do anything– He knows everything. Sensei made this castle. He trusted me with everything and declared me a priest. See? I'm a real Sanzo."

"I think you're full of shit." scoffed Sanzo. "Maybe you master was a Sanzo. But if you really inherited the title... Where the hell's your sutra?" she asked with piecing eyes. Kami-sama stepped back, but didn't reply, so she continued. "You went out of your way to take mine. That was because you don't have your own, right?"

"Sh-Shut up!"

"You never told us your name because you don't have a proper Buddhist title as a Sanzo, I'll bet."

"Shut up!"

"You may have inherited the clothes and the power and the castle from your master... But he still never gave you the title of 'Sanzo'."

"SHUT UP!" Kami-sama yelled. Just then all the toys began climbing on the Sanzo party.

"Wha--" exclaimed Sanzo.

"H-Hey! Somethin's grabbin me!" yelled Goku.

"What's going on?!" yelled Gojyo. Kami-sama laughed.

"They're my toy army. Those aren't normal doll you're standing on. Do you know what they're made of?" he asked. "They used to be souls... But you broke the tool that made them."

"Souls?" said Hakkai as he realized. "But that would mean..." Those dolls were people!

"Y-You son of a bitch!" said Gojyo when he realized. "You're out of your goddamned mind!" Kami-sama just smiled. The dolls suddenly pushed Sanzo down while the rest were climbing on the others.

"Hey! Dammit!" yelled Gojyo.

"OW!" yelled Goku as they pulled his hair. Kami-sama suddenly appeared in front of Goku and kicked him, over and over.

"...See? Sensei is amazing. He even left these toys for me. He said that everything alive... Is god's personal toy." he said. Suddenly he heard Sanzo chanting the Maten scripture. There scripture glowed then surrounded Kami-sama who covered his face. It threw all the toys off them.

"No!" Kami-sama yelled.

"...What were you saying about the dolls? You pathetic piece of shit. If your ass studied under me, I wouldn't give you anything." said Sanzo as the scripture appeared in her hand. "Not one single thing."

"Give it back!" Kami-sama yelled as he pulled out his weapon. "Give it back! Give it back! Give it back!" Suddenly Gojyo grabbed his wrist. Kami-sama sent his beads through his gut, but Gojyo just lifted him up. "But!..."

"It's b-been a long game of tag. Now you're finally it." Gojyo growled. Then he threw him into a wall. Gojyo fell forward because of the beads, but behind him, stood Goku, who charged forward.

"No! S-Stay away!" yelled Kami-sama. He shot beads at Goku, but Goku kept charging towards him. Then with a battle yell, he bashed Kami-sama through the wall. Then with a grin, he fell back.

Kami-sama sat up, coughing.

"You can't... How dare you!" he yelled. "I'll kill you! I'll kill you all!" Then Hakkai appeared in front of him.

"Do feel free to try." he said as he started to summon a chi ball. Kami-sama brought up his weapon, but then Hakkai made his chi ball vanish and just stood there even when the beads went through him. He coughed up a little blood. Kami-sama then realized something.

"Why did you stop without setting up a barrier?!" he asked.

"Don't b-bother worrying. It's already over." said Hakkai. Suddenly three bullet holes appeared in Kami-sama. He began coughing up a lot of blood. Hakkai smiled as he fell forward to reveal Sanzo, who's gun was raised. Kami-sama stared at her in surprise and... fear.

"Y-you used your friend... As a shield?" he asked. Sanzo did reply. She just stared at him with those cold unforgiving eyes as she shot him three more times. Kami-sama screamed and cried in pain as he fell to his knees.

Then, lying a pool of his own blood, he asked,

"Wh...Why?..." Sanzo stared down at him, then said,

"... 'Muichimotsu.' Maybe you've heard of it. They're the words my master left me." she said as she emptied her gun. Then she began reloading it. "It teaches us to live without attachment... But is it right to throw everything away to live? I thought I'd gotten this far with my own interpretation of it. Then I realized something. More than anything... I've been bound by 'Muichimotsu'. I have no doubts. And I have my own way of living. This is the Genjyo Sanzo version of 'Muichimotsu'." she told him.

"But... No! I don't get it!" cried Kami-sama. "I don't have anything. You have all kinds of things! You have so many things! It's not fair. Hey... Won't you give them to me?" he asked as he grabbed her robes. She pulled away and said,

"I won't."

Kami-sama fell back and said,


Just then the whole palace began to shake.

"Huh? What's that noise?" asked Goku.

"Noise. Oh. I guess the game is over now. Right, sensei?" said Kami-sama as he stared at the ceiling, remembering the day he first met his sensei. The whole place began to shake harder.

"What the hell is going on?!" yelled Goku.

"That sounds like an earthquake!" yelled Gojyo.

"It's not an earthquake." Kami-sama assured them all. "Everything's going to disappear and shatter. It has to. The game is over."

"Game?" said Goku.

"The promise Sensei made with me... This is a game that lasts until I lose. That's the game Sensei plays." he told them.

"Did ya hit your head or somethin'? That's crazy talk!" Goku yelled. But Kami-sama ignored him.

"The castle will crush you if you don't hurry." he said.

"You stupid...RRGH!" Gojyo yelled as he yanked Kami-sama up. Kami-sama stared at him in shock.

"But why are you--"

"Can it, prick! This is Kingaku and Ginkaku all over again." yelled Gojyo. "You manipulated the piss out of us. Good for you. Now get the hell up!" Kami-sama suddenly pushed himself away from him. "Oi!"

"I'm sorry. I'll be fine." coughed Kami-sama. "I want to wait here."

"Huh?" said Gojyo.

"Gojyo, the ceiling!" Hakkai yelled in warning.

"Shit!" yelled Gojyo as he barely dodged it.

"We've gotta go. This place is caving in!" yelled Sanzo. Kami-sama stared at them as they ran out.

"...How come you're so nice?" he asked.

"Pfft... Keep talkin'." said Gojyo. Then he ran after the others.

The whole place was cavin' in.

"Watch your heads!" yelled Hakkai.

"Hey! You sure this is the exit?!" asked Gojyo.

"Yeah, yeah. This's the only way ta go!" yelled Goku.

"We should be on the first floor. Without stairs, we'll be better of than--" Hakkai started. Just then he became dizzy.

"You okay?!" Gojyo asked as he swung Hakkai's arm over his shoulder.

"F-Fine... Thank you." said Hakkai.

"Sanzo!" yelled Goku as he pulled at the doors. "Th' door's locked. It's won't open!"

"Then move!" yelled Sanzo. She pulled out her gun and shot the lock, breaking it. The doors opened and they saw the whole room collapsing.

"ACK!" exclaimed Goku.

"Time to run or die!" yelled Sanzo as he began to run. They ran as fast as they all could, whiole trying to avoid being crushed.

"Gah! Take that!" Goku yelled as he kicked some ruble away from himself. Then finally Gojyo spotted the exit!

"There's the exit!" he yelled. Hakkai looked up and saw some ruble falling towards him and Gojyo. Before it could hit them, Sanzo shot at it, shattering it.

"Faster, genius!" she yelled.

"Lord Sanzo, you're my hero." said Gojyo with a cat like face and a strawberry background.

"I'm murdering you as soon as we're free." Sanzo growled. They all ran out side just before the whole building collapsed.

"Take cover!" Hakkai yelled just before the whole building exploded.

When the smoke cleared Jeep, who had been waiting outside, flew towards Hakkai.

"Nngh. Jeep!" said Hakkai. Sanzo looked towards the destroyed building.

"...That had better be it." she said. All that was left of Kami-sama's building was a few destroyed walls.

They all fell back in exhaustion.

"Phew! I suppose that's that. For now at least." said Hakkai.

"...Shit on a goddamn cracker." moaned Gojyo. "Anyone dead?"

"I don't believe so." said Hakkai.

"OW! Now that it's over, everything hurts." moaned Gojyo.

"Hey, Hakkai. Did Sanzo really shoot ya back there?" Goku asked Hakkai.

"No." replied Sanzo before Hakkai could. "I aimed around him, thank you very much." She hoped Hakkai wouldn't say otherwise. She didn't want Goku to know she shot him for some reason.

"Indeed." laughed Hakkai, going along with it. "And I hardly care about the grazing!"

"...Man." said Goku. "Who was that wacko, anyway?" asked Goku.

"Who knows? And who cares?" asked Sanzo as she put a hand to her head.

"It shouldn't really matter." said Hakkai. "Just leave it at 'Kami-sama.'

"Whatever." said Gojyo.

"Okay." said Goku.

"All right, then." said Hakkai.

"Aaaaah. Man, oh man. I'm--" started Goku.

"I'm hungry." said the others before he could.


"I see. Then shall we be off?" asked Hakkai as he got up.

"Wait! Hey!"

"Hn." said Sanzo as she got up.

"Need a shoulder to lean on, pretty lady?" asked Gojyo. Sanzo whacked him in the face with her fan.

"Let's get a move on." she said, ignoring him.

"Don't go stealin' all my lines!" yelled Goku as he ran after them.


The boys were staring at Sanzo in shock.

"...What?" she said from the driver's seat of Jeep. "Get in."

"What's gotten into you? I thought you were to high and mighty to drive!" said Gojyo.

"Shut your trap. I'm not about to let half dead idiots drive me to my grave. If I wanted that, I would have stayed with Tsuki on the flying castle." Sanzo said. Actually, this was her way of apologizing to Hakkai for shooting him. Hakkai, realizing this, smiled and sat in the passenger's seat.

"Then thank you for the offer, Sanzo." he said.

"And hurry up or we won't make it before dark." Sanzo added.

"Do you need a map?"

"No. I'm aware of our general direction."

"We're dyin' an' I'm hungry. This sucks!" whined Goku.

"Then shall we make a bet?" asked Hakkai.

"Whoever dies before we make it to the city loses." said Gojyo as he smoked a cigarette.

"We're going to need a loser penalty with that." said Sanzo.

"The loser is rolled out onto the street naked!" said Goku.

"With noth but a nipple ring!" added Gojyo.

"Gyah! I can't die!" said Goku.

"...This one is the accelerator, right?" asked Sanzo.

"Huh? AAAAAAAAAH!!" The boy yelled as Jeep suddenly started speeding fast and out of control.

"WHOA! Time out! GAAH!" yelled Goku he clung for dear life.

"D-do you even have a license, Sanzo?!" asked Hakkai as he clung for dear life as well.

"Good question." said Sanzo.

"We're all gonna die!" cried Goku and Gojyo.


Well, this is the last of 'What! Sanzo's a Girl?!' story. The sequel will be coming out as soon as soon as I think of a name!(Help, readers!) Also the winner of the polls will be revealed in the sequel as well! And I want everyone to be good sport about the bachelor who won the contest, even if it's not the one you want. KK?

I need title suggestions! Here's the summary for the next one to help.


Sanzo's secret has finally been revealed! Now that the boys all know Sanzo's a girl, emotions are going haywire! And with Sanzo's death closely approaching, what is she to do? And who are these strange gods that keep appearing? And who of the boys will win Sanzo's heart?

There! I know, summary sucks! But I'm working on it!
