Yay! My first ever posted fanfiction. Woot!

Okay, this is basically is a crazy ass dream which came about as a result of 1 litre of strawberry milkshake, hours of Evanescence, practising Christmas songs for your band in October! and stress from a bloody guy.

Warnings: for later chapters but just so you know : yaoi, hinted rape, torture, messing up heads, incest. Also slight AU. Malik and Bakura aren't gone. Also I'm going to be calling Yami, Yami and not Atem as it gets slightly confusing.

Summary: A shadow from Yami's past takes him away. Will Yugi and the others be able to find him, and even if they do, can they save his battered soul?

Parings: Y/YY And other side parings

Disclaimer: Don't own nothing 'cept a load of coursework (sigh) which has to be done and 5 hyperactive cats. So you wouldn't get anything if you sued. ('cept maybe a very large pile of coursework)

So enjoy and don't forget to comment. Makes me want to update faster.

Prologue : Shadows

Yami and Yugi stood side by side, hand in hand, readying themselves for the biggest journey of their lives. Yugi smiled as his thoughts drifted to the man standing besides him. Over the time he had known him, Yugi had gradually fallen for his alter ego not even knowing that his alter ego felt the same way. Now they had overcome everything, except the small matter of Yami having to leave. But they had solved that together and now Yugi was leaving with Yami. There was no other way around it, Yami had to go to the afterlife.

Yugi's smile faded as he thought about leaving his other friends, but he knew it would be worth it. He thought about how they had reacted when he said he was going to go too.


Yugi sank to the floor as silver tears ran down his pale face and his body shook with the force of the sobs. Yami walked over to him and knelt in front of him.

"A champion doesn't belong on his knees, aibou." Yami smiled warmly but it didn't seem to reach his eyes. Yugi hugged Yami tightly as he was overcome with more tears. After his tears had subsided, Yugi pulled away from Yami.

"Yugi?" Confusion was written across Yami's face.

"I'm coming with you." Yugi's simple sentence sent tears down Yami's face.

"Aibou, you can't come with me. It wouldn't be right for you to throw you life away for me."

"Yami, if I don't go with you I'd just end up wasting away and dying anyway. I need to be with you!" Yugi exclaimed.

The others watched as their friend was so willing to throw his life away for the man he loved. Tears had started to stream down nearly everyone's cheek.

"Hey Yams, whether you want him to or not, Yuge's going with ya. He's loves ya." Jonouchi called over to him.

Everyone looked at Jonouchi in shock,Yami more so. Yugi hung his head in shame. He had figured that Jou would be the one to figure it out first.

"Yugi? Is that true?" Yami asked nervously.

Yugi shifted slightly. How could he say to his Yami that he had fallen in love with him?

He sighed. There was one way he could tell him, but then Yami would never want to be with him. But, this was his last ever chance to say something. If he didn't he would regret it for the rest of his life.

From the crowd, Ryou and Marik looked at Yugi with a knowing eye. They felt the same way about their yami's but, like Yugi, were too worried to say anything.

"Yugi?" Yami sounded worried.

Yugi took a deep breath, then gently put his hands on Yami's face, before closing the distance between their lips.

Yugi pulled back slowly before moving slightly and whispering. "I love you Yami."

There, he had said it. Now he prepared himself for the rejection but gasped when he felt Yami's lips on his own. The sensation was brief as Yami pulled back quickly but only so he could whisper " I love you too aibou." He then kissed Yugi quickly, before helping him stand up.

"I guess this means you're both going." Anzu said sadly.

"Yes." Yugi smiled sadly as he looked to his friends.

Ryou and Marik were looking at him teary eyed, as if they understood his decision and nodded. Honda had tears running down his face at loosing two of his best friends but he understood that this was what Yugi wanted. Jou stood there with tears in his eyes but a large smile as he knew his best friend would finally be happy. Anzu had sunk to the floor, in sobs as the person she cared most for was leaving her, not caring about her emotions or how she felt. Sugoroku had a large smile on his face even though tears were evident. He was wondering when the pair would say something, and even though he felt a great loss at loosing his only grandson, he knew that they would be happy.

Everyone else that stood there was visibly upset, but had refused to cry. Even Kaiba looked moved at the declaration.

Yugi turned to face everyone and took a deep breath. "Everyone. I'm going with Yami." he faced Kaiba "I guess this means you're the king of games now Kaiba."


Now they were standing side by side, waiting for the door to open. A smile smile graced their lips as everyone cheered their goodbyes and good luck's.

The door glowed as it began to open but at that very same moment, a gust of wind attacked everyone.

Yami and Yugi grasped each others hand tighter as their bodies were overcome with a body numbing pain.

Everyone else could only look up from the ground where the wind knocked them over.

Suddenly, all that could be heard among the wind, were Yugi's screams as Yami's grip on his hand loosened and let go.

The wind died down and everyone regained the use of their limbs. All was silent, save for Yugi's sobs of loss as he collapsed on the ground.

Anzu, Honda and Jonouchi ran over to him.

"Yugi are you okay?" Anzu asked as she put a hand on his back.

His only response was a sniffle.

Jou looked round in confusion. "Hey guys, where's Yami?"

There you go. The prologue. With a really big cliffy. Please don't kill me. I promise I'll update soon. And then we can all find out what happened to Yami.