Sasuke was walking towards his favorite training grounds. He had been feeling nostalgic for it all day long, and today had not been a good day. In fact today had been downright emotionally tiresome and he needed to let off a little steam. The training grounds were the best place for that. Not only that but training helped him think, and he needed to do a lot of that after what had happened between him and Naruto earlier.

Naruto had not been acting like himself for-well for awhile now. It had been a couple of weeks since he had seen the orange clad boy smile, and for some reason, that bothered him. He had grown rather fond of Naruto's smiles; he would never admit it, but whenever he was feeling particularly down, he would search out Naruto, see one of his smiles, and the rest of his day was particularly bright. Lately however, he hadn't seen one, and that made him feel even more low. Not to mention the way Naruto had been acting towards him. Like he wanted something more than friendship.

That was what Naruto wanted. Naruto had accosted him some time ago, trying to let him know, without really telling him. Sasuke, however, wasn't stupid to advances such as those. With as many people that had tried that on him, he was aware of what Naruto was trying to do. He also figured Naruto would know it himself. Many of the people had come up to him while he was out with Naruto. So he wondered what made him use that tactic to reveal his feelings.

Or, maybe he used it knowing that Sasuke would know, so he wouldn't actually have to come out and say-"Hey, wanna go out for some coffee?" Why Naruto would do it to begin with was weird. If he liked someone, he usually came right out and said it. He had done so with Sakura, which of course hadn't worked, but he had still done it.

Sasuke wasn't sure if he was ready to give that away yet-to anyone. Sure he liked Naruto well enough, but he didn't know about romantically. He found Naruto attractive, but then he found lots of different shinobi attractive. However, Naruto did have something extra; something special. But then Naruto could also be downright annoying as hell. Sometimes. Most of the time he found it amusing, but no one knew that either. Sasuke still considered it crucial not to show feelings; he still believed that it made you weak.

Naruto was now the only one who was at, or possibly even farther than Sasuke's level and he wouldn't dream of being with anyone who wasn't. It just wasn't possible for him. With someone weaker, he would spend the entirety of their relationship worrying and fretting himself over them, and he refused to do so. It would be jeopardizing not only to them, but to himself as well. Sure, if he and Naruto were together he would worry, but he would know that he would be able to take care of himself.

Sasuke knew if he were to pick someone to be with, most likely it would be Naruto, but how was he to go about telling him that? He could dish out refusals, rejection and let downs left and right, but he had never actually asked someone out before. This was one aspect of life that he honestly had no clue about.

He didn't want to do what everyone else did when asking him out either, it just wouldn't feel right. Plus there was still Itachi. Was he really willing to wait until he had killed his brother to find himself some happiness? That could be Kami knows how many years from now, and already being nineteen and a jonin, he wasn't honestly sure how many years he had left. He wanted some happiness before he died. Something he could say made his life worthwhile. Something else to live for besides killing. Something like Naruto.

After Naruto had come up to him and 'asked him out', he had merely walked away and hadn't said anything. He honestly hadn't known what to do. He knew he had somewhat of the same feelings, but had no clue what to do with them. For a week afterwards he hadn't talked to Naruto, either. Always avoiding him, which wasn't hard, had been awkward because he always saw Naruto at least a few times a day. Not to mention the countless missions they had been on together.

Something else was bothering Naruto though. If only he knew what. Usually Naruto came and talked with him when something was eating at him, but he had been ignoring him, so it was impossible for him to do so. That made him feel even worse.

Suddenly it hit him, and he knew exactly what he had to do. Tonight was New Years Eve, and there was going to be a festival celebrating it. Festivals always cheered Naruto up. He would make this one, his favorite one yet.

He smirked as he stopped his training, panting. If he was to have any type of happiness before he was gone, tonight would be his chance to get it. Probably his only chance. Naruto was a forgiving person, but Sasuke didn't know how forgiving he would be after the amount of time that he had spent ignoring him. Sasuke knew he himself wouldn't be very forgiving, but that was what he liked about Naruto, he was unpredictable in everything. The litter of the forest floor crunched beneath his feet but no sound was made as he made his way back to the village. He had a few more things to think through before he decided the best course of action for tonight. Just as he began walking on the street headed for his district, it hit him. The horrible killing intent. The feeling of knowing you were about to die, and there was nothing you could do about it. The feeling of knowing that these were your last few minutes, or possibly even moments left in the physical world.

Immediately Sasuke allowed his Sharingan to take over his normally sable eyes, and got into position to fight for his life. Turning to the point where he had felt the nauseating feeling, he let his eyes scan the area for possible threats and people to protect. He saw nothing, but that didn't mean there wasn't anything there. Without warning, a kunai cut across his cheek, before he was even able to register it was coming.

'This person's good,' he thought silently to himself. 'I need to be extra cautious.'

Before he even had the chance to ready a counterattack, as soon as the feeling had come, it was gone, leaving not a trace that it had ever been there in the first place. Sasuke was going to question if whatever just happened had really been happening when he felt the drop of blood leaving a trail down his cheekbone. It was real. It had happened.

'What the hell?' Sasuke questioned. He would have to report this to the Hokage. Even though no one was hurt, that person was still out there and could kill someone. The guards at the gate should have stopped anyone suspicious, but if they were that good, they could have gotten past the guards no problem. Either that or, Kami forbid, it was someone within the village already that had attacked. Sasuke prayed it wasn't that. Nothing got to him more than ninja within the village snapping, or going crazy for power. He could think of a few, and the thoughts of them and himself made him sick to his stomach.

Changing his direction he began to head in the direction of the Hokage's office, all the while trying to sort out how his plan of action needed to go tonight. He never noticed the blood red eyes that followed him all the while . . .


"What you're telling me is cause for great concern, Sasuke," Tsunade said as she leaned back in her chair, looking very much the part of unconcerned. Sasuke was used to this side of Tsunade, it usually meant she was squirming inside over her possibilities of how to handle a bad situation.

"I will dispatch the anbu to search out this person."

"Thank you for seeing me Hokage-sama," Sasuke said as he stood and bowed to his superior. He had thought it wasn't possible, that it couldn't happen while he was here, but it did. The feeling was back. The person was here, in the building, and very, very close. Sharingan eyes once again took over, as Sasuke's body became tense.

"Sasuke?" Tsunade questioned.

"He's here," he replied evenly, his voice the calm opposition to how he was really feeling on the inside.

Tsunade's eyebrows became knitted in confusion. She felt no killing intent, anywhere. Was Sasuke going crazy? No, he wouldn't lie about something like this. Which meant this person had it out only for Sasuke. Not good. Coming up behind Sasuke, she placed her hands on his shoulders to calm him.

"Sasuke, you're going to need protection," Tsunade told him.

"What? Why?" he questioned as he spun around to face her, his face a mask of confusion. Seeing the look on her face, he already knew the answer.

"You don't feel it, do you?"

"No," she answered. "I don't."

Sasuke, still on edge, walked to the window peering out, trying to locate the source of his uneasiness. Once again he saw nothing.

"I won't take it."

"Sasuke-" Tsunade started.

"No. Use our ninja for what they were trained for. Protecting this village. I am no shinobi of worth if I can't even protect myself Hokage-sama," he explained.

Tsunade knew that voice. Nothing she could say or do would turn Sasuke from his decision. Not even her authority as Hokage had any pull with him right now. That Uchiha pride was showing, and she knew when to pick her battles. Seeing him visibly relax, she knew that whomever was after Sasuke had left for the time being. She had to find this person, and quick before Sasuke's life was forfeit.

"If you're sure then," Tsunade said.

"I am."

"I will still be sending the anbu out. You may not want protecting, but this person will be found, Sasuke."

"Understood." Bowing deeply, Sasuke exited the room.

Shizune appeared in the room in a cloud of smoke, carrying a large stack of papers for Tsunade to look over and sign.

"Okay, today we have-" Shizune was stopped with a wave of Tsunade's hand.

"We have an even bigger problem on our hands."


Sasuke continued his treck down the long hallway, his stride showing he was on a mission. Actually, right now he had two missions. The first being to Naruto, the second to the bastard that was after him. Great, now he had a stalker that was out to kill him. He had had stalkers before, but they were usually of the giggling girl kind, now they were of the killing kind. His life was just so lovely. Watching his feet move as he walked, he began thinking of how he was going to handle these situations simultaneously. He didn't want whoever it was that was following him to get to Naruto, and if they were there tonight at the festival, and saw him with him, they very well might use that against him. That was the last thing on earth he wanted.

He was going to use a different tactic on Naruto, but if this person saw it, they would definitely use Naruto to get to him. Very well then. Sasuke saw no other choice but to use the same method Naruto had used on him. Hopefully, they wouldn't understand and leave Naruto well enough alone. What he was really hoping for was that they were caught before he would have to deal with anything of the sort, but wishes didn't always come true.

Sasuke was so into his thoughts, he stopped just in time when he saw another pair of sandals in front of his own feet. He had nearly crashed into them. Looking up, he was shocked to see Naruto standing in front of him. Hands in his pockets, evil glare in his eyes, and all the intent of an asshole radiated off the usually happy-go-lucky young man. Sasuke saw Naruto acting the way he himself used to act years ago. This was unacceptable. Something was seriously wrong.

"Naruto," Sasuke began, but stopped when Naruto glared even more at him, before walking around him without a word.

Sasuke jogged after him, catching up and grabbing his arm to stop him he called out to Naruto again. "Naruto, I-"

"Fuck off, Teme!" Naruto snarled at Sasuke as he ripped his arm out of his grasp.

Sasuke was stunned into silence. Never before had Naruto acted this way towards him. This was not the Naruto he knew, and cared about. This was a completely different person, and Sasuke knew it was all his fault. Was he too late? He watched as Naruto huffed and stuffed his hand back in his pocket, continuing on his previous path without a backward glance at him. It was then that Sasuke knew his luck had run out, and if he wanted any chance at being with the orange clad young man, he would have to act tonight, no matter what happened and that he would have to apologize profusely for his previous actions. Not to mention he had to figure out what else was bothering him.

'All in due time,' he thought to himself as he began heading out of the building. The fact that Naruto had used his nickname proved he still had some small chance of salvaging what was left of any type of relationship they had, and he was going to snatch that chance up.

'All in due time.'


Sasuke walked through the crowded streets, feeling rather uncomfortable with the close proximity of all the people and the fact that he was not in his usual attire. Sure, he would wear his yukata when needed but he much preferred his everyday clothes. They were so much easier to fight in, and since those feelings he had been having, he didn't know when, or even if he might need to fight. Of course, he had weapons hidden on his person, but that didn't always guarantee anything. He could fight in anything, but he was more agile in his other clothes.

He had been searching for over an our for any signs of Naruto, which usually he wasn't hard to find with his unusually boisterous attitude, and extremely loud mouth, but so far he had seen no signs whatsoever. Sakura had found him and he had agreed to walk around with her, while they both searched for Naruto. How he was going to get rid of her so he could talk to him when they found him was another story, but he would worry about that when the time came.

"This is odd, Sasuke. We should have found him yelling profanities somewhere by now. Naruto never misses festivals, especially New Years'. It's his favorite," Sakura said, voicing her doubts about her long time teammate.

"Maybe we should split up, meet later at Ichiraku's, say around 11?" he questioned, then watched as she shook her head, and headed off in another direction.

It was 10 now, so he had another hour to look for him before he had to meet back up with Sakura, and he wanted to find him before then so he could talk to him alone. So he decided to go and check all his usual festival haunts one more time, before deciding to search elsewhere. Naruto usually frequented the places where you could win free meals if you beat the games they had going, or sometimes even places where you won the ordinary goldfish. Naruto always won one at every festival, and always a week later it died, which always confused Sasuke as to why he kept getting them every time only to lose them a short while later.

Naruto had told him when asked, it was because, a week's worth of any kind of company, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem was better than no company at all. Sasuke had merely nodded his head in understanding. He got lonely too, sometimes. However, most of the time he preferred spending alone. That too had been changing lately. He found himself wanting to spend more and more time alone just being with Naruto, hanging out, talking, and just doing things together. He no longer looked forward to going back to that dark lonely house to be alone again, until he saw Naruto the next day. It was tiresome, and he wanted it to change. Maybe not all at once, because he still needed his privacy, but some change to that effect would be good. He just had to make it happen, and to do that he still needed to find Naruto.

Passing a group of children chasing each other with sparklers, the dread feeling took over his body again. There was chakra to it this time too, but he couldn't identify it. It was wild, untamed. Immediately he felt for his kunai on his inside pocket, ready to spring one in a moments notice, but he needed to get out of the line of fire of all these people. He was putting them in danger.

Jumping to the highest rooftop in sight, he peered down to survey his surroundings, trying to pinpoint where the chakra had come from. He couldn't. No, behind him. Swerving around, his Sharingan eyes scanned the darkness. Nothing. Now, to his right. Scrutinizing, his right, once again, he saw nothing. Left. Inspecting to his left, the darkness was all he could see. Scowling out of irritation, and slight fear, he sneered into the darkness. It was all around him now.

"Why don't you come out and fight, like a true warrior?!" he shouted into the blackness. "Enough with these games!" Sasuke usually never saw it fit to egg on anyone during a match, especially not one with this type of skill, but by now his fear was making him anxious, and this game this person was playing was highly irritating;annoying.

Hot breath ghosted over his ear, and neck. Sasuke's went wide in fear, as he froze in shock, something he had never done before. A stupid mistake. A low, malicious chuckle could be heard far behind him when he regained control over his body and whipped around, ready to face his attacker. They were playing with him, before they decided to kill him. Whomever they were could have easily killed him just then, but they had chosen not to. Sasuke hated being toyed with. Hated being someone's sick idea of a game.

Just as he was about to go after the sound of the laughter, it was gone once again, just as quick as it had come. Sasuke scowled loudly into the darkness, gripping his kunai so tight his knuckles turned white. Breathing deeply, as if he had just run a few miles, he let his heartbeat get back to a normal rhythm before checking the time.

He had five minutes until he was to meet Sakura at Ichiraku's, and it took about that long to walk there. Opting for that instead of traipsing the rooftops so he could continue his search for Naruto, and to give himself a small amount of time to think.

Why was this person choosing him, singling him out to play these games with? Knowing very likely it could be anyone, he still tried to pinpoint whom it was. No one immediately came to mind, besides Itachi, but he knew the feeling of his brother's chakra, unless he had somehow found a way to alter that to confuse him. That seemed like to much of an effort for Itachi to go through just to play with him though. If his brother wanted to play with him, he would use Sharingan skills, wouldn't he? Sasuke couldn't honestly say.

Orochimaru was another possibility, but that man was even more unpredictable than Itachi. Not only that, but that man loved to play games, especially games just of this type.

Walking to meet Sakura, he wondered if it was safe for him to do so, to stay any longer at the festival. By doing so he was putting people in danger. However, Sasuke believed he wouldn't harm any of the others, he was out for him and him only. If he had wanted to harm any of the villagers, he would have, and could have done so already. This game was meant only for two players. There weren't any extra pieces, or pawns.

Once Ichiraku's was in sight he saw Sakura waiting alone. So she hadn't found Naruto, either. Wonderful. The night and the year were almost over, and Sasuke still hadn't completed his first or second mission. So far things for the New Year weren't looking good. His nerves being frazzled when he approached a concerned Sakura didn't help her feelings over the missing Naruto situation either.

"You know," she started, "Naruto is bound to stop by here at least a few times tonight. I bet if we waited here he'd come by eventually," she finished, eyes still scanning the crowd for the young man.

Sasuke merely nodded his head in agreement. She was right, but he hated waiting around for something. He liked taking action, and doing something to fix a situation. Of course, now the only option left was to wait, and wait they did.

Nearly the whole hour passed by with no sign of Naruto. Sakura had left about ten minutes ago to check his apartment, and Sasuke had become so bored just waiting he began counting how many drunk people walked by. He had lost count back at 400 something, but it was still amusing to see how inebriated some people let themselves get and even more amusing when they completely lost control over their actions. Some of the people he knew personally, and knew tomorrow he would have tons of blackmail to hold over their heads at the mission's office. He could see the easy missions coming to him quite easily in the future when he wanted them.

When five minutes were left till the New Year Sakura came back shaking her head. He wasn't at home, so then where could he be?

"Did he have a mission?" Sakura questioned no one in particular as she placed her chin in her palm, by now completely frustrated.

"No," Sasuke answered immediately. He had checked with Iruka to make sure of that fact beforehand even though he knew Naruto never took missions on festival days, he hadn't been himself lately, and might have. Or Tsunade might have had a mission only for his skills. But no, Sasuke knew for certain he didn't have one.

"I'm gonna kill him when I find him!" Sakura shouted pounding her fist in the air, finally allowing her anger to show through as she usually did with things that involved Naruto. "Just wait until I get my hands around his throat!"

There were only a few minutes left and people were getting ready for the countdown. Every year a giant tree was erected in the middle of the square where it could be seen from all around Konoha, no matter where you were. And every year, people counted down the last few seconds as the last leaf fell to the ground, signifying the New Year. Sasuke himself thought the whole thing rather corny, but the people seemed to enjoy it, so the tradition continued.

He could see people down the street gathering in hoards around the giant tree, lit up since the last minute had approached when the sensation of death returned full force. There was no mistaking it this time. This was it, Sasuke could feel it. Either he or the other was going to die, and he didn't like the odds. His breathing became haggard as he once more had a white knuckle grip on his kunai. Sharingan eyes appeared for the second time that night, as he once again began trying to pinpoint the shinobi's location.

It was impossible, the feeling was everywhere, there was no direction. Sasuke had no clue as to where an attack was going to be coming from. His senses were on high alert, and his heartbeat and breathing increased even more. Trying to slow them, to keep the sound from pounding in his ears so he would be able to hear the break in the air from an oncoming weapon, he started to perform the breathing exercises Kakashi had taught him when handling the Chidori. It wasn't helping that much. He could feel the fear beginning to creep through his veins.

There was only 30 seconds left on the timer that flashed at the trees middle when he heard the sinister chuckle once more. By now, his nerves were so frazzled, Sasuke seriously just considered running, and that was something he swore to himself he would never do in a fight unless it was someone else's life that needed saving.

15 seconds.

The breathing technique was no longer working. He couldn't control it anymore, fear had gripped him in its clutches and he was squirming in its grasp. Spinning and searching for anything, any little sign, some little clue as to when it was going to happen, or when something was going to strike, but there was none. Then he felt the hot breath on his neck and ear. Whirling around with a scowl on his face, he received many worried looks from passerby's . Great, now everyone would think he was crazy again if he lived through this.

"Have you ever thought about what it would be like to die?" a harsh voice whispered in his ear.

Sasuke spun around to his other side.

10 seconds.

"Have you ever thought of what it would be like to breathe your last breath?"

Sasuke's eyes darted, searching through the crowd like a child who had lost his parents.

"Have you ever thought of what the last thing you would see would be?"

Sasuke gripped the sides of his head in frustration. This wasn't a game anymore, this was torture!

5 seconds.

"Have you ever thought of what you wanted your last words to be?"

Sasuke could faintly hear the people counting down as the leaf came closer and closer to the ground and all the could think about was how he was never going to get to apologize to Naruto. How he was never going to be truly happy once in his life before he died.

"Have you ever thought of what the last thing you would hear would be?"

3 seconds.

Sakura finally turned around and noticed Sasuke's state. Confusion and worry were upon her brow when she called out to him, but he couldn't hear it, he could only see her mouth the words. His heartbeat reverberated in his ears. If the one he was trying to kill had kept on speaking, he didn't hear, didn't want to hear it. By now he wished the man would just kill him and get it over with. This was unbearable.

"Have you ever?"

2 seconds.

Red eyes watched him in agony not 10 feet away, hidden within the confines of the side alley. A feral grin was upon his face as he watched his prey slowly begin to lose his mind. This was ecstasy to him. He could feel the fear, and hatred, the agony and despair emanating off of Sasuke and fed on it. He would strike now.

Sasuke slowly felt his flesh tear along his back, and could slowly feel the entering of a foreign object high on the left side of his back. Everything was happening in slow motion. Sakura was moving so slow, her mouth moved like it was full of syrup. He could feel the object reaching deeper and deeper into his body. Feeling his legs give out beneath him, he fell to his knees staring at the sky, Sakura no longer in his vision. His heartbeat slowed, his breathing slowed as it left his body. He knew this was his last breath, and all he could feel was regret for the things he had never gotten to do, would never be able to fix or apologize for.

"Naruto," he said, breath leaving his body as he fell forward, a giant crimson firework lighting up the sky. The color red, bright and flaming seared into his vision as his eyes closed, the only thing he could see was red. A deep vicious cackle that slowly turned mournful while the people were screaming their joys about the New Year were the last things to grace his ears.

When everything stopped, Sasuke knew he was no more.


AN: Okay, I promise if you keep reading, the story totally takes a turn, for the better that is. Sasuke is not really dead, this is not a character death story. I don't like character death stories, so why would I write one? Anywho, please leave me a review on whether or not you would like me to continue, but a warning in advance, this story may take some time, so please be patient. Much love to reviewers!