What You Don't Say

Disclaimer: I don't own "Bones", I'm not making any money and no copyright or disrespect is intended.

Notes: This is a post-ep (one of many) for "Aliens in a Spaceship". 300 words of pure Hodgela, betaed by ani8. Please note that if you have been reading my multi-chaptered fic "Red Fish, Blue Fish", the next chapter will be delayed due to American Thanksgiving and copious amounts of homework. I'll be posting three one-shots instead.

What You Don't Say

She was going to drive them home but when she sees the look on his face in the parking garage she changes her mind. He's on crutches and, God, it's inconvenient and she honestly couldn't care less: they catch a bus most of the way. She has to help him hobble up her stairs but she doesn't worry about breaking a nail or wrecking her heels or any inappropriate groping that may or may not be occurring in the back of her mind. Or his.

Jack doesn't thank her. The unspoken relief on his face is more than enough.

Angela needs to cry for about five hours but she figures that since Jack's here it can wait. He's in her bed, unconscious with exhaustion and medication; her leg is cramping and she's worn so thin all over it's a wonder you can't see right through her.

She doesn't sleep. She doesn't think about sleeping. She is absolutely terrified.

The clock on the night table ticks away the seconds and it's three AM and she smothers a yawn --

Jack stirs in his sleep and presses his body closer and Angela stifles a relieved smile. It's not a nightmare, after all.

In the morning she wakes and rubs her eyes; the clock says eleven. Jack is still out; he's managed to slide a hand onto her ass and it looks as if he is trying to peer down her top. It's so typically Jack that she starts to laugh, which is awful because after that she can't stop the tears.

It's the shaking that wakes him; she's laughing and crying and doesn't know what to say so she says, "Good morning."

He makes it obvious that he's looking directly at her boobs and she's never been less offended. "Yeah, it is."