Power Rangers: Lion Force Chapter 1

I do not own power rangers. If I did, I would be a rich person!

It has been 2 years since the defeat of Mesogog. Dr. Tommy Oliver has been happily teaching at Reefside high, thinking that he has seen his last days as a power ranger. The dino gems of the Dino ranger team was depleted of power, but Tommy and Hayley has been working on finding a way to reenergizing them. Today marks a very special day, the 2 year anniversary of the death of Trini, the original Yellow ranger. Tommy was not able to make it to the funeral, because Reefside was being attacked by Mesogog. Today though he has taken a personal day from his job and made his way back to Angel Grove to meet up with his former team mates. Tommy was secretly glad that he missed the funeral, because that would mean that he would have seen Kimberly. He has not spoke 1 word to her since she helped the Turbo Rangers deal with Divatox's husband, Mali gore. They had a big blowout argument, about the Dear John note that she sent him. The argument was very hurtful, and he does feel guilty for what he said. The former Mighty Morphin Power Rangers meet at the grave site, and pay there respects and then go to Ernie's Juice bar, there old hangout. The rangers catch up on there life's, Tommy and Kimberly keep it civil, they finally start to talk, really talk about what has happened, until the Emergency Alarms sound.

"What is that?" asked Kim

"That is the new monster alarm. It was installed after the near destruction of Angel Grove a few years ago." Replied Ernie "There must be an attack". I'll put on the T.V." The rangers gather round the T.V., Cassidy Cornell, a former student of Tommy's is now a full fledged reporter makes the report.

"After 15 years Angel Grove is under attack by a monster, Zeltrex. Zeltrex was last seen in a battle in Reefside with the Dino Rangers where he was thought destroyed. Zeltrex says he is looking for the Black Dino Ranger and will destroy the city if he doesn't make an appearance, he will give him 1 hour to revel himself or he will destroy the city. Cassidy Cornell reporting from downtown Angel Grove."

"He's looking for you bro." said Jason

"I thought he was destroyed." stated Tommy

"I guess not." said Jason

Tommy gets out his cell Phone and calls Hayley.

"Any luck with the dino gems? Zeltrex is back. I know we were pretty close to recharging them last week." Said Tommy

"No, I haven't made any progress restoring the Dino gems. I saw the report so did the other Rangers, they want to know what they can do." Said Hailey

"There is nothing that they can do, but speaking of former Rangers, I am going to send you Billy. He knows something about Power Ranger Powers, maybe he can help." Said Tommy

"I won't have enough time to get there; Reefside is at least an hour drive from here without traffic." Billy said.

"I knew something like this may happen, so me and Hailey managed to make a teleporter in my command center. Kim and Zack since you both don't have powers anymore, you need to go to Reefside with Billy and give him a hand." Said Tommy

"But nether you or Jason has powers either." Said Kim

"I still can tap into the zeo powers, and Jason's morpher has one or 2 more morphs left for emergencies" said Tommy

"I thought that the coins were destroyed? If Jason's works mine must too." Said Kim

"Hayley and I were only able to restore the Red coin. Now go." Said Tommy

The 3 other rangers teleport to Reefside.

"Why did you lie to her? You know full well that the other coins work." Said Jason

"Zeltrex is Smithy, Kimberly's long lost older brother." Stated Tommy

"She has a brother" said Jason

"Yes, she thinks of him as her cousin. She doesn't even know the truth. The reason her parents divorced was her father has an affair with her mother's sister, before Kimberly was born. To keep the story short, I found out about it when Smithy went missing, Mr. Hart came to me, since he knew that I was a Power Ranger, I checked it out and it was true., I thought I could reform him, but I couldn't" said Tommy

"You still should have told her the truth." Said Jason

"And cause her more hurt, no. I still love her."

"I know."

"Maybe I still might have a chance at reforming him, but not without a fight." Said Tommy

"I'm with you bro."

They teleport to a desolate downtown Angel Grove, the only person there is Cassidy, and her cameraman Devlin.

"Dr. Oliver. I thought that you would be here." Said Cassidy

"She knows?" asked Jason

"Yes, but it's a long story. Cassidy get out of here." Said Tommy

Zeltrex comes forward.

My beef isn't with your friends, but with you, I'll allow them to get out of here before I kill you." Said Zeltrex

Cassidy and Devlin run.

"So I see you brought your good friend Jason to witness your murder. Now I can avenge myself upon you for what you did to me, and my sister." Said Zeltrex

"What are you talking about Zeltrex?" asked Tommy

"Don't play dumb with me, I have known for a long time, but now I get the great Tommy Oliver powerless."

"I'm not as powerless as you think, ready bro?" said Tommy

Jason takes out his dino Morpher.

"Lets wipe the ground with him." Said Jason

"Then It's Morphin' Time!" yelled Jason and Tommy in unison.


"Zeo Ranger 5, Red!"

Jason morphs into the red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, but Tommy doesn't morph.

"Zeo Ranger 5 Red!" said Tommy Again

Tommy didn't morph again

"I destroyed your zeo morpher before I showed up here, to make sure that you were powerless." Said Zeltrex

"Get out of here Tommy; I'll deal with this goon." Said Jason

"Your powers are not that stable, you could die." Stated Tommy

"Then I'll take him with me".

Zeltrex and Jason start to fight. The fight is furious and hard, Zeltrex gets the better of Jason and dimorphs him.

"You fought with Honor, and you are my sister's friend so I won't kill you, but Tommy, He is a dead man." Said Zeltrex

Zeltrex then hits Jason and knocks him out.

"Now it is just you and me Tommy" said Zeltrex

They start to fight but Tommy is no match, but suddenly, Jason teleports out, and a morpher materlizes beside him, the Green Ranger Morpher and his cell Phone rings

"I found this here in the lab a few weeks ago, and I restored the power to it" said Hailey

"You are a lifesaver." Said Tommy

"NO! I thought I managed to destroy his morpher too." Said Zeltrex

"Sorry, I just found this coin last week, It's Morphin Time! Dragonzord!" said Tommy. Tommy then morphs into the Green Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. "Now this is a fair fight." Said Tommy

The green power is fully charged, and Tommy and Zeltrex go at it. They are now evenly matched. They fight for about an hour.

"Give up Smithy, you can't defeat me." Said Tommy

"If I can't beat you one way, it will be another, I bet you recognize this." Said Zeltrex and he pulls out one of Lord Zedd's growth bombs

"Where did you get that?" asked Tommy

"From the person who gave me these powers, Lord Zedd!" said Zeltrex

"I should have known." Said Tommy

"Mesogog and myself were a backup plan If he was ever destroyed we were to be activated to bring him back! Mesogog wanted to rule the earth, so he never got around to reviving Zedd." said Zeltrex, he then troughs the bomb down and grows. "Now you can't defeat me, you have no zord!"

"Want to bet?" asked Tommy, and he pulls out the Dragon Dagger and plays it like a flute, calling the Dragonzord! "Alright old friend lets have 1 last fight." Tommy jumps up to the pilot's seat and manually pilots Dragonzord, after a while though Dragonzord is no match for Zeltrex.

"Your Zord is Powerless now you will die" said Zeltrex

Will Tommy die??? Find out in Chapter 2: Morphinomital