Voices in My Head

Sequel to 'Darkness Falls'

Summary: Dealing with what happened over the past two years, the Winchesters try to figure out: Why Dean? And more problems arise when Dean starts to develop 'powers' of his own. (Sequel to Darkness Falls)

Hello my lovelies!! How have ya'll been? See Lilith, I'm keeping up my end of the deal! You know my excuse XD

Ok, so Anyway. Here's the sequel, I hope you all like it! Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving (I'm thankful for this long weekend!) !!

Chapter 1


"Oh-my-god!" Dean cried out agitatedly "For the millionth time, I'm telling you I don't remember!" Dean could feel all the happy he'd been feeling lately start to disappear. After their week of relaxation time, the Winchesters were back on the road. Dean loved it all. Except for one thing: The constant badgering of his family. At least twice a day they asked him if he remembered anything and it was really starting to bug him.

Mary got a defeated look on her face, and John just looked angry. They'd been trying to think of why the Demon had taken Dean, hoping Dean remembered something so they could use it against the Demon. But so far…no dice.

"What about the nightmares?" Sam suddenly asked, his voice sounded as if he'd just found the cure for cancer

"Nightmares?" Mary asked

"Why didn't you tell us about these nightmares, Dean?" John asked

Dean let out a load growl/groan and threw his body back on the bed

"Jesus fucking Christ!" He cried out, annoyed. He sent Sam a death glare and then turned to his parent's expectant looking faces. He let out another annoyed sigh "Ok, fine. So I may have been having some dreams every once in a while.

"Pfft, try every other night." Sam mumbled. Dean spun around and gave Sam a 'When mom and dad leave I'm going to fucking beat you shitless' before turning back to his parents.

"So…yea…they're nothing special. Usually just me sitting in a dark room, usually scared—I dunno why I was. Then the door will open, and poof, I'm awake."

John and Mary sighed again, looking defeated on their hope of finding some sort of clue as to why the Demon took Dean.

"Why about the nights you walk up gasping or almost-screaming?" Sam cut in

"Ok, that's it! You're fucking dead!" Dean said angirly, getting up to tackle Sam, but John quickly pushed Dean back onto his bed.

"Tell us about the bad ones." John said, it wasn't a request. Ugh, Sargent John at it again.

Dean grunted angirly and ran his hands over his face "Sometimes it will be them, I dunno, just doing stuff. I'll be tied down, and just feel cold. That's the whole dream some times." He grunted again and said "And other times it's just the demon walking up to me and smiling. They're nothing." He said angirly. He was honestly telling the truth. He would feel scared in the dream and wake up feeling scared. He didn't know why. And it was starting to annoy him that his family wasn't believing him.

"Ugh, Dean…you're so vulnerable. Why won't you just tell us?" Dean heard Sam's voice say.

"Oh God, Sam! Will you just stuff it??! I'm fine! And I'm telling the fucking truth!! I-DON'T-REMEMBER! So just fucking shut up!" Sam has a confused look on his face that very basically said 'Huh?' Dean spun around to see John and Mary looking utterly confused too. "What??!" He cried annoyed

"Sam didn't say anything, Dean." John said, giving him a weird look.

"Yes he did! He said 'Oh Dean, you're so vulnerable!'" Dean said in a mocking nasally voice. Sam looked shocked and confused and John and Mary looked completely lost. Dean let out and annoyed yell and grunted "I'm going for a walk." Before slamming the door.

As Dean walked outside almost immediately a thousand voices filled the air.

"Oh god, what if Janice finds out I cheated?"

"Did I buy eggs yesterday? Should I buy some just incase…?"

"Ugh! Where's dad?? He was supposed to pick me up an hour ago!"

"Dude…I had way to much to drink last night…"

"Crap, I'm so lost. Where'd the intersection go?"

"How the hell did he know what I was thinking?" That voice was familiar.

He felt hands on his shoulders, and at contact he felt his legs buckle. He began to spiral to the ground, but strong arms caught him.

"Dean??" He heard a voice, louder than the rest. It was Sammy's.

'Sammy?? What's going on?? Everything's so loud…'

He could feel himself being lead somewhere, where he didn't know. All the voices began to dim and then with the sound of a door shutting they all disappeared. Dean realized then that he was sitting down. He looked up to see his family staring at him.

"What the hell just happened? What's going on with him??"

"Oh, god! What's wrong with my baby?? Why can't he just be left alone??!"

"Dean, what's going on with you? God! Why can't that demon just leave you the fuck alone?!"

"God, stop talking at once!" Dean groaned, falling back onto the bed, covering his ears. Why were they all doing this? Why were they all talking so loud and at once? Ugh…his head hurt. He just wanted to sleep…

Dean felt a pair of hands—Sam's hands—take hold of his and remove them from his ears. "Dean." He heard his brother say forcefully, his voice louder than the others. It was strange…he could hear Sam's voice twice as if two different Sams were talking at once. If his head didn't feel like it was about to explode he would be trying to figure out that little fucking fact. "Dean, we're not saying anything."

"What is going on with you Dean??"

'Yes, you are.' He thought to himself. Dean looked up at Sam's worried and confused face. He blinked twice and then his world went black.


Greetings readers! I love you all so much I had to use my dad's comp in his office just to update cuz mine is being a crap face .

So here's the new one! Slow start, si si, but it gets better! (grins)

Later lovelies!
