Open the door

Don't stand there in the hallway

Don't let anyone see

Your heart split open and dripping

Like the drops of rain drip from your hair

Your coat

Your eyes

You are the Sun to my Moon

You are cardinal red

Passion, and Fire

You are the giver of life

I am the receiver

I am Mutable Earth

I am blue and cold

Without you

I lay beneath you and am filled

I am graced by your love

Your lust in the night

I am submissive to your dominance

I do as I am told

I live for only you

Because of you

I sit and I wait

And I pray not to be forgotten

I pray that your eyes are not caught

By a pretty smile

Flashing eyes

Red lips and a promise

I have no right to your love

I have no claim on you

No shoulder to cry on

Should you leave me

My love for you is overwhelming

All consuming

So I sit and wait

Please, Brother,

Open the door and return to me

And this secret, beautiful world

We have created.

I hear your keys rattle in the lock

I am on my feet

Away from the window

Away from heartbreak and loneliness

The door opens

You step inside and shake the rain off

The door closes

And I am in your arms

Kissing you

You break the kiss and shrug out of your wet coat

"Hey, Al. Dinner smells good."

"Get out of those wet clothes, Brother, before you catch a chill"

You stood out in the hall a little longer today

Every day a little longer

As if you had been deciding.

Wether or not to come in

Weather or not you still wanted me

Still loved me

You come out of the bedroom

In dry clothes and a towel over your head

"There's a letter from Winry on the table." I say

"Why didn't you open it?"

"Because it's addressed to you."


You sit down at the kitchen table

Pull me into your lap and kiss my ear

Reach for your glasses

And read her letter out loud

Punctuating it with kisses on my cheek

My ear and in my hair.

She wants you to come home

She uses the excuse of wanting to check your automail

She says she misses you

That she cares about you

She loves you

My muscles tense

I am, once again, afraid.

You'll go to her

And you won't come back

Or, worse, return with a wife.

I look away

At the wall.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Your voice is soft

Your breath tickles my ear.

I try to get up

Get away

I know I can't compete

Not with her.

Not with anyone

"You're jealous!"

You grin at me

And laugh

I feel my lower lip tremble

And I pull away

Back away from you.

"Come back here."

You order me

Like you do the soldiers

And grab my wrist.

"Are you going?" I ask.

You stand and pull me close.

We fit together so perfectly

Your arms wrap around my shoulders

"Maybe we'll go next month when I have leave."

Your arms tighten and I listen to your heartbeat.

You sigh into my hair, " I should have a talk with her."

You turn and take two plates from the cabinet

Set them on the table

Two forks, two knives

Two glasses

And a bottle of wine.

As you pour the wine you smile,

"Let's go somewhere tomorrow. I've got the day off and some money left. We haven't been out together for a while."

I set the meal on the table, "Okay.".

You sit in your place opposite mine, "Yeah?"
