Those Three Years

Chapter One

It had already been six months and the Prince of all Saiyans was staying at Capsule Corp. Now, he would never admit it but he didn't mind living there. He was fed, looked after…not that he needed it. But they treated him like another one of their own…like a friend even. He tried shrugging it off though. It would have been weak of him to return the favour. He couldn't turn soft now like Goku had done. But then again, he was still one of the strongest people in the entire universe and he was a Saiyan. No, Vegeta couldn't do that. He couldn't change who he was for anyone and he wouldn't start either.

Speaking of Goku, he still hadn't returned. When they had wished for him to come back to Earth with the Dragon Balls, the Eternal Dragon, Porunga had said he refused and would come back on his own. Vegeta couldn't believe what he had heard. The others couldn't either. They didn't understand why he would want to prolong his time in space and return in his own time but Vegeta did. He knew that Goku would be off somewhere training to be stronger than what he already was and this frustrated Vegeta to no end. There was nothing much for it, he had to go and find Goku himself. He had nothing to lose and there was no way he would let him become even stronger. He was a Super Saiyan now, something Vegeta had dreamed of becoming for years. But, his enemy, the third class Saiyan achieved it before he had and it ripped him apart inside.

That was it. It was all he needed to take one of Capsule Corps ships and fly off into space. He wasn't going to wait around. He wanted to find Goku as soon as possible. In the meantime, he would get in some training.

Bulma waited for Vegeta to return. Yes, he was a murderous Saiyan who had killed her boyfriend when he first arrived on Earth but she was beginning to feel for him. She always thought of Vegeta as lonely because he didn't have any friends. No one would even try either because he wasn't to be trusted. Bulma knew that, but she couldn't help but try and open up to Vegeta in a way that no one else would. She knew what it was like to be lonely and it wasn't a good feeling. The only difference was she had friends all her life but still she felt that way. Whereas Vegeta had never even had one friend.

It was now nearing the end of the year and Vegeta still hadn't returned. Bulma was starting to get worried. Yamcha, Krillen and Oolong were having lunch at Capsule Corp and were chatting about different things. Bulma wasn't listening, as she was still thinking about Vegeta. Praying that he would he safe.

The conversation now turned to the subject of "Vegeta". Bulma decided she would tell them about a dream she had last night.

"I had a weird dream last night that Vegeta came back!" she explained happily.

Yamcha did not look happy about this at all. She had been his girlfriend for years and now she was having dreams about another man? Especially that monkey…Vegeta?!

"Vegeta?! You dreamt about him?!" he yelled in reply.

What? Was Yamcha jealous?

"It was only a dream, Yamcha. Besides, he was pretty nice to me in the dream," she tried to explain, a smile placed proudly on her lips. "And, he was a good kisser to boot!"

"What?! You kissed him?!" Yamcha was now getting fired up. Bulma was his and only his! He hoped Vegeta would never return!

"Oh, you poor sap. Your jealous!" smirked Oolong, waving in his direction.

'Right…" Yamcha sighed as he flopped back down into his chair.

At that moment, Bulma's mother made her way out with some tea. "Speaking of Vegeta, your Dad said he would be running out of fuel soon!" she said giddily.

Huh? Vegeta's running out of fuel! Bulma panicked.

Yamcha noticed the look of concern on her face.

Vegeta was furious! He still hadn't found Goku. He still hadn't become a Super Saiyan! The last few months he had been to planet to planet searching for his enemy but to no avail. Where was he? A loud warning sound erupted the ship at that moment. Vegeta walked over to the panel to see what the problem was.


Just great! Vegeta thought to himself. He quickly set the coordinates back to Earth. Where else was he to go?

The power finally shut off and his ship was now plummeting into the atmosphere of the green and blue planet.