Disclaimer: This was written for the soul purpose of my entertainment.
I lay no claim on Walker Texas Ranger or of any of its characters.

Lost Reunion

Chapter 1

"Ya but Syd, how long exactly are you going to be gone?"

"Gage for the hundredth time, we are leaving Friday night after work and will be home sometime late Sunday afternoon, you do the math."

"Tell me again why you are going with Alex and Angela instead of Walker going with them."

"Gage! We have all ready been over this. We are meeting up with some of Alex's old girlfriends from college. No men invited."

"So what am I suppose to do all weekend by myself?"

"Stop with the guilt trip all ready. Did you want me to cancel and stay home with you?"

"No, I guess I'll survive without you," whined Gage putting on the biggest pout Sydney had ever seen. She rolled her eyes at him, walked over to him and putting her arms around his neck gave him a kiss.

"You are staying tonight aren't you? It's going to be a long weekend for me too, at least the nights."

"Wild horses couldn't drag me out of here," Gage replied picking up Syd throwing her over his shoulder and caring her off to bed.


Gage was awake before Sydney was the next morning. In fact, the alarm was blaring and Sydney was sleeping right through it. He reached across her and turned it off and then gently kissed her.

"Hey Sleepy are you getting up this morning?"

"Um, what time is it?"

"Six o'clock, if you want to get in some gym time we had better get a move on."

"Let's pass today and stay here a little longer."

Gage put his hand on her forehead, "Well you don't feel like you are running a fever, maybe my hearing is going again. You did say you wanted to pass on the gym and stay here a little longer?"

"Since when is it a crime to want to snuggle with you a little longer, especially when I'm going out of town for the weekend?"

"No crime Syd, just unusual for you that's all," whispered Gage as he pulled her to him.

Sydney gratefully closed her eyes. The last couple of weeks she had been so tired and now this morning her back was bothering her. In fact, her whole body seemed to ache. She had been to the doctor yesterday and they had done tests but the results weren't in yet. Once she had her shower she'd feel, better she always did.


Syd had only just stepped out of the office for a minute when her phone rang. By the third ring, Gage had walked across to her desk to pick it up. They were waiting on a call about a lead on a car-jacking ring and Gage didn't want to miss it.

"Ranger Gage," he said as he answered her phone.

"She's not at her desk at the moment can I take a message?" Gage began to scribble the message down.

"I'll let her know you called."

"Was that the call we were waiting for?" asked Syd coming up behind Gage as he hung up the phone.

"You may have been waiting for that call but I wasn't," replied Gage as he handed her the message.

He waited for her to read it then asked, "Well?"

"Well what?"

"Who is Dr. Marsh and what test results?"

"She's my doctor and she just has the test results from my annual check up. How about I give her a quick call back then I'll take you to lunch."

"If you're sure that's all this is."

"I'm sure."

Gage went back over to his desk as Sydney placed the call. She had turned to the side so he could only partially see her face. Then she scribbled something down on a piece of paper and hung up the phone not moving from that position. Gage watched her for a few minutes and then walked back over to her desk.

"Everything okay?"

Sydney woke up from her daydream, "Just fine. Are you ready to go?"

Gage could sense that she wasn't telling him everything but he also knew she wasn't going to either until she was ready to.

"You did say you're buying didn't you, Syd?"


Sydney chatted through lunch about going to Houston with Alex and Angela. Two other friends had small daughters they were bringing along too. Alex didn't think she would be able to manage the trip until Sydney had volunteered to go and help with the driving. Of course Syd loved spending time with the baby too. She was looking forward to being out with the girls, something she didn't get to do much in the job she had chosen. Never once did she mention Dr. Marsh or what she had told her.

"Alex is stopping by Headquarters around three and we are leaving from there. She thinks we should be back around four on Sunday."

"How about I fix dinner for you on Sunday night then?"

"I'd like that Gage, just you and me, make it special okay?"

"Make it special? What's up with you today Sydney? I'm not letting you go off with Alex again you have been acting weird all day."

"Have not."

"Have too."

"Have not and don't say another word you aren't drawing me into another one of those fights."

"Have too, have too, have too."



Walker was waiting for them when they came back into Headquarters, "Let's go there's been another car-jacking."

"We're on it," said Syd.

"Not you Syd, I'm not risking messing up Alex's trip, you're staying I'll go with Gage."

"Be right with you Walker."

Gage turned and kissed Syd on the cheek, "Have a good time, Honey, I'll see you when you get back."

"I'll call you when we get checked in tonight."



Gage went out the door, to catch up to Walker.

Alex was there to pick up Sydney by two o'clock and they were on the road headed out of Dallas by two thirty.


Gage had been sitting impatiently at home waiting for the phone to ring. Along about nine he had dozed off, only to be awakened an hour later by his phone.

"It's about time you called," complained Gage as he answered the phone.

It was Walker, "I take it you haven't heard from Sydney then either."

"Not a word," replied Gage as he sat up on the couch, muting the television with the remote.

"I've talked to the hotel they haven't checked in yet. Alex's friend Cassidy called wondering if they're coming or not. Neither are answering their phones."

"I know I tried to raise Syd a little earlier but got no answer."

"Feel up for a drive to Houston?"

"I'm on my way."


Walker drove as Gage watched the road for anything that might be suspicious, anything that might give them a clue to the girls. About half way to Houston Walker pulled into a small all night diner.

"Alex and I have stopped here quite a few times when driving back and forth to Houston, lets see if she did this time too."

Gage and Walker got out of the truck and walked into the diner. Walker was greeted by the girl behind the counter.

"Ranger Walker we haven't seen you in months, then today we get to see your wife, with her friend and that new baby of yours. Now you and your friend."

"So Alex stopped here today with Angela and Sydney, what time was that?"

"About four thirty, they had some supper and were on their way. Something the matter?"

"No we are just trying to catch up with the girls, they got a head start on us while we were finishing up in the office. Can we get a couple of cups of coffee to go?"

"Sure thing, Ranger."



Walker and Gage got back in the truck and back on the road. About a mile up the road, they were stopped by a bad accident. The Sheriff's Department had set up roadblocks and flares to reroute the traffic and the emergency vehicles were starting to arrive. Walker pulled over to the side of the highway as he and Gage got out.

"Texas Rangers," Gage identified them as an officer came walking towards them.

Suddenly Walker was on a dead run, Gage looked and saw why it was Alex's car that had ploughed head on into a transport truck. Gage was right behind him, the Sheriff was talking to Walker, pointing to where two bodies were laying covered with tarps. Both Gage and Walker began walking over to the bodies. Gage could see Sydney's face smiling up at him, hear her scolding him as he walked along with Walker. The Sheriff pulled back the cover, neither one was Alex or Sydney. Gage found himself silently thanking God.

Walker went back over to the car and looked inside, Angela's car seat was still in the backseat. That was the only indication that they had been in the car at all. It looked as if the girls had been partying by the number of open beer cans strewn on the floor.

"Gage call Trivette and get him down here, we need to identify those bodies and find out why they were driving Alex's car."

Gage began dialling the number, a couple of rings later he had Erica on the phone.

"Sorry to wake you Erica, but Walker and I need to talk to Jimmy."

"We're half way to Houston," Gage was explaining things to Trivette, "We'll meet you at the Sheriff's Office."

The End of Chapter 1