A/N: hey everyone Kira here. I wrote this little bit for a poetry class and figured that i'd see how everyone liked it here. So please comment!

oh and I dont own avatar... though i would like to borrow Zuko hehe

It was noon when the flag was raised

Before the battle began to rage.

Five youths have waited for this day

And now they stand alone

The one with flame running through his veins

Watched and waited to start this game

Sneaking through the enemy's terrain

To light the first match

The woman who was not a girl

Since the war had changed her world

Fought like raging rivers that hurled

Her anger upon her enemy

The warrior who was now a man

Had put together this very plan

To infiltrate the enemy's land

At it's darkest dawn

The one was solid as the earth

Understood this battle's worth

Cried out when she felt blood first

And fell into this battle

The leader of this motley crew

Watched as his own anger grew

Called upon all he knew

To rid this world of evil

The five fought for many days

And knew what each of them must pay

To win this battle in any way

To save this world's people

The five finally became four

Only to loose one more

For her death had shook him to the core

And he left after the battle

The three that stayed

Had many parts to play

To renovate the world they saved

And finally bring it peace

The world will remember the way

The warriors fought to save

The land that laid

Under the flag that noon

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