Title: Shattered Mirror

Author: Jennie

Summary: PRSPD. Reflections AU and beyond. Sam frees the rangers from Mirloc's mirror dimension and ends up setting another ranger free- one who's been presumed dead for fifteen years and Sky is in the middle of it all. Some Sky/Syd in later chapters.

Rating: T/PG-13

Disclaimer: Power Rangers and everything associated with them do not belong to me. I'm just a twenty year-old Chem Major studying in Germany and writing fan fic for her sanity.

AN: There are a lot of different theories of who Sky's parents are- as well as who the parents of the other rangers are. And after getting obsessed with an earlier season of power rangers (which one will become obvious in the next chapter) and watching SPD on the internet, especially Reflections, I couldn't resist this bunny and I hope that you enjoy reading. And to readers of Light House, expect another chapter up shortly. I am not abandoning it- I'll be working on these at the same time. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the fic and any comments would be appreciated.

Chapter 1: Unlocking Dimensions


Sam slams his fist into Mirloc's mirrors, causing them to implode; a cloud of electricity covering the mutant as he screams. "It's all over," Sam states triumphantly, as reflective surfaces everywhere fizzle and as Mirloc bends over in pain, an explosion wracks his body- and the five rangers come tumbling out of the glass doors Mirloc had imprisoned them in.

"Arggg..." Mirloc growls, coming to his feet, as the rangers pick themselves up and get into formation. "Foolish rangers- don't you realize, if you catch me, I'll just escape again? Just ask him- he's worthless, just like his father was." Mirloc points at Sky, glaring.

"That's just the lowest!" Syd jumps in. "Sky's dad was a great ranger."

"Yeah, and so is he! He's the best." Bridge quickly continues.

"Right, we're all proud to fight by his side," Z finishes, glaring.

"How touching, but he still doesn't have what it takes to defeat me," Mirloc says, in a voice that is anything but touching. He opens his arms, as if he is the focal point of the universe at that very moment. And in the eyes of the rangers- he is. He can't get away again- and he won't.

"We'll see about that," Jack replies, reaching for his morpher. "Here, take it-"

"What?" Sky freezes, looking into Jack's eyes. He can't possibly mean it- can he?

"It only seems right that you bring him in." Jack drops the morpher into Sky's hand.

"You sure?"

"Go for it." And with a slight smile and a nod, Sky closes his fingers around the red morpher.

"This one's for you, Dad."

Memories of his dad and mom when he was little, flashes of the funeral, of visits to the grave. The way he felt when his dad swept him up into his arms and hugged him and then swung him around- much to the chagrin of his mother, who was afraid he'd lose his grip and her son would go flying off to oblivion. The way his dad tucked him in at night, right before his mother had to leave, whispering that she'd be back and that she loved him and no matter what, he had to remember that.

His dad teaching him how to play baseball, his dad telling stories of capturing bad guys and being a ranger and how his 'aunt' and 'uncle' got together, and how his mom used to be so bossy when they were rangers- always earning him a mock-slap to the shoulder from his mom. The way his parents were so happy when they got to be together, the way the entire house lit up when his mom was around, the way his dad ruffled his hair and played and taught him how to gang up on his 'uncle' and the best ways to goad his uncle.

But most of all, he remembers the warmth of his dad when he held him close and assured him that everything would be okay. The way his dad would bend down and open up his arms and Sky would throw himself into them and his dad would close his arms around him and pick him up and whisper into his ear that no matter what happened, Sky would never ever be alone. He would always be there for him.

At that moment, Sky could feel his dad.

Sky doesn't believe in ghosts, he doesn't believe of people coming back from the dead either. Death is death- the end. Once you move on, you're through with this earth and the people in it. No reason to hang around and watch or protect or haunt people. When you die, you don't come back.

But he could almost see his dad standing there behind Mirloc, nodding his head in approval.

It is all he needs.

"SPD Emergency!"

The battle's over, Mirloc is defeated. Sky powers down, still full of adrenaline, still full of that certain feeling he used to get as a kid- safety, warmth, hope,- his dad. The rest of the rangers congratulate him and yes, he is thrilled that not only is Mirloc being brought to justice, but that he- as the red ranger- brought him in.

Yet it still won't change the fact that his dad's dead- and not coming back.

Your pathetic father...your worthless father...

Mirloc's words- as much as he hates to admit it- sting. Of course there's not any truth in his words- Mirloc said it only to get to him, only to cause him to fail. All villains are like that and after his years in SPD, he knows not to trust or take any heed of whatever lies the bad guys sprout.

Still doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

Because it does.

He knows that deep down his dad wasn't worthless at all. A great ranger, a great man, a great friend. A great father too, though part of that came from pretty much single-handedly raising a young boy, due to the 'conditions' of his parents' marriage and his birth. He always looked up- still looks up to his dad, the shining star of his childhood, the legend that he wants to become someday.

But no matter what tales he knows of his dad- he doesn't really know his dad.

Knew. Knew his dad, because it's going on sixteen years that he's been dead.

He knows the basics about his dad. Knows when he served as a ranger, what he was like- 'way too chirpy' was his uncle's favorite way of explaining his dad- knew that he loved his wife and his son more than anything and that he would do anything for his family.

Did everything for his family- to the point of sacrificing his own life.

And while Sky has always missed him, it's even more prominent now, with the red morpher in his hand.

He defeated Mirloc- the one thing his father had died trying- and he had worn the red ranger suit.

And yet he'd give it all up just to see his dad once more.

Get to know him. Ask him what it was like growing up. Ask him about his ranger teams. Get a hug- his aunt and uncle really aren't the hugging type of people- be told that no matter what color he wears as a ranger, his father's still proud of him.



Saddest story I've ever heard.

Damn it!

It's not freaking fair. His team- his friends- are gathered around him and joking and having a merry old time, yet he's stuck in the memories of a five year-old kid who hero-worshipped the one parent who was always there for him-

And then got taken away for nothing.

"Thanks, guys," he says, finally unable to take it anymore. "Let's get back to Headquarters." He turns on his heel, ignoring the surprised, the thoughtful, the strange looks from his teammates, just wanting to move on. Dwelling on the situation isn't going to help any. He's gotten his revenge, his justice, his unfinished business taken care of. It's time to move on.

Except that moving on is harder than it seems.

Especially when not more than ten yards in front of him there's a motionless figure on the pavement- right next to a large window.


Mirloc trapped someone else. Mirloc took someone else away from their family, from their friends, from their life.

He has to help them.

He has to save them- the way he couldn't save his dad.

You were five, Sky, when your dad died. There was nothing you could do.

The voice of reason in his head tries to, well, reason with him, but it isn't working. Irrational thought process or not, if he has the ability to save someone- save another victim of Mirloc, there's nothing in hell that can stop him.

The others catch on, hurry over. He ignores them, kneeling down to examine the unconscious victim. Light colored hair, an old SPD track-suit in the original SPD colors…

He jumps back as if burned, sprawling on the ground, his face a mix of disbelief and…fear?

This cannot be happening.

No way in hell.

"Sky- Sky, are you all right?" Sydney's crouched next to him as Jack calls in for Cruger.

No. "Yes…" He gets up, ignoring her offered hand. "I'm fine. Just lost my balance. Better bring him in," he nods towards the man on the cement.

"Jack's calling it in," she answers, before giving him a look- a look he knows very well. Bridge might be the psychic one, but Syd has female intuition- and he knows from former experience with her, Z and his aunt that females are very good at reading minds at inopportune moments. "Are you sure you're all right?" She scrunches up her nose, "you look as if you've seen a ghost."

He eyes the body, then meets her eyes.

"I have."