The Speech.

(I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, or its characters or my deputy heads speech.)

Speech (Teacher)

Bakura's thoughts.

Ryou thoughts connected to Bakura.

Welcome to this mornings assembly. Today I would like to discuss your attitudes and how it affects your future.

It affects my future? Seriously? No way! Fool.

I know that most of you here, are polite,






Teá. Did I just shudder? I'll kill her one day.

Bakura! That's not nice.

You hate her too.

My point remains.

But some of you, are mean, and horrible and are gonna turn out as MR and Mrs mean. You know who you are.

ME! ME! ME! Ooh wait, that's meant to be bad. Ha-ha. Don't think so bitch.

No she isn't, she' a respected member of society.

She's a prostitute?

…Shut up.

Well, Mr and Mrs Mean, you are ruining your lives, you will have no friends, no husband or wife and no children.

Ooh no kids? Shame. No husband. Too bad. No wife? Didums. No friends? Hmf, i don't need friends I have mind slaves. Ruin my life? My souls been trapped in a millennium ring for 5000 years. She doesn't understand the meaning of ruined life. Maybe she would if she spent a few years in the shadow realm. Ha-ha the reaper will get her soon…then again I don't think he'd want her. Jesus.

Ba-Ku-Ra! Stop it.

The attitude you have, you will loose employers, loose jobs and it's the same with school work.

HANDS UP WHO SAW SCHOOL COMING INTO IT! Nobody? Really…ch'yeah right. Ooh loose employers? My hosts can't get rid of me. Not even suicide worked, did it Ryou?

It wasn't suicide. You cut my arm in one of your crazes and I almost bled to death.

Same body so its suicide.

It was self murder.


I want you all to do well in your exams.

'I want you all to do well in your exams.' Just so she can keep her job, that's using people.

This coming from someone who possessed hundreds of people for his own benefit and schemes.

Yes? My scheme didn't work anyway.

Thank Ra.

So anyway, I hope you all understand, that MR and MRS Mean need to change.

Shame it isn't gonna happen. Any time soon. Stuff that, its never gonna happen.

It might.

After 5000 years of being evil, me don't think so.

So yes, thank-you. You are dismissed.


No…No…Bakura, don't dive on those people!

Can, somebody please call the ambulance! Mr Bakura. Are you ok?

(He runs off laughing evilly)

Ambulance! Please, someone is bleeding! Ambulance. Can you all leave calmly please? Ambulance!