First I must apologize. This is not an update, but I feel I owe all you wonderful people who have been kept coming back an explanation for the lack of updating. Now of course it is mostly my fault. Nobody has been forcing me not to update, I am not being blackmailed or any such thing. However, you are free to blame the Modern Prometheus. For those of you reading Purpose, he did not start the problem, I did that (by that I mean going online to read all of the Naruto translations I could find) on my own, but he made the problem worse. Indeed he did. And he did this by sending me a link to 53 volumes of the Detective Conan series, and got me thoroughly hooked. So it's his fault that I'm too distracted by comics to write. Go yell at him a review. Seriously, do it. It would amuse him so. It would amuse me as well…

Anyway, I am sorry for the lack of updating. To keep you informed, I have about 1/3 of my SD chapter done, I'm revising purpose from the start, so we can say that's on a bit of a hiatus (tear, I know, I'm sorry), maybe half of the next NG chapter, and as for Guilty…well, the next chapter is done if I don't go through and revise it first, but I did say I wanted to be a few chapters ahead…so it might still be a while. Let's just say that Rebuilding in on hiatus as well. My muse is jumping around right now and it probably just needs some time to settle down, not to mention school is smacking me upside the head. I hate algebra, I really do.

Again, I'm sorry. I'll update sometime soon. None of these stories have been abandoned by any means, I promise.
