Disclaimer: Nobody in the Gravitation universe belongs to me. I claim no kinship whatsoever and sing Maki Murakami's praises. The only thing I'm getting out of writing these is sick sadistic pleasure out of making the character's lives even more difficult. ,

Ghost Monk

By Zemia

Chapter 1 – Why Birthdays Should Be Banned

"Throughout the ages, monks have protected the spiritual ways of life, performed rites of death, and protected the populations' ancestors from desecration and disrespect. Another task, one less known and far more specialized, is the exorcism of ghosts and evil entities. Not every monk can do it, for they need to be sensitive enough to the spiritual energies around them in order for them to see, let alone fight them. They also need to train, to build up their psychic and chi energies in order to battle…."

Pausing in his monotone, the monk's eyebrow twitched as he glared at his son. Said son was wiggling a finger in his ear, staring up at the ceiling and looking thoroughly bored out of his mind. "EIRI ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!?" he shouted.

A quick shake of his head, a trailing of fingers through the golden locks his father despised. "No. Not really. Can't say that I am."

"How do you expect to ever become a proper monk if you don't learn the ancient history of…" the elder Uesugi protested, before his tirade was rudely cut off.

Eiri barked out, "Look, old man. I've told you countless times before to drop the dream and die. It's you who aren't listening to me. The only thing I'm going to be doing is waiting for you to die, so Tatsuha can take over the dump. That way, I can bribe him with booze and women and HE will leave me alone about it." Shaking his head, he knew it was time to return to Tokyo. He'd had all he could stand about familial honor.

Mr. Uesugi pointed his finger towards his son, cursing him, "One of these days, boy, there will be divine retribution for your fuckups and disrespect. I hope I'm around to see it!"

Not even he knew just how true these words were to come to pass.

Remember when you asked me to be with you always?

You smiled at me so cutely then.

You were adorable, I couldn't resist you.

Nobody could.

I just went and took it too far.

The clock ticked, now reading 12:00. Chilled lips leaned down and brushed against Eiri's ear. The novelist groaned and turned over, groping for Shuichi. If it was the brat, he would find himself kissing floor. There was no one there, the other side of the bed was cold. Blearily staring at it for a moment, Eiri then remembered that Shuichi was at some sleepover or something.

He hadn't quite been paying attention at the time, as the only thing that mattered out of that entire conversation was that he'd have some time alone. Though it had irked him slightly to know that Shuichi had seemed to forget it was his birthday today. The brat practically had an Eiri Yuki shrine, and couldn't be here for his fucking birthday?!

Turning towards the clock this time, he frowned, unable to see the digits. Moving sideways, they came into view. Moving back again, they disappeared. He raised his eyes upwards, and wished to all the Kamis that he hadn't. Yuki Kitazawa stood there, leaning against the nightstand, staring at him with those eyes that always seemed to bore into his heart, his soul. "Happy birthday, Eiri."

Golden eyes widening immediately, Eiri cringed back against the headboard, willing this to be one of his other nightmares. Please let him wake up! Please! He could feel the childish fear rising with the bile in his throat. Things he usually hid behind the bastard's exterior. As Kitazawa leaned closer, whispering, "Did you think I would forget your birthday?" Eiri did the only thing he could. He screamed.