A/N-Hey all this is one of my first attempts at a fanfic so please be nice oh and review that would be helpful. Anime based cause I said so.

Disclaimer- I OWN NOTHING!!!!


Chapter 1

"Are you ready for a massacre Police Girl?"

Seras, Alucard and countless solders sat in the back of a Hellsing van, on there way to tonight's mission. The normal ghoul invested house except THIS time there was a person to save and not too much time to do so. It had been one long year since Incognito's death and Alucard had not gotten any kinder to his fledgling nor to any of the Hellsing solders.
Seras sighed,

As ready as I'll ever be." The ivory van pulled up to the rickety home and within moments solders were poring into the wooden hell hole as the commander shouted orders. Seras held up the back lugging around her harcoonen cannon.

Alucard thought commands of his very own to his servant 'There are humans in the basement Police Girl, save them and I'll take care of the infestation.'

'Yes master' Seras thought back as she fought her way through the hoards of ghouls, shooting them off as she went until she reached an iron door or what was left of it. She walked through to a bloody room full of dead ghouls and a woman curled in the corner clutching a small silver handgun, this was the basement. Seras scanned the room making sure no ghoul was left alive before she neared the shaking woman. "Are you hurt Miss?"

The woman picked her head up and stared her in the eyes "Don't let them find her! They will kill her! Don't you understand!" the woman shouted at her, blood spurting from her mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Seras was very confused, she eyed her small form "You're hurt!"

The woman shook her head back and forth furiously "SAVE HER NOT ME IT'S TO LATE FOR ME! LET ME PASS AS PEACEFULLY AS I CAN!" The woman raised a pointed finger to a dark corner of the room, where a small cry called softly. Seras got to her feet and flashed a light into the corner.

"A crib?" Seras walked over, curiously she peeked in to see a small infant squirming in fright.

"So this is the important discovery Integra was speaking about." Seras spun around to see her master towering above her. "The head freak has been silenced and the ghouls have all been killed so grab the infant and let us head back to Hellsing." Alucard turned towards the door "And shoot this recently deceased. We don't want her turning into a ghoul."

Seras whirled around and sure enough the woman lay stiff on the floor. "Master, we can't just bring a baby back to Hellsing."

"Oh, but we can and will. That isn't an ordinary child Police Girl, our master would want to see it with her own eyes. Now grab the child, shoot the dead human and be quick about it, no need to keep the rest of the troops waiting." He turned and walked up the stairs.

'What so special about her?' Seras thought as she scooped the tiny thing into her arms. Pulling out a hand gun she shot the poor dead woman in the heart.


Alucard walked through the halls of the dark mansion on his way to see his master. Seras trailed behind him clutching a sleeping infant in her arms. He glanced behind at Seras who stared intently at the small thing. He grinned 'Enjoy her while you can Police Girl.' he thought to himself as he phased through Integra's door leaving her behind.

"That was fast, even for you." Integra stared at him with tired eyes.

"Forgive me Master, but I needed to rush with humans to save." His grin grew big "No time for fun on that mission."

"Did you save her like I asked?" Integra questioned.

"If it is the full grown woman you speak of then no."

"God Damnit Alucard! She was an important researcher for Hellsing and you just let her die!" she shouted, letting her fierce anger seep through. A knock came from behind the door. She calmed herself before she gave the command to enter. Seras stepped inside and gently shut the door behind her.

"Sorry it took me so long Sir, I didn't want to wake her."

"Wake who?"

"The baby." Seras motioned her head towards the itsy bitsy baby. Integra rose from her chair and walked over getting a good look at her. "Alucard! What is the meaning of this?"

"That is the 'research' that woman was doing."

"Alucard I have no idea what you are talking about!" Integra was losing her temper again. Seras cringed as the baby woke up and let out a high pitched screech.

"Can't you see!" Alucard shouted over the child's frightened cries. "The infant is blind yet it sees Police Girl and I!"

Seras looked at the baby's eyes close and saw they were gray and hazed. 'How could I have missed that' she thought. She wiggled her fingers just above the baby's eyes and slowly swayed back and forth. The baby began to calm down and reach for Seras's fingers. "It's true." Seras said astonished.

"That 'baby' Master was born to hunt and kill vampires and what better way than to fix her sights on only them?"

Integra waved her hand in front of the baby's eyes. "No response. Alucard normally I would send the child off to live with foster parents until the time came for her to become a member of the Hellsing organization but since that is an impossibility in this case, you and Seras will have to serve as her foster parents. Is that understood?"

"Yes Master"

"I will send Walter to get the preparations for her nursery which will be, for the child's sake, in Seras's room. You are both dismissed"

Seras thought's were frantic but one word spoke crystal clear "Shit"

A/N-Done! So please review and all that jazz. I will personally respond to all your reviews so please leave so for me to respond to…….please?