Yep it is me again writing more fanfics! I am doing a Christmas themed one that a lot should have an idea about. The theme of this is Secret Santa which I hope all of you will like. Remember I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura or the idea of Secret Santa. So please review as you read this Christmas Story and hopefully the story will go the way it is planned to go. Sit back, light a fire in the fire place, or if you don't have one download the sound affects for one, get a bowl of popcorn, something to drink, and read this story and review. Trust me a very good way to spend Christmas. I know I have tried before.

"Sakura, Sakura wake up," said Kero her teddy bear like guardian.

"Kero the alarm clock has not even rung yet," mumbled Sakura as she fell back asleep.

"That is because you knocked it threw it at least five minutes ago. Also you have classroom chores to get to along with that gaki," said Kero grumbling the last part.

"Hoe, I totally forgot about that," shouted sixteen year old Sakura Kinomoto as she opened her emerald green eyes and jumped out of bed making Kero flip over backwards on the bed.

Sakura grabbed her clock which was on the other side of the room, wonder how that got there thought Sakura as she picked it up, and looked at the time to see that it was 7:15.

"Hoe," cried Sakura for she was supposed to be at the school at 7:00 to help Syaoran with the class room chores.

Sakura hated to wake up early every day for school but after hearing Kero mention Syaoran Li (who was the gaki) Sakura could feel her heart beat against her chest. She had liked Syaoran ever since the fourth grade when he came to get the Clow Cards. Of course it had started out as friends at first well as close as friends as you could get with Syaoran but then it developed into a simple crush and then it developed into real love. Of course Sakura was to shy to say this to him since he had even prettier girls after him and ones that were making there own clubs about him.

Sakura brushed out her waist length honey amber colored hair and quickly tied it off into a ponytail and wrestled into her school uniform. It was the exact same one as she had in fourth grade except the color had changed a bit. She now had a blue blouse with a black skirt and this time there was not hat which made Sakura pretty happy since now she did not have to mess with her hair every time she took it off.

"See you later Kero," said Sakura as she headed downstairs leaving Kero off to think about sweets and candy that was dancing in his head while he was dreaming.

Good morning dad Touya," said Sakura as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning mother," said Sakura as she went to look at her mother's picture that was changed everyday by her father.

"Well now look at the kaijuu. I swear I heard you throw your alarm clock at the wall again," said Touya as he drank his tea.

"I am not a monster," said Sakura as she tried to stomp on his foot but missed.

"Now you too be nice to each other," said there father Fujitaki as he placed Sakura's breakfast on the table.

"Thank you dad," said Sakura as she quickly ate.

"Oh now look at the monster eat her breakfast. Be careful not to eat the plate as well," said Touya with a smirk.

Just wait Touya I will get you soon thought Sakura as she quickly swallowed the last bits of her breakfast and was getting up to leave.

"See you later Dad, Touya," said Sakura as she picked up her backpack while accidentally knocking Touya in the side of his head.

"Hey what was that for?" said Touya who was now annoyed.

"It was an accident," replied Sakura simply before hurrying outside.

Sakura ran down the street as best as she could trying not to trip while she put on her skates.

After awhile Sakura finally got both skates on the right feet and with a few minor trips and falls Sakura was racing her way down the street to school.


Syaoran Li was putting up the dates on the chalkboard while wondering when Sakura would come in. He laughed to himself as he would always remember her being late for just about anything since he knew her.

His intense amber eyes swept to the clock and saw it was now 7:30. Sakura had only thirty minutes to get here before class to start and only fifteen minutes for her to actually help him get the class room chores done.

Syaoran hoped silently that Sakura would make it in time to help him for it was probably the only time he could spend with her alone since he was always mobbed by the fan of girls he had or his other friends. Syaoran then turned a light red as he thought about Sakura. He had always had a crush on her when they were back in fourth grade. He even missed the times when he was able to actually hold Sakura in his arms when she fainted from using to much of her own magic to transform the Clow Cards into Sakura Cards.

Just as Syaoran was getting done writing the dates the door slid open.

"Syaoran I am so sorry I am late. I kind of threw my alarm clock against the wall and Kero had to wake me up," said Sakura who was out of breath from her skating so fast.

"It's alright Sakura. I've known you since fourth grade and how many times have you been late between then and now have," said Syaoran who ran a hand through his already messy chocolate brown hair making it even messier and smirked when he heard she threw her alarm clock at the wall again.

"Thanks for understanding Syaoran. I will make it up to you one day soon," said Sakura as she placed her stuff on her desk, "what else is there to do right now?"

"I've completed all the morning chores so there is nothing to do but sit back and relax," replied Syaoran.

"Wow you finished them so quickly! I know I will do the afternoon chores then to make up for not coming here earlier so you can just go home if you wish," said Sakura.

"No it's ok I will stay and help with them," said Syaoran.

"But you already did more than half the chores. Let me finish the afternoon ones," said Sakura.

Before Syaoran could respond the class room door slid open to reveal none other than Syaoran's fan club.

"Syaoran," they all shouted as they quickly pounced on him.

"Hoe," said Sakura softly as she sweat dropped when she saw him getting buried with all the girls.

"Sakura chan good morning," said her best friend Tomoyo Daidouji as she walked in the door after pausing a bit as she saw Syaoran and Eriol Hiiragizawa talking with each other as best as they could since the girls were talking to loud.

"Good morning Tomoyo chan," said Sakura while giving her a bright smile.

"Can you believe it Sakura? Christmas is almost here and I can't wait to get done with your dress so you can wear it while I film it," said Tomoyo who had stars in her lavender eyes.

"Hoe," said Sakura nervously.

"Yes I will call it Cherry Blossom Winter," said Tomoyo who was now twirling around with her hands clapped against her face.

"Please everybody get to there seats now," said Terada sensei who had just walked in and closed the sliding door.

Tomoyo and Sakura were already in there seats near the very back and continued talking softly.

Sakura listened to Tomoyo but was alert while Syaoran went behind her for he sat behind her. She felt her heart beat even faster as she felt him walk past her and sit down with Eriol next to him. Tomoyo even was kept an eye on him as he sat down.

"Good morning Tomoyo chan, Sakura chan," said Eriol with his dark blue eyes having that always mysterious glint in them.

"Good morning," Eriol kun," they both said before they faced the front for Terada sensei had called all of them to pay attention.

"Since Christmas break is in a week and a half I decided that we should have a Secret Santa. Every bodies names are in this hat and you will draw randomly. No telling the person you got them and no trading. I will know if you trade for everybody has a different colored piece of paper with there name written on it. I will write down whoever got who. At the day where we get off we will exchange gifts," said Terada as he came around letting people choose from the hat.

Sakura heard a lot of the girls hoping for Syaoran while Sakura silently hoped she would get him. Syaoran on the other hand hoped silently that he would get Sakura.

Terada finally came to Tomoyo who choose from the hat and got a dark blue color piece of paper and opened it and got a shocked look on her face.

Terada finally came to Sakura and held out the hat. Sakura reached inside and felt around and found there were only three names left. Sakura choose the one the farthest right and took it out to find a dark emerald color paper.

Terada then went to Syaoran who reached inside and took out the piece of paper on the farthest left. Out of the hat came a pale pink colored piece of paper that Syaoran had a good feeling like he already knew who it was.

Eriol took out the last piece of paper and it was a dark lavender color one. He smiled and easily put it in his pocket like he already knew who it was.

Sakura stared at the emerald green one and heard the other girls chatting angrily for they did not get Syaoran.

Is this a lucky one thought Sakura as she slowly opened it.

So what do you think? Who do you think everybody got. Who did Tomoyo, Sakura, Eriol, and Syaoran get? Also I am wondering what you think Syaoran would like as a gift, as well as Sakura, Tomoyo, and Eriol. I have a faint idea but I want to hear your ideas just in case they are better than mine which they are probably are anyway!

Please review if you want to hear more of this story!