Ryoga, honey…

Ryoga, honey…

By: Akane-chan2 Chapter:1-Keeping in Touch

A.N. – This is going to be an Ryoga and Ukyou fic.  There might be some Ranma and Akane, but not very much.  I hope you like this story.  This is my second fanfic.

Disclaimers – All characters including Ranma, Akane, Ryoga, Ukyou, Kasumi, and etc. all belong to the wonderful megami, Rumiko Takahashi!



        "Chikusho!  Ittai koko wa doko da??!!"  Ryoga hollered in frustration.

          He was in the middle of the desert…although nobody would know how he got there form JAPAN.  He had a map on his hand…and was holding it upside down not being able to read the dang thing.  He growled and gave up and ripped the map into shreds.

          "How the hell did I get here?!"  Ryoga cursed.  It was just one of those days where it seemed that the whole world was against him.  He started to march down the sand to nowhere in particular.  His stomach growled.     

          Aww man…I'm so hungry!  I could eat a whole pig in two seconds if he wanted to, he thought.  Then hesitated.

Nah, pig doesn't sound so good at the moment, he thought sourly. Then as if in cue, he smelled something pleasant.  He closed his eyes and was drawn to it.  He followed the smell.  It was the smell of food!  Hooray!  He thought it smelled like shrimp okonomiyaki.  It eventually led to Ukyou's retaurant, "Ucchan's". 

          "I found my way back to Nerima!  It's a miracle!  I can't believe it!  And with the help of Ukyou too…" 

          Maybe I should go in and thank her…and maybe while I'm at it, I'll ask the way to the Tendo dojo.

          He made up his mind and went in.  He saw Konatsu on the grill making a vegetarian oknomiyaki.  He looked up and saw Ryoga,

          "Oh!  Konnichiwa, Ryoga-san!"

          "Konnichiwa, Konatsu,"

          "What are you doing here?  I thought you might be, um you know…'

          "..lost?" Ryoga grinned.

          "Yes," Konatsu admitted.

          "You want anything to eat?"  A voice asked out of nowhere.

          Ryoga looked at the voice.  It was Ukyou.  She was wearing her usual okonomiyaki outfit with a white hairbow on top.  The only difference was, was that she had a kahuna spatula behind her back…it proved a point to show that Ukyou was a martial artist.  Probably not as good as Ranma, Ryoga, baut probably better than Akane.

          "Konnichiwa, sugar," Ukyou greeted.

          "Hey," Ryoga replied.

          "What do you want to eat?"

          "Well, I was going to ask you the way to the Tendo dojo,"

          All of a sudden, Ukyou's face, before a cheery attitude, now darkened.

          "Why would you want to go to the Tendo dojo?"

          "Uh..well…umm…I was going to ask…"

          "….Akane Tendo to lend you her hand in marriage.." she finished off for him, and she continued,

          "Why would you want that violent hussy?!  She always hits Ran-chan and she's not even good at cooking!  And she loves Ran-chan!  And because of that, she wants to take him away from me!  Now, what would you see in her?!"

          Ryoga's eyes were defiant and Ukyou saw no choice in persuading Ryoga to change his mind.  Suddenly, she had a brilliant idea! 

          "Hey Ryoga, honey.  You say you like Akane, right?"

          "Right," he said slowly, "and you like Ranma,"

          "So why don't we ask them out on a double date?!"  Ukyou squealed with joy at her wonderful idea.

          But Ryoga looked doubtful.  A double date?  But…would it work out?

          "But Ukyou, I don't feel very comfortable around Akane in a da…"

          "No!" Ukyou interrupted, "YOU'RE my date!"

          "NANI?!" Ryoga yelled and he face faulted.


A.N. – This is the end of chapter 1.  I know it was kind of short, but the second chapter will be longer.  But for me to do that, you have to read and review!  Thank you!