Chapter 1: Friends

By Carryin'DaBannerGoil and ForgetRegret05

I would love to say that after Angel's death and Mimi's near death, everyone was able to live happily ever after, but that's not how this story goes.

I wish I could say that after that finale, Mimi and Roger lived to a ripe old age and got married and… you know… but the truth is, Roger died about 5 years ago and after that night, we never saw Mimi again.

Yeah, Maureen and Joanne ended up together, and eventually became committed. They're probably the only good thing that happened these past years. Joanne became extremely successful and moved to California. I hear from them about once a year, normally on Halloween. Last thing I heard was that Maureen had just landed a main roll in a musical, something about a witch, and she and Jo had adopted a little girl.

Collins died a year before Roger. Not from AIDS, but from a drunk driver. He was in the ICU for a month before he gave up on living. He knew he would never make it out of the hospital alive so he finally just went. Peacefully and quietly, unlike anyone else. His last words? "Remember me, bitches."

Benny finally got his Cyber Arts studio and took over for Mr. Grey. Muffy filed for divorce two years after the finale citing cheating as the reason. Benny still is the stuck up semi-bastard that he was when he evicted the loft. What they didn't know is Muffy was pregnant, and she handed custody over to Benny because she "couldn't deal" with a small child. His son, Benjamin Coffin IV, now is the landlord for the loft building and others like it.

And me? I did exactly what Roger said I do. I ran away from the truth, numb and broken. But I'm still here… the last one to survive.

My BFF and I wrote this a while ago and we decided to post this today in honor of all those who have died form AIDS and because it is world AIDS day. Keep the infected in your hearts and prayers.

