Legends: A Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Fanfic

Special thanks to:

Shario & Shuigi
and yes,
Colex the Silent Kunoichi, even though she won't read this fic.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Mystery Dungeon concept, or Pokemon.


Rocks covered the hillside, occasionally dispersed by hardy green bushes or plants. The jagged stones of the boulderfield made a challenge for an adventurous climber, the array of stones making for tricky footing, not to mention the occasional dirt-packed hollow or sandy pool where water collected. In the middle of one of these many stone hollows, a huddled form lay.

Suddenly, its eyes snapped open.

Oww... headache it thought as it sat up, reaching up to rub the top of its head. But as it did so, it lost its balance and fell over.

What in the... it thought, shocked. It looked down at its feet. Then it froze. Something was wrong. This couldn't be happening. A clear pool lay at the edge of the rocky hollow. It ran to it, looking into the water, hoping against hope that it wouldn't see what it thought it would see.

A Mudkip's face stared back.

The Mudkip sat back with a bump. How did I become a Pokemon!? it thought in horror.

It tried frantically to remember what had happened. To her even greater shock, only fuzzy images greeted her, and part of her seemed to not want to remember. All that she could think of clearly were three things: a face she recognized but did not, the fact that she had once been a human being, and a name she somehow knew to be her own.


At least she had an identity. No matter what she did though, she could not remember the face, although she knew it was important that she remembered. All that she was left with was a vague and untraceable sadness, with pangs of guilt and regret.

Forget this, she thought finally, The point is, how am I going to get back? Certainly not the way she had come, that was for sure.

Then as she was thinking, the ground began to shake.

Earthquake! the Mudkip thought, panic-stricken. She was in one of the worst possible spots to be for an earthquake to happen. If a mudslide or rockslide started, she would be powerless to escape it. But the shaking stopped as quickly as it had come.

She let out a sigh of relief. Warily, she eyed her surroundings as the pebbles around her settled down again and billowing ripples spread across the pool.

She needed to get out of here, she realized with a jolt. Earthquakes are always followed by aftershocks or something. Just because there hadn't been a rockslide now, didn't mean there wouldn't be one then.

With this in mind, she gently got up and leaped up to the edge of the hollow. Four legs, she thought absentmindedly, This will take some getting used to.

As she reached the top, she took a moment to appreciate the scene before her, one of twisting landscapes, high mountains, vast forests, and sparkling seas. Then she leapt over the edge, leaving no evidence that she had ever been there, except for lone, dusty footprints that were soon scattered by the wind.

Legends is one of the most complex fics that I have ever written, and that includes fanfiction and original fiction. To put it simply, I don't know how I'm going to put all the things I've planned in here, but somehow, I'm going to, because that's how the story is going to go. Updates may take a bit, at least after the first five chapters, but hopefully, those chapters will be good ones.

Happy Writing