Disclaimer: I own only the new rangers and characters.

Been really busy; but finally here is the new chapter!!!

"You two are sisters," asked Syd confused.

"Yes," replied Rahne looking at Charlie with a glare.

"We're twins actually," said Charlie looking at Rahne with a smirk. "By the way, I love your accent sis."

"Twins," asked Syd looking at them back and forth, while holding Sierra up. "But you don't look anything alike."

"We are fraternal twins. We were separated after our parents died and she was adopted," replied Rahne upset.

"Oh, so you actually remember them... Sarah," asked Charlie tauntingly.

"You're name is Sarah?"

"Syd, just get Sierra out of here," yelled Rahne who was getting frustrated now.

Syd looked at the two and helped Sierra walk out of the woods to the ship.

"Oh, do I sense something between the two of you," asked Charlie tauntingly walking around Rahne.

"Shut up!"

Charlie sent a front side kick to Rahne. Rahne blocked it with ease, and flipped Charlie backwards onto the ground.

"How could you want to be the very thing that killed our parents," yelled Charlie.

Charlie swung her legs under Rahne who jumped in the air and did a back flip. Charlie flipped up onto her feet and got into a fighting stance.

"Me? You're the one on the wrong side, Charlie."

Rahne got into a fighting stance, as Charlie lunged at Rahne.

"Listen to you, they brain washed you like they tried to do me at SPD. But I fought back. I'm stronger now, now I can destroy what killed them. Even if that means destroying you."

"Your not stronger Charlie, you're just stupid. The power rangers didn't kill them. They were the power rangers," said Rahne

"Liar!" Charlie punched Rahne in the face. "Fitzer wouldn't lie to me."

Rahne looked at Charlie shocked, "Fitzer? Bane Fitzer? He's alive?"

Charlie looked at her angry and started to charge at Rahne with a dagger. Rahne lifted her arms causing Charlie and any other lose object on the ground start floating, then Rahne threw her arms down. Charlie and everything else fell to the ground, but when she got up she found Rahne gone.




"I heard fighting outside, I'm pretty sure that was fighting this time," said Conner. He was sure he heard fighting and yelling again like last time.

"We can't be sure there was anyone out there," replied Shane.

"Yeah, for all we know, it could have been the wind," added Dustin, which caused him so get strange looks. "What? It could be."

"Look for all we know, there won't be any rescue," said Ethan. "They technically caught us all."

The other in the group talking looked at him wanting him to explain futhure. Ethan looked at his watch, and hoped this wasn't gonna take all night. He sighed and started his explanation.

"Okay, look." He pointed to the older members in there group. "They caught all the teams from the beginning of the power rangers to the current rangers." He pointed to the Mystic Force team. "So I don't see how we are gonna get rescued, when there is no one to rescue us."

Ethan was now convinced that they were never going to be rescued and now he others convinced too. They had no clue what to do now and they were sure they weren't gonna make it out alive. If only they could find a way to stop this new evil like they did with the others so many times before, but they couldn't and that was defeat.



The children were all asleep and huddled up in a corner. They thought that if they stuck together, no one could get them. Outside their confined cell, they were being watched by the wolf creature. Something inside him didn't want to harm the children, but he didn't want to be beaten by Fitzer, so there wasn't much he could do on his own. He made a huffing sound, then turned around and walked away from them. He hadn't noticed the little eyes that belonged to the three year old girl, whom had been watching him watch them.

"Poor wolfie," she whispered. Then closed her eyes to sleep.



A few of the ninjetti team members were pacing in the lounge area of the ship. They were waiting for Rahne to come back and to see what Alpha had to say about the traumatized Sierra. The B-Squad was talking about the news other news that Syd had told them. They were shocked that the A-Squad was free, but what kinda confused them is how they didn't know how Rahne was Charlie's twin sister.

"We had trouble with them the first time how will we beat them a second time," asked Bridge.

"I don't think there all here, cause if they were, there would be more than one in cladded ninja wear," replied Clay as though it was obvious.

Just then Rahne came running in full speed and gasping for air, something none of her friends and team mates had ever really seen. Crash rushed over to her and caught her before her knees hit the ground. She looked awful, like she was hit by a ton of emotional bricks and to make it worse she kept trying to speak without

taking any breaths.

"Rahne you have to breathe first, so calm down," he said trying to calm his distraught friend.

"Fi...tzer. Bane .. Fitzer is behind it all."

"How? I thought he died," replied Ace.

The ninjetti all stared at her, shocked and confused. Bane Fitzer was the one who worked with a few of their parents, plus knew all about their ex-ranger lives and their children's powers. The only one that never trusted the man was Billy Cranston, who was the one to hide Rahne from him. He knew Rahne was in trouble if Fitzer had found her and so he made it seem that Rahne died to some, including Fitzer and never existed to others.

Everyone thought Billy lost it because Fitzer was said to have died two years before Rahne and Charlie's parents' brutal murder. Charlie had no powers which was an interesting thing, since Rahne had them and most all the ex-ranger's children. But since Charlie didn't have any powers she was able to be put up for adoption unlike Rahne who was still a target because she was there when her parents were murdered and her powers were unlike the other children.

A few other parents had been killed or badly injured too, scaring the others because the victims were ex-rangers. That's when they enlisted Billy's help who help split the children up some with low powers stayed on earth with SPD and the rest went to Phaedos. Dulcea was unsure at first by the requests, but she did take Rahne in for her safety, so she thought that it would be best for the others for their safety as well.

"I know, but Uncle Billy was right and now he wants us dead," said Rahne.

This kinda worried everyone who knew Rahne never liked to show weakness and by calling Billy, Uncle Billy, they knew the situation was really bad now. Z was the one more shocked by Rahne's now vulnerable state, she looked over at Syd who looked like she was truly worried about Rahne and looked like she wanted to reach out to her and comfort her. That's when it hit her. Syd likes Rahne. Alpha came out at that moment, causing Rahne to jump up and grab her friends' shirt.

"Why didn't you tell me about Charlie," she asked angrily.

"Rahne. I'll talk to you about this in private, but right now I think everyone would try and get some sleep."


Time had passed and Rahne walked out of her room, she couldn't sleep for the fact she had too much on her mind, with yelling at Sierra, then finding out that her now evil twin sister had molested the girl. The girl whose parents she made a promise to, to keep an eye on her and not let her get hurt. But look at what she did, she helped hurt her best friend, she thought as she walked down the short hallway. She stopped in front of a door, rubbing her eyes she opened the door and walked in.

She walked past Z's bunk, then over to her friends and sat down on the bed quietly. She looked down at the younger girl and sighed. She couldn't believe her sister, plus what she did to Sierra, this could cause a big emotional scar for her. It was her fault she got hurt and now she was gonna have to live with the guilt. She looked down at Sierra and sighed.

How could she have been angry at someone who was like a little sister to her? Sure she thought the girl was hyper alot, sure it kept her entertained, but that shouldn't make her mad at her. She moved a piece of Sierra's out of her face, causing Sierra to stir and look up at Rahne confused for a second.

"I'm really sorry," said Rahne. Sierra could only just nod then she moved to lay her head on Rahne's lap. Rahne sat there just sat there thinking as Sierra dozed back off. She was thinking of their next and final battle to stop Fitzer, even if it meant a sacrifice in the end.

So. . . What you think?