A/N: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They all belong to their respective players.

Sorry for the long delay. Unlike the last chapters, this one took two months. The longest time I've ever spent writing. This one is also long, but I hope you will enjoy it.

Anyway… on with the show!

Nakisisa 'child of the shadows'; Nyathera 'she survived'


Chapter 36: Royal Additions

Pregnancy. Good or bad? Being told about the expectancy, good or bad? Questions like these are always the hardest to answer.

Lionesses react differently to the news that they will bring forth new life. For some it's a wonderful and joyous thing. For others it's hard to believe. Those who don't want cubs have reasons but there are those who are not in control. Once expecting there is no turning back.

Embracing what is? Easier said than done.

When a cub is born, the mother should love and care for it no matter how they came to be or what they look like. If a lioness gives birth to a cub that was forced upon them, the cub being a reminder of the father in looks and/or personality, are seen as despicable and worthless. The cubs could either be killed, exiled when they reach a certain age, or left for someone else to raise them as their own.

The lion pride of Kivuli would not stand for something like that. If there was one thing King Ewali didn't want it, it was to kick out an innocent cub. Being shunned for most of his cubhood life, Ewali wanted to make sure that no cub was mistreated in his generation or in the future.

Much time has passed since the King and Queen figured, through parental instinct, that their daughters would have cubs. One daughter was pleased and excited. The other, not so, but would love her child no matter what.


What could Samawati do? The black lion… It had been about two to three months since she was told and now she rested in the cave, lying on a bed of grass.

"We're here for you Sam. We all love and care about you," Mguu had said.

It was true. They were all there, including her half siblings. An adolescent and a cub would come into the cave and stay with her and Jemasi while their mother lead the hunting parties and their father patrolled the borders.

Samawati had to be thankful on some level that she wasn't alone. Her sister, Jemasi was in the smaller cave, also pregnant. The young white lioness kept thinking, the same thoughts reappearing time and again almost never ceasing. She sighed. In a lot of ways she still couldn't believe what her parents said.

Staring off into space she remembered…

Ewali and Nakita were the only adults in the cave. Samawati was in front of them lying on the ground with a hard expression. She had been told that she could have a cub. She shivered at the mere thought.

Nakita nuzzled her and said in a motherly voice, hoping to calm her down, "Sam… as long as you love the cub, you will be fine."

"How mom? I-I'm not ready to be a mother!" the young lioness said sobbing.

Ewali flinched and looked away. He hated to see his daughter like this. "At least Jemasi is okay. She knows she's with cub. She's happy," his mind told him.

Nakita purred soothingly. "Sam… I'm sorry." The Queen didn't know what else to say. She had never been in a situation like this. She was so lucky to have Ewali as her mate… her only mate. He was good, kind and caring. He loved her, their children, the adopted children and the children he had with Kesha. Finally finding her voice, she spoke again, softly. "Sammy, you know I'm here for you. As is your father…" She turned to Ewali who smiled slightly. "Your brother and sister. And your friends…" she was going to continue until her daughter interrupted.

"What about Jemasi?" the Princess suddenly asked with a hint of envy and anger. "She… she told me that she was comforted by that rogue, Mizuka. She got lucky. She could be pregnant too, right?" Unable to contain herself, a bitter growl escaped her throat.

Ewali now felt it best to speak. He had been quiet for a long while, wanting to let his mate do the talking but at the mention of his second daughter he broke that silence. Sam was right however and he knew it. Jemasi sought out comfort from a rogue, never having encountered Kifuli but Samawati did. He was still thankful that Jemasi returned unharmed. He let out a breath and spoke.

"Yes Sam. You won't be going through this alone." He smiled faintly but it soon died seeing Samawati's face. The white lioness's blue eyes snapped, her tail lashing at the ground angrily.

"What? Unlike her, I was forced!" she spat.

The King didn't flinch but his eyes showed an emotion… hurt. Not for him but for her. She was right… again. Jemasi, feeling left out sought comfort from a rogue, Samawati was forced, taken by Kifuli, who wanted nothing more than to hurt the King. The lion only sighed sadly not knowing what to say in that moment. He was at a loss. Luckily his mate took the floor.

"Jemasi will love her cub. Just as we know you will love yours," Nakita said stroking her daughter's back with a paw.

Samawati didn't speak for a while. She wanted to let the words sink. "Mom? Dad?" She began but had to be careful. Her parents were worried about her and she was scared for not only herself but the cub that would soon show signs of life inside her. "Can I be alone for a while? I'm not trying to be mean… I…" she trailed off, lowering her head.

Ewali nuzzled her and Sam embraced him, feeling his warm soft mane upon her face. "Of course Sam. We'll be right outside if you need us. Remember, we love you. And… we will love the cub."

Nakita nuzzled her daughter and licked her cheek.

The King and Queen got up and left quietly. Watching them leave, Sam played at the ground with her paw, twirling the dust. "Am I ready?" she asked herself with a sigh. "Guess I don't have a choice. I've heard dad's history. The cub maybe forced upon me but I will love it. No matter what anyone thinks, he or she is mine!"

Ewali and Nakita sat out on the cliff. They exchanged glances but didn't speak. They nuzzled all the while having their own separate thoughts. The gold lion sighed looking at the ground while the white lioness stared ahead. The stars shined…

Samawati rolled onto her side; her rounded womb facing outward. Many questions filled her head. Would she be a good mother? Would the cub look like her or… would the cub have her eyes or… She shook her head blocking those thoughts from her mind. She felt the time to give birth was drawing near. At least her mother and some lionesses, those who held true sympathy and weren't faking it for the sake of their leaders, would be there to assist. The same went for her sister who was in the smaller cave just to the left. She sighed and fell asleep.


Inside the smaller cave, Jemasi ate some of the kill her father had presented. She ate happily and now grew tired.


Jemasi worried for her older sister much in the recent weeks – no – months. She had no idea what Sam went through the night she met Mizuka and now, and long before that, she felt horrible. Here she had met a kind loving lion where her sister had been kidnapped by the black lion with a heart made of stone. The gold lioness prayed Samawati had the strength to care for her cub whether it, be a son or daughter.

The Princess shut her eyes in sorrow. "It's Sam's cub… not Kifuli's!" she told herself with a soft edged voice. Sighing she laid her head down on her paws to rest. It would be time for her to give birth soon and she knew it.

At the entrance of the main den, two young lionesses laid side by side. Arazia and Sheena.

They looked on each other then to Samawati and to the little cave, which Jemasi was in. So far all was well and placing their heads upon their paws they fell asleep.


The brown lion heard his adopted father's words with a clear and non-judgmental mind. Yet even now, a few months later, he couldn't believe it. His two friends were both heavily pregnant, expecting their first litter of cubs. He was worried just as the royal family including a few members of the pride. The words of the King still echoed in Mguuyasiku's ears. The shame on Samawati's face stayed in his mind. The white Princess had taken the meat he presented the night she and Jemasi returned and he continued with that routine out of the kindness of his heart.

Ewali noticed the behavior and all other things his adopted son did over time and with each day he grew thoughtful. Surely the gold King could not allow Mguuyasiku to leave when his mane was full. Since cubhood, Mguu had been so gentle towards others, wise and intelligent. "It's a shame his mother couldn't see what she gave up," Ewali thought as he looked on the young lion with wondering eyes. He wanted Mguu to stay in Kivuli. "He could be King after me. Of course that would mean betrothing him to Samawati. I know they're friends and they love each other as that but… I want my kingdom and pride to be in good care."

Mguu stared at the King out of the corner of his eyes. "Um dad, are you okay?" he asked in concern.

Ewali snapped out of his trance and shook his mane. "I'm fine Mguu," he responded with a slight frown.

The young lion nodded. "I know that you and Nakita are worried for Sam and Jemasi." The King didn't reply. "They'll be okay," he assured.

"I know."

Machwa, who was walking on the left side of his father, gently nuzzled him. "Mguu's right dad. They'll be fine."

Ewali chuckled. "Thank you both. But as a father, it's my job to worry about my children."

The two lions laughed and the King felt relief. Having a birth son and an adopted son walking with him, giving words of sympathy and encouragement eased his worry. "I wonder how Nakita's doing?" he asked himself. Knowing their daughters were pregnant and the events that led them to be had made the Queen somewhat gracious and fearful. Like her mate, Nakita was determined to love her future grandcubs the way a grandmother should. Ewali always admired her strength.

Machwa smiled at his father then grew curious about his siblings. He knew his adopted sisters, one being his future mate, were keeping watch but like his parents, he still worried. He and Sheena hadn't even considered having cubs of their own just yet and the fact that he was going to be an uncle at a young age scared him. He knew how his sisters came to be pregnant and like the pride, he was angered and relieved. Shaking his head he tried to focus by staring ahead. From what he could see they were on the western side of the lands. The majordomos had flown ahead.

Mguu turned to face Ewali. He hesitated before speaking. "I know you told all of us that if Sam was expecting… to not treat the cub badly." Ewali heard and gave a nod. The lion continued, "You know, I would never treat anyone badly."

"And that's why I want you to be my successor," Ewali thought with pride. "Your patience is what makes a King." He smiled to himself. The young cub he found drinking at the waterhole had grown into this magnificent lion. "Your mother will never know what she missed by refusing to care for you."

The young Prince agreed. "Yeah dad. I promise to love my sister's son or daughter. The same with Jemasi."

The King smiled and the three lions walked on in silence.


Nakita's paws touched the savannah.

On both sides of her were two lionesses, Orissah and Kesha. The gold lioness was on right side while the other white lioness was on the left. Nakita felt relieved that it was they and not some of the others, the ones who craved gossip. She looked back, frowning slightly and her ears lowered.

Orissah noticed and gently nudged her. "They're not saying anything Nakita. But if they are, I'll speak to them," the gold lioness said with a serious stare.

Nakita chuckled. "Thank you Orissah but I'm Queen. I can handle it," she insisted.

"They shouldn't be like this anyway," Kesha added with stern. "It's not Sam's fault," she added in thought.

The Queen sighed. She worried every moment for her daughters. Samawati especially. Nobody said anything when hearing that Jemasi was expecting a cub from a rogue but when they heard of Samawati and how she came to be expecting the murmurs started just as she and Ewali feared…

The black lion's name brought memories.

The white Princess had looked down to the ground shamefully as her parents told the Pride. Machwa, who was sitting beside his sister, nuzzled her, as did Jemasi, who sat on the other side. Samawati felt better with her siblings being near but she felt like she betrayed her pride. She hadn't planned this so they couldn't blame her could they? If it was anyone's fault it was Kifuli's. She looked up as her father began to speak.

"I want no blame placed on my daughter's child! I will NOT have history repeat! Many of you know my origins and I don't want to see the suffering that I went through to happen again." Ewali had spoken with a firm and stern voice but inwardly he trembled. He knew that the lionesses, only some, were stubborn. He hoped they would listen. Wanting his statement to be heard and obeyed he looked into the eyes of all the members.

When her mate finished, Nakita addressed. "No matter what you feel at this time, I don't want to hear any whispers, murmurs, mutters or even comments." The Queen's eyes held a strong fire, clearly saying 'if you do anything to make her feel bad, you will deal with either myself or the King.'

The lionesses saw the looks of their rulers and nodded. The younger lions and lionesses, seated off to the side, nodded as well but their faces held promise that they would never say anything against Sam's cub. Ewali looked on them and smiled proudly but neither he or Nakita were aware of the lionesses as they talked among themselves.

"Let's hope the cub doesn't look like its father," one lioness said.

"Yeah if he could even be called that," another replied with a snort and contempt in her voice.

"Wonder if she'll know how to raise and teach it," one questioned.

Kesha heard the questions and instantly grew tired. She sharply turned. "Be quiet all of you!" she said with a hiss. The green kindness in her eyes became hard and serious.

Nakita had seen this and thanked her friend with a bowed head…

"Nakita?" No answer. "Nakita!"

The Queen instantly snapped out of her trance and looked on her friend, smiling with embarrassment. "Thanks Kesha. I'm okay."

The white lioness was unconvinced. "No you're not. Why don't you go back to the caves and be with your daughters," she suggested kindly.

Orissah agreed. "Yeah 'Kita, Kesha and I can handle everything else. We know what to do."

Nakita considered for a moment and smiled gratefully. "Thank you," she said quietly and slipped away.

Everyone looked on in confusion and seeing the 'Don't ask' looks on their pride sisters' face, they were quiet.

Kesha turned. "You think Sam and Jemasi are okay?" she asked softly.

"I don't know I'm sure they are. It's just Ewali and Nakita I'm worried about," Orissah replied with a shrug.

Kesha nodded. "They'll be okay once Jemasi and Samawati's cubs are born," she said with an almost hopeful voice.

"I hope you're right. They may love Jemasi's cub but it's Sam's they'll have a problem with. But Ewali has a good heart and given what he went through…"

"He doesn't want what happened to him happen to Sam's cub," Kesha guessed.

"Exactly. I would never treat a cub in any bad way."

"I wouldn't treat mine or anyone else's in any bad way either."

"You're a good mother Kesha."

"You're a good aunt."

The two lionesses shared a small laugh and continued scouting. The rest of the lionesses followed while some, rolled their eyes.


As Nakita traveled back to check on her daughters, questions rose.

How were they?

Were they feeling okay?

The white lioness sighed as both her daughters felt the pressures of their first pregnancies. For Jemasi it was nothing. She seemed happy to know she was expecting. "Perhaps her cub will remind her of Mizuka," Nakita thought with a smile, which quickly faded. She knew why and growled softly. She shuddered to think of whether or not Sam's cub would look like the black lion.

Padding up the base of the mountain she entered the cave and smiled seeing Arazia and Sheena sleeping. She walked to the back of the den. Looking into the smaller cave Jemasi was in slumber. Seeing that, she left and went towards Samawati who was still sleeping. Feeling tired from her trek, the white lioness lay down beside her and soon drifted off to sleep.

After a long while Nakita was jolted out of her sleep by a painful moan. Her ears twitched and her eyes opened. She hadn't slept that long had she? In front of her she saw the reason for being awake. Samawati was in pain. "Sam where are you in pain?" Nakita asked urgently as she scrambled to her feet.

The young lioness groaned. Facing her mother, tiny beads of sweat already began to form on her forehead. "It's my stomach mom!" she replied with a grunt.

Nakita examined her. "Okay Sam, lie on your side and take deep breaths. Remember what I taught you." Samawati followed her mother's instructions and seeing this, the Queen went to the smaller cave only to see that Jemasi must've heard because she was in the same position.

"Jemasi, are you having pain?" she asked. The gold lioness looked up at her mother and merely nodded, as the pain was so intense she couldn't speak. As she withdrew herself from the cave Nakita went towards the main den's entrance. "Arazia, Sheena wake up!" Her voice was calm and urgent. Her daughters may be in labor but this was no time to panic.

The two lionesses heard the Queen and woke. Yawning and stretching their bodies they got up and turned to face her.

"What is it?" Arazia asked curiously. Looking around she saw Samawati. "What about Jemasi?" she asked again and watched Nakita glancing to the smaller cave then look back to her.

"Nakita, would like me to inform dad and the others?" Sheena suggested.

"And me to inform the lionesses?" Arazia added in.

The white lioness pondered. That would leave her alone with two daughters in labor. She was smart and could handle this or at least she hoped. Jemasi was in the small cave and had excellent hearing so whatever her mother said to her sister, she would hear it. "Yes, please and hurry," the Queen said with haste.

The two lionesses nodded and left.

Nakita went back to Sam. "Sammy, will you be okay for a few seconds?" she asked. Samawati lifted her head slowly and blinked as the pain in her stomach blocked out the other senses. Seeing that, the Queen quickly went towards the other cave and addressed. "Jemasi, I need to leave for a moment, will you be alright?" The gold lioness gave the same response, blinking her eyes.

Smiling slightly and walking outside and up to the edge of the mountain's cliff, Nakita surveyed the lands. Taking a deep breath she roared. The messengers may have been sent but she wanted to be sure. She went back inside. "Here's goes everything," she said to herself.


Arazia ran as fast as she could to the eastern side. As soon as she reached the meadow she sniffed the air. She smiled and roared.

Not far away, as some were in position to hunt gazelle, a lioness's ears twitched. She heard the roar and whispered to her companions until Kesha and Orissah who stood side by side heard. Looking at each other they excused themselves, telling their pride sisters to continue without them. They turned and with two other lionesses beside them, they ran in the direction from which the roar had come. Arazia ran upon seeing them.

"Kesha, Orissah… Queen Nakita sent me," the young lioness said, panting for breath. "The Princesses… are giving birth."

Without another word spoken, the five lionesses ran to the caves.

Nakita waited at the entrance. Though her daughters were in pain, she couldn't be in two places at once. Her left ear flickered. She heard paw steps coming up the mountain's side. Orissah entered the cave followed by Kesha, two other lionesses, and at last Arazia. The four elders, splitting into two teams went to the Princesses. The younger lioness came to the Queen.

"Nakita?" Arazia said carefully.

The white lioness turned with a smile of gratitude. "Thank you 'Zia," she said, nuzzling her gently.

"You're welcome. Is there anything you need?"

Nakita shook her head. "No, thank you."

Dipping her head kindly, Arazia sat outside the den and waited for Sheena to return with the King and the others. Very soon she saw two young male lions followed by Kesha and Ewali's kids. She licked her red paw nervously. The afternoon was going to be long.


Sheena had stopped and stared ahead. Looking harder she saw a gold silhouette along with two brown lions. She ran to them.

Ewali turned and saw a lioness out of the corner of his eye. Mguu and Machwa exchanged confused looks until Sheena, after smiling briefly at Machwa, began to explain.

The gold lion was shocked. He knew Sam and Jemasi weren't due for at least a while. But now… "Come on, we're going home!" he said aloud and ran at full speed towards the mountain with the others following.

After arriving, they panted for breath. Ewali watched as the young lions and lionesses crowded around each other.

A lioness saw the King and came forward. "Your majesty, your daughters are giving birth. Queen Nakita, along with Kesha, Orissah and a few others are helping." She smiled politely and bowed her head.

Ewali smiled back though his face showed worry. He prayed that Sam and Jemasi wouldn't suffer the same fate as his mother. "Gods, please don't let them die!"

In the cave, Kesha and another lioness helped Samawati. The young white lioness was doing everything she had been told to do and wondered when this suffering would be over. She grunted, groaned and pushed. Sweat covered her body and she clawed at the ground.

"Hang in there Sam," Kesha said soothingly. "It's almost over. You're doing well."

"It hurts Kesha!" the white lioness cried with gritted teeth.

"I know. Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Nakita came forward and licked her daughter's head, purring gently then a scream was heard in the small cave. She rushed forward seeing Orissah and another lioness coaching Jemasi.

"Jemasi, I want you to bare down and when I say 'push', you do so okay," Orissah instructed while the other lioness fed the Princess herbs to dull the pain.

"Okay," Jemasi said with a strained voice.

Orissah waited for a moment. "Push!" the elder said.

Jemasi pushed.

Nakita stood in the middle of the main cave hearing everything all the while praying.


Outside, Ewali found himself pacing and muttering. Machwa noticed. Coming over, the Prince laid his head on his father's shoulder, purring. The King stopped pacing and nuzzled his son. The young lions and lionesses, his adopted children, the children he had with Kesha came to Ewali and did the same thing.

Minutes became to hours. Ewali continued to pray while Nakita administered.

Within the cave, seeing that Samawati was nearly close, Nakita waited. The young lioness let out another scream of pain as a contraction came upon her and at long last she felt a cub leave her body. She gasped allowed her head to fall to the ground as she panted for breath.

Nakita instantly took the cub and began cleaning it. Though it was the mother's job to do this, Nakita was a mother and her daughter was completely and utterly exhausted. Finally the cub had been cleaned and Nakita looked down with a smile though it was hard to grasp what the smile represented. She placed the cub near Samawati and left to check on her other daughter.

Upon sensing the Queen's presence, Orissah looked up with a happy expression.

Nakita entered to see Jemasi holding a cub in her paws, licking it clean. She smiled again and retreated outside. The brightness of the afternoon light hit her face but she ignored it. Adjusting to the light, she went straight to Ewali who looked on her with a mixture of hope and fear.

Ewali saw her expression and sighed with relief. Nakita nuzzled him, saying softly, "They're okay."

He smiled and they went into the cave. The pride, including the remaining lionesses, having returned with the kill a few minutes ago, wondered how the Princesses and their cubs were.

Kesha and the other lioness looked up seeing the King and Queen enter. They smiled, bowed and left without saying a word.

Ewali approached his daughter. "Sam?" he asked almost fearfully.

The white lioness looked up. Her blue eyes were full of emotion. Was it motherly? Both parents hoped. Then she looked down at her cub.

Ewali examined it. The cub was male with pitch-black fur, white paws, muzzle and underbelly. Now he wondered what color his eyes would be. A cold shiver rolled across his body and he shook it away. This was his grandson, his daughter's son and no matter what he would be loved. "What is his name?" the King asked in a loving, fatherly voice.

Samawati smiled faintly. "Nakisisa," she replied.

"He's beautiful Sam," Nakita said lovingly.

Samawati only smiled again and continued lick her cub. Once that was done she gently laid him at her side so he could suckle and pretty soon she rested.

The parents moved on to Jemasi. Seeing them, Orissah and her companion smiled, bowed and left the small cave. The golden King and the white Queen approached the gold Princess.

"Jemasi?" Nakita asked, seeing as her daughter cleaned the cub.

"Mom, dad," Jemasi began with a tone of love. "It's a girl. Her name is Nyathera." Her blue eyes sparkled.

This time it was Nakita who examined the cub as Ewali watched with a smile of pride. The cub was a tan orange brown with a black nose, light sandy muzzle and underbelly.

"She's beautiful Jemasi," Ewali said as he gave his daughter and granddaughter a lick on the forehead.

Jemasi smiled and licked him back and placed her child at her side so she could feed. "I heard Samawati's cub is a boy."

"Yes," Nakita replied. "Nakisisa." Jemasi smiled.

The parents, now grandparents, exchanged happy glances and left the small cave and finally the main den.

Outside all looked up in expectancy. Ewali and Nakita walked up the cliff and roared. Their roars were joined by the pride. After sharing glances of relief, they turned back to the pride and looking at the kill, two gazelles that had been put to the side they gave a single nod.

Two young lions, Mguuyasiku and Entwidemela, broke two good-sized pieces of meat and went into the cave. Everyone knew what they were doing and paid no mind except for Ewali and Nakita, who smiled gratefully.

Machwa came over to his parents. "Mom, dad, how are Samawati and Jemasi? And their cubs?"

"They're fine Machwa," Ewali replied. "Sam's cub is a boy. Nakisisa. Jemasi's is a girl. Nyathera." As he spoke, his adopted children came near, nodding their heads at the mention of the cubs' names.

Hearing this, the lionesses started talking.

"So Princess Samawati's cub is a boy," one sneered. "Whose to say he won't turn out like his father?"

"Will she even tell him?" another questioned and paused giving a snort. "If it were me, I sure wouldn't. I'm surprised she isn't ashamed!"

These whispers continued but Orissah and Kesha heard and were far from happy. They were angry. They turned to their pride sisters, hissing, snarling and growling, telling them in no uncertain words to shut their mouths. A few lionesses kept quiet while others smirked. Princess Jemasi's cub didn't concern them in the least. The father of that cub was not evil.

Conversations continued until the adolescents, who couldn't stand the lionesses mutters anymore, went into the cave. Prince Machwa was first, followed by the rest.

Like before, a few months ago, the friends found their special spots inside the den and rested.

Entwidemela, the dark gray lion, didn't sleep in his regular spot. For some reason, he wanted to feel useful and went into Jemasi's cave to keep watch over her and her cub.

Machwa noticed him going in and smiled. "Mela loves Jemasi only as a friend now," he said in his mind. He looked upon Samawati and Nakisisa. He laid down a few steps away. Sheena was right beside him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Mguuyasiku found himself in the exact same position he was in three months earlier. He looked around the darkened den. Akeeto and Arazia were in their spot. 'Mela was in Jemasi's cave acting guardian. Sheena and Machwa were side by side like always. Mguu smiled seeing that. Then he went towards the entrance to the small cave and carefully poked his head inside.

Jemasi was lying in the center with her newborn daughter snuggled up against her stomach.

Entwidemela was to the right, just near the entrance, watching. He knew that the gold lioness had been feeling left out but didn't want to intrude. He may have had a crush on her at one point but now he wanted to be nothing more than to be a friend. Like his adopted brother, Mguuyasiku, who helped Samawati, he helped Jemasi and was happy for her. He smiled seeing the little cub mew softly in her sleep. He had hoped to become a father to a cub of his own. Suddenly without warning, his red eyes grew heavy and sleep overtook him. Before closing his eyes he saw Mguu. He smirked and placed his head upon his paws. His tail curled at his side and the long strands of his dark brown mane touched the ground. His breathing became quiet.

The gold Princess sensed that someone was in the cave. Cracking open an eye, a smile of gratitude found its way to her mouth. It was 'Mela, her adopted brother. She was surprised yet grateful that he would leave his spot in the main cave just to make sure she and Nyathera were all right. Then, picking her daughter up carefully, placing her in her paws, giving her a kiss, she fell asleep with peace.

From his observing position, Mguuyasiku had seen enough. He withdrew himself and walked around. He wasn't sure when the rest of the pride, much less his foster parents would come in, so he settled himself near Samawati. He smiled seeing her in a peaceful slumber but also at seeing her cub wrapped in the warmth of her paws. He was about to nap but not before licking the white lioness's cheek in a brotherly manner and reaching over gently kissing Nakisisa's forehead.

Seeing all was well, Mguuyasiku shook his mane and placed his head on his paws. Many thoughts were flying through his mind. Looking at the cub out of the corner of his eye, he smiled again. "He's beautiful even if he does look like him," he said mindfully and growled at the thought of Kifuli. "Nakisisa, you will live a good life. You have Samawati for a mother," he said softly.

With that in mind he fell asleep along with his friends.


Ewali stopped at the waterfall looking on it, hearing the soothing rush of the waters. It was so peaceful and refreshing that he felt his thoughts be washed away. He came near and drank, feeling the coolness touch his dry lips. Afterwards he sighed and just stared at his reflection.

"Well, I'm a grandfather," he said to himself. "Heh, hard to believe."

The statement was true in one way but false in another. True for his second daughter Jemasi, as she needed someone to love, to love her back. She had a daughter so he was happy for her sake. False for his elder, Samawati, as her child was forced and would be the everyday reminder of Kifuli and of what he did. Ewali knew this, as did Nakita, and the pride.

Accepting this was going to be a challenge.

The King shook his head in frustration. No matter how much his grandson reminded everyone of the black lion, Nakisisa was of his blood and would be loved.

"At least he has some of Sam in him," he spoke to himself wearily.

He shut his eyes. He was emotionally, mentally and physically tired and needed to sleep but the cleansing of his mind, to clear it from any negative thoughts, cold and angry, was more important. He couldn't go back to the caves.

He growled out of anger and turned his face away from the water, from his reflection, for fear of what he would or might see. He knew this was going to be hard but there was some part of his mind and heart that didn't want to believe it. He had told himself this many times during that past few months. So did Nakita. Whatever pain, anguish, frustration or anger Ewali felt; as a King, a mate, a father and now a grandfather, he was going to push – no – shove the feeling away. He was going to treat his grandson with the care, love and respect he never had.

"From the moment I was born, I was the outcast Prince," he muttered and felt his fur bristle. He growled again and his blue eyes burned with a heart wrenching pain. "He's still my grandson no matter who his father is!" he said aloud while feeling his heart pound as the words left.

Turning back to face the water, he thought he saw his reflection become that of his father. He gasped and splashed at it with his paw, watching it dissolve back into his own image. He sighed while choking back the sobs that threatened to come up from his throat.

Ewali felt tears come to his eyes and left the waterfall. He walked around the grass with his tail swishing side to side. He knew why he felt the anger and pain but he couldn't go back to the caves… not yet. He needed to be alone… away from everyone. Away from the mutters and comments that were bound to take place amongst the lionesses.

The Lion King walked here, there, anywhere. He needed to shake these feelings off at least for the moment. If he went to sleep angry he would do something drastic not that he would for the sake of it but in this state of mind he couldn't be too careful.

"I just wanna sleep with my family and pride and wake up the next day knowing that I can watch my grandson grow up, talk to him, tell him that I love him without feeling this! Same goes for my granddaughter." At this thought he allowed himself to smile a true and genuine smile. "She's so beautiful. Just like her mother. Jemasi will do well with raising her."

He must've walked around every known stretch of the Shadowlands including the jungle, the forest, and the eastern meadow. Surprising himself he even stopped at the old acacia tree to the north for a small rest only to get up and walk again. As he strolled, the night animals were doing their routine, such as eating the grass, drinking at the waterholes. Upon seeing him, they bowed in respect and went back to feeding and chatting. Ewali didn't meet their gazes directly but he bowed back just the same though his look was sharp. Watching the animals, watching as they interacted with each other he sighed and continued on.

By the time he returned to the waterfall, the stars were out and the moon shined down lighting up his coat making him like a ghost walking in the darkness. Ewali prowled every inch of his lands and now he sat by the waterside, looking up to the sky. He wondered whether the Kings of old were watching over him.

"I hope you are. I need your guidance," he said with a soft voice turning his blue eyes to the stars. He also wondered if his mother was up there. "Mom, if you are, surely you must know that I'm afraid."

Ewali shook his head, sighing sadly and heavily.

Now he felt tired and even after that walk he still didn't want to go to the caves. He sank into the grass, allowing his paws to touch the surface of the water. His head pounded… hard and he didn't want to move. His whole body was numb and he felt paralyzed due to the excitement and constant worrying. He fell asleep and an hour passed. Slowly opening his eyes, Ewali tried to move but the heavy weight remained was now pressed upon his shoulders.

He turned his head he looked at the mountain in the distance. He gently rose from his spot in the grass. Before making the move, Ewali took a drink from the cold water. He drank as much as he could, lapping up the water greedily. He plunged his head into the water and pulled it out quickly and having no desire to shake his mane or look at his reflection he pawed at the water again and traveled home with slow steps.

The water, where he had pawed began to ripple and in its reflection were two figures, Samawati and her son Nakisisa. Mother and son were lying side-by-side sharing a peaceful moment.

The night was cool and calm along with a small breeze that ruffled through his brown mane with a gentle caress. He craned his neck forward embracing the breeze with gladness.

As he stepped up the path and onto the base, he entered the cave. As the coolness hit Ewali full face, he felt better and breathed in the air. It really felt good.

Looking about in the darkness he saw his pride scattered about. The young lions and lionesses were in their own spots; the older lionesses near each other with Orissah at the head and Kesha in the back with her kids beside her. Ewali smiled and allowed himself to look on some more.

Not far off he could see Arazia and Akeeto in an embrace and to the left of them Machwa and Sheena were in the same position. To his son's right, Ewali noticed Mguu being the watcher of his companions and of Samawati. Squinting his eyes, he saw Nakisisa wrapped in Samawati's paws. His ears lowered and his gaze grew sharp. Once again he had to remind himself.

The gold lion sighed but stood in place. He didn't want to move. As he looked on, he realized that one of the younger lions was missing.


Being curious, he scanned the cave and did a double take upon seeing the smaller cave in which Jemasi resided with her daughter. "He must be keeping an eye on her just as Mguu is keeping an eye on Sam," Ewali said mindfully and allowed himself to smirk. "He has a good heart." He walked towards the entrance and looked inside. He was right. The dark gray lion lay on the ground with his head resting on his paws. His breathing was soft and easy. He looked relax.

Ewali swept his gaze from 'Mela and to his daughter. Like Sam, Jemasi had her cub wrapped up in her paws. Nyathera's breathing matched that of her mother. The King smiled with happiness and spoke quietly, "Now Jemasi will have someone to love. Someone who loves her back." He stepped inside and came over nuzzling his daughter and granddaughter.

"Sleep well Jemasi. I love you," he said.

The gold lioness must have heard for a smile formed and stretched across her muzzle. Without waking, her eyes still closed, she replied. "I love you too dad. How are Samawati and Nakisisa?"

"They're fine dear. You and Nyathera sleep and I'll see you in the morning. Goodnight."

"Goodnight dad."

The little cub in her paws mewed softly. Ewali chuckled and kissed the newborn's forehead then his daughter's. Stepping back he watched as Jemasi's breathing became soft and easy once again. He turned to leave the cave until 'Mela lifted his head wondering if it really was okay for him to be there. The King smiled, bowed his head to his adopted son in a thankful gesture and proceeded out. Ewali took one last look at everyone before coming to rest at his mate's side.

Nakita stirred slightly at the feel of a body beside her own. The touch made her shiver. Waking up, she smiled at Ewali gently nuzzling him as he lay down beside her. "You all right?" she asked worriedly.

"I guess," he said as his body shook. "I checked on Jemasi. She's okay as is Nyathera. Entwidemela is in their cave. He wanted to keep guard."

The white lioness smiled and her expression grew thoughtful. It was a while before she spoke. "Sam is okay too. Nakisisa is sleeping," she said putting her paw gently on his shoulder. The lion tensed under her touch.

"He is beautiful," he admitted but his voice failed him and he near choked. To make things worse and or better, his voice had trembled with some sense of relief mixed with sorrow. Still, his head pounded.

Nakita nodded. "Yes he is and so is Nyathera." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Did you hear what some of the lionesses were saying?" Ewali asked with a stern tone while catching the sleeping forms of the lionesses, out of the corner of his eye.

"Yes, but Orissah and Kesha silenced them," Nakita replied as she removed her head from his shoulder. She smirked. "It's good to know that they're the respectful ones."

"That they are," he answered with a flicker of a smile.

They didn't speak for a while. The silence of the cave, the soft sounds of breathing pride members could be heard but they knew what they had wanted to say in the quiet moments that followed. Normally they would've gone outside and up to the cliff's edge to talk but didn't. They were needed here.

"Sam will raise him to be a good cub," Nakita said after a silence.

"I know." Ewali sighed heavily and turned back to look on his still sleeping daughter. "I still worry," he added. He clenched his teeth and set his jaw. He felt like roaring, but it was too late. He felt at war with himself. He felt guilty.

Nakita didn't reply for she too was worried.

"I also wonder, will she love him?" Ewali questioned half to her, half to himself, the rest to the still silence that was within the den. He shrugged and shivered.

The Queen placed a paw on his and smiled weakly. "She will, Ewali. Sam is not the kind of person to ignore another." As she said this, she hoped her words were true and that she wasn't giving him false hope.

The King looked down at his paws then turned to his left hind leg seeing the four scars given to him by his father. The thought alone of whether or not he could love Nakisisa twirled, spun, twisted and swam throughout his brain, making him ponder and question again and again. After all, the newborn black cub was the son of the lion who took his daughter in order to hurt him.

"Maybe Nakisisa won't turn out like Kifuli. He has Samawati for a mother." Ewali sighed and hoped.

Again he looked on his daughter only to see a peaceful smile upon her face. The newborn innocent black cub was snuggled up against Sam's chest for warmth and comfort. The King continued to watch as Samawati pulled Nakisisa close, licking his forehead. He felt tears well up in his eyes. Samawati had made him proud. He knew how angry she was when she found out about the expectancy but didn't let the mutters of the pride lionesses bring her down to feeling sorry for herself. She did however feel sorry and ashamed but only at first. With the help of her family and close friends, she got through it. She had stood strong, asking not only her mother but a few other lionesses for advice. Jemasi was the same way.

"You're going to make a fine Queen Sammy," he said softly as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Nakita saw his face, the look in his eyes, and turned her head as well. She saw how peaceful Samawati looked with the cub. She smiled but felt the same as her mate. Though Nakisisa was the result of Kifuli's revenge, the cub would still be loved. It would be a hard struggle but they would get through it.

Ewali slowly turned back to face the front and stared at the ground. He was tense and tired. "Disgusting thing," he muttered and his claws came out of his paws.

"What?" Nakita was confused but then understood. She saw his claws. She sighed and gently nuzzled him, placing her head under his chin, purring softly to calm him down.

While she did this, Ewali thought of his past. He remembered the name his father gave him at birth. 'Chukizo: Disgusting thing' He shut his eyes while growling on the inside. He hated that name and his adopted mother, Walinda, had given him another name 'Shade'. But now he was 'Ewali'. A name he was proud to bare. It reminded him of his mother: birth and adopted.

He let out another sigh, one of relief. "At least Nakisisa will never have to go what I went through. Sam is still here and she will care for him." Thinking this he withdrew his claws and felt relaxed. He knew that Samawati and Nakisisa were mother and son. Jemasi and Nyathera were mother and daughter. Did that make the two cubs royal? In his eyes it did for they were the children of Princesses. His granddaughter's father may not have been royal but then again he had no clue. His grandson's… He didn't know of that matter nor did he want to. He wanted to block out the memory of Kifuli from his mind forever but Nakisisa would be the reminder to him and to everyone. Ewali knew that Kesha didn't know the black lion at all so therefore she would have no problem getting along with the young cub. "I hope," he thought.

Ewali removed his head from his mate's embrace. He smiled and licked her cheek while nuzzling her back. "I love you Nakita and you know that I will love Nakisisa and Nyathera."

"I love you too Ewali," Nakita replied. "And I will love our grandcubs."

The King and Queen looked at each other then to their daughter, seeing someone who had once been a cub, a daughter, constantly getting into trouble with her siblings and friends, disobeying her parents to almost no end and now… now she was a near full-grown lioness who had matured over time but would even more now that she was a mother.

Jemasi was always quiet and withdrawn wanting to spend any free moment with them and now she would have someone would want the same thing but the best part for her was that she had no siblings so Jemasi was all hers… all hers for the attention, the quite moments and all the love.

Feeling sleep come, they rested their heads on their paws and fell asleep with Ewali breathing out another sigh.

Samawati stirred for no reason at all. She woke, yawning as quietly as she could and looked around the cave, seeing everyone in slumber. She noticed Mguu on one side of her, sleeping peacefully and saw the same in her brother and adopted siblings. Looking up just ahead her parents resting with ease for the first time in months.

Again she smiled and finally put her blue eyes onto her son.

"You're my son Nakisisa," she said quietly. "You will never know your father. Despite what he did, you're mine and nothing will change that. I love you." She gently licked the cub's head and purred. Then she rested her head upon the ground.

Nakisisa mewed softly in his mother's embrace almost as if his tiny ears heard those three special words.