Hmfan24- This sure as heck ain't mine. It's Gaara's Lovely Lady's poem. It's a challenge poem the challenge went like this.

"Hey, I bet you couldn't write about a heterosexual pairing! If you write about two straight people, I'll write about two gay people!"

So in result, I wrote 'Partay!' and she wrote this poem. She did pretty well if you ask me.


You trailed around him,

Loving him,

And not me.

What does he have,

That I don't?

I'm better than he is.

So why?

Why do you adore him,

And not me?

He's not worth it,

So why,


Why do you not love me?

I'm faster,



Than that dobe.



It's me,


I need your love.

I want your love.

I love you.

So cool! Might turn it into a story if I feel like it. I think it needs a story… review in support of GLL's cross over to SasuHina poems.