Agent 007: the Moneypenny Secret

Jane Moneypenny was the perfect secretary. She handled M's appointments, made sure she had the information she needed, wrote reports... the fact she was a beautiful woman was just a bonus. She could make a cocky agent into a stuttering mess in minutes.

Now, her computer was flashing a warning. Intruders in headquarters, and apparently security had lost track of them. No loud alarms wailed, as they didn't want the attackers to know they were on to them. She rapidly typed commands to access local security cameras, and saw three men hurrying down the hall towards her office.

"Oh dear," Moneypenny murmured, then got up from behind her desk, waiting. No time to call security, so she'd just have to hope sweet reason might work.

The three burst through the door, looking around warily, but all they saw was a older woman.

"I'm sorry," Moneypenny told them briskly, "M is not seeing anyone right now. You'll have to come back later."

"Move!" the middle man demanded, pulling a gun.

'So much for sweet reason,' Moneypenny sighed.

The slightly smaller woman advanced on them quickly, standing right in front of the armed man. She grabbed his forearm and twisted slightly, directing the gun towards the man beside him, then forced the trigger down.

In a burst of sound the man beside was shot in the head, splashing them with blood.

As the middle man started to struggle, Moneypenny triggered a concealed, spring loaded sheath on her arm, dropping a knife into her hand.

(She had asked Q for a pistol that she could hide on her arm, but even the slimmest design he had was visible under a blouse. There was no point in a hidden weapon if it wasn't hidden.)

Moneypenny drove the blade between the man's ribs, then pierced the heart. The man made a shocked, whuff sound as he felt his heart be pierced, and staggered back, stunned.

The third man was utterly stunned by the merciless killing of his two comrades. Still, he shook off the shock, and managed to get his gun out.

Moneypenny struck his wrist, specifically hitting the tendons there. His hand spasmed, releasing the gun as he tried to back off. She lunged, her elbow jabbing powerfully into his throat with a wet crack. "URK." he gasped, suddenly barely able to breathe.

Security burst in seconds later, only to skid to a halt as they took in the mayhem.

"Hello, boys," Moneypenny smiled sweetly. She gestured to the choking man, "I left one alive, but he needs medical help quickly."

"Yes ma'am!" a young man hurried off.

"And a cleaning crew. Killing enemy agents makes SUCH a mess," Moneypenny sighed.


"So," M asked after the 'post shooting' debriefing, "if 007 came through that door and you knew he was turned, how would you handle it?"

Moneypenny looked thoughtful, "I certainly wouldn't engage him hand to hand, considering we're at least equally trained."

M sometimes wondered about that, considering how casually the various Bonds took training. Still...

"I likely would use the sub-machine gun hidden under my desk, shoot through the wood and spray the whole doorway so he couldn't evade," Moneypenny decided.

M looked at her blankly a moment. "Why didn't you use that against THEM?" she asked.

"I'd have to replace that desk. It's real OAK!" Moneypenny sighed.

M fought back a laugh.


Notes: Just a short piece based on a odd thought I had. BASICALLY, Moneypenny is the last line of defense between M and any invaders. So wouldn't she be VERY VERY well trained to either hold off or stop attackers if needed?

Tho admittedly, I kinda over did it and wrote her as Black Widow from the superhero Avengers. Heh.