I decided to do another Yu-Gi-Oh fic. I hope that you enjoy. I'm sorry that I haven't written anything for such a long time, but it was unavoidable.

Note beforehand: I do not own Yugioh- Kazuki Takahashi does

By the way, this story is set after the final episode, only instead of going to the underworld Bakura and Atemu were given separate bodies, and Shadi is still alive.

Chapter One: An Interesting Problem

What would happen if the one surety in your life, which always boosted your confidence suddenly disappeared?

Tèa had been Atemu's surety. She adored him; it was obvious, but now…

She was going out…

On a date…

With another boy…

Admittedly Atemu had never in fact asked Tèa out himself, or courted her in any way. She did not in fact belong to him. He was no longer pharaoh and hence he no longer had hundreds of adoring women waiting upon him and looking at no one else.

Admittedly this was all unfortunately true.

But that didn't mean she was allowed to go out with someone else. Just because he hadn't made his feelings clear, didn't mean she had the right to give up on him!

Jealousy and insecurity were new emotions for Atemu, and the ancient pharaoh was not well equipped to deal with them. So he did the only thing he could to control his stress levels.

He was dueling. Non-stop.

Needless to say he was also winning. Non-stop.

It was 147 duels later, and Bakura, Malik, Seto, Yugi, Joey and Mai still had no way of beating him. They had tried three-on-one, and even (in a last ditch attempt) six-on-one (although the teamwork between most of them was shoddy if not completely dysfunctional). The teens still had no idea what hit them.

Neither did Duke Devlin 14 games of Dungeon Dice Monster's later. Needless to say the score was 14 to 0, favoring Atemu.

Meanwhile the cause of Atemu's frustration was blissfully unaware of his state.

Tèa and Serenity had gotten bored after the 20th non-sensical duel and left. Friendship was one thing, a dueling obsession was another.

Atemu had already called Odion, Ishizu, Grandpa, Professor Hopkins, Rebecca, Vivian, Rex, Weevil, Leon, Seigfried, Pegasus, Valon, Amelda, Rafael, Mako, Espa Roba and the paradox brothers. Anyone whom he or one of his friends had dueled with or against, who was at least fairly good.

Joey's luck was really uninteresting to watch after 32 duels, while even Seto was pressed to come up with new strategy's after 43 duels, and after 38 duels, he had decided that Mai really needed to get some more monsters in her deck. Even Malik and Bakura's insaneness was only so interesting. Yugi was still tough, but still beaten.

None of his friends were a challenge anymore. He needed some new prey.

Atemu wondered if he should start giving himself a handicap. Like starting a duel with just 100 lifepoints or something.

Or maybe he could duel one handed…

Nah… to complex with the whole duel-disk thing… besides he didn't really want to lose, he just wanted to get rid of his frustration.

The real question was, why was he so frustrated by this in the first place?

Ishizu had never received such a terrified sounding phone call from her little brother. He was begging her to stop Atemu from dueling him. That was quite a change. Normally it was Atemu calling her, telling her to get her little brother to stop challenging him.

On a regular holiday to Japan her little brother spent all of his time trying to duel and beat Atemu. While Atemu spent most of his time trying to get out of dueling Malik.

She had to admit that this was an odd turn of events to say the least. She hadn't fully understood what was going on until her Millennium necklace had prompted her next actions. She left her work at the museum early in order to catch her prey.

She just hoped Tèa would forgive her for this 'interference'.

Well it was all for a good cause, to save the pharaoh from himself! And the world too.

Tèa was surprised when she walked past Ishizu on her way to meet Hajime, "Ishizu, hey!" she called out cheerily.

"Tèa, can we talk?" asked Ishizu.

"Well actually I was just about to…," Tèa stopped, Ishizu' expression was serious. Something must be really wrong, "sure, that would be fine, but can I make a call first?" she asked.

Ishizu smiled, "go right ahead,"

Tèa dialed Hajime's number, "Hi Hajime, look, I've got a problem," she said straight out, "No, I don't think I'll be able to meet you tonight," there was a brief pause, "is it okay if I call you tomorrow and we'll arrange another time," there was another pause on Tèa's end, "Yep, look forward to seeing you too, bye,"

Ishizu frowned; it seemed that the relationship between this boy and Tèa was much more advanced than anyone else knew. That would be the first thing she needed to fix. Poor Hajime.

Ishizu pushed that thought away. Screw sentimentality, if the pharaoh didn't get Tèa into bed, he'd continue to terrorize everyone in duels. This was for the greater good.

"So, is Hajime your boyfriend?" Ishizu decided to be blunt.

"Not exactly," said Tèa with a smile, "he is just a really nice guy, we know each other from dancing class," she elaborated, "we've been friends for a while and then just last week he asked me out," she added.

Ishizu gulped a nice guy who danced? That wasn't an impossible dream? Especially if he was good looking…

Ishizu wondered if asking Tèa for his number would sound selfish… probably.

No, she had to resist temptation and focus on her mission.

The bad news though was that this guy sounded like someone Tèa would be really interested in.

Shit, the pharaoh was screwed, and now, so was the world. Okay, focus on mission now. She could pick up a bloke later. If Atemu was just doing this out of jealousy because Tèa was going on a date, what would happen if Tèa and 'Hajime' became official? What if they slept together? Or got married?

For a minute Ishizu was frozen in pure terror and then she did the only thing that made sense, "Please save the world!" she implored grabbing Tèa's hand.

"You want me… to save the world?" asked Tèa, a little confused now.

"Yes, only you have the power to stop the apocalypse!" declared Ishizu dramatically.

"Apocalypse?" Tèa was looking at Ishizu weirdly, "Ishizu, are you sure that you are getting enough sleep?" she asked, trying to free her hand from Ishizu' iron grip.

"YES!" yelled Ishizu, everyone around the two girls was staring at her now, "YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE, ONLY YOU CAN SAVE THE WORLD FROM CERTAIN DISASTER!" letting go of Tèa's hand she dramatically spread her arms for emphasis.

Tèa looked very uneasy, there were people staring at them, "Okay Ishizu," she said in a patronizing voice, "how about we go somewhere else and talk about this," she said grabbing the taller girl's arm and dragging her off.

Ishizu followed meekly, "yes my savior," she said.

Tèa wondered if she should call Malik and ask him to pick up his sister. Ishizu was clearly not operating well with all the stress from the museum. She found a reasonably deserted park bench and seated them both down on it.

"Okay Ishizu, talk," she said.

"The pharaoh is going through a hard time," said Ishizu after a few moments of silence.

"He did seem a little odd this afternoon," Tèa agreed.

"Malik phoned asking me to rescue him," said Ishizu.

"So, why are you talking to me?" asked Tèa.

"I had a vision from the Millennium necklace, and well… you're the only person in the world who can stop Atemu from this mad dueling and save the world!" Ishizu declared.

"How?" asked Tèa.

Apparently Ishizu wasn't being obvious enough, "well Atemu cares for you, a lot,"

"Yes," Tèa cheerfully agreed, "We're great friends,"

Ishizu mentally slapped herself; it wasn't Tèa's fault she didn't get this. Atemu had been particularly unobvious in his admiration for her. It wasn't Tèa's fault she was more than a little clueless either.

"Well, what if I told you that I have reason to believe that Atemu likes you, as more than a friend?" asked Ishizu, trying to be extremely blunt.

Tèa's mouth dropped open, "well, I… he doesn't" she shut her mouth firmly.

Ishizu was surprised by the obstinacy of the girl. Perhaps Tèa didn't care for Atemu anymore, and the pharaoh had missed the boat because he was too slow. Please Ra, don't let it be too late, otherwise, the world was doomed!

"But don't you think it was odd that this dueling madness of his started only after he learned that you were going on a date with another boy?" Ishizu asked.

"Coincidence," said Tèa frowning.

"I had a vision, believe me it wasn't coincidence," said Ishizu.

"But then why…" Tèa trailed off.

"Why has he kept ignoring your feelings?" finished Ishizu.

Tèa nodded, "if he liked me that much, why couldn't he just tell me?" she whispered.

"He's a man, that's the way they come. They aren't in to telling women how they really feel, they think it is obvious," Ishizu said dryly.

"So what am I supposed to do?" said Tèa.

"Screw him as quickly as possible," said Ishizu bluntly.

Tèa went three different shades of red in less than 4 seconds, "Ishizu," she stammered in protest.

"I'm sorry, that just came out," said Ishizu covering her mouth in surprise, "but you do need to solve this mess, otherwise the world is doomed," she added seriously.

"I'm sorry Ishizu, but as far as I'm concerned, this is Atemu's mess to solve, not mine. If he likes me, he has to be brave enough to tell me. I'm not going to settle for someone who won't tell me how he feels, and who isn't honest with himself," said Tèa standing up and walking away.

"BUT WHAT ABOUT SAVING THE WORLD?" Ishizu yelled after her.

"The world isn't in any danger," retorted Tèa. She wasn't going to make life easy for Atemu, no matter what bullshit Ishizu came up with.


Ishizu had gotten some curious looks because of her first yell; her second ensured that everyone's attention was on her. It was so quiet afterwards that the sound of a spider's footsteps could have been heard.

Tèa continued walking away, she didn't care if Atemu got hurt from sexual tension, it was his own damn fault. She did care if the world got blown up, but she doubted that Atemu's control could slip that much.

She doubted that sexual tension would hurt anyone. Not that she had any experience, and even if most men were said to be 'sex mad fiends'. He would not get hurt. Anyway, he barely looked at women, and you had to wonder if he even knew much about sex.

He had died at 16 in Ancient Egypt- his education couldn't have been that extensive. Except she'd heard that some 12 year olds had harems of women, so maybe he'd…

Tèa shook off all those thoughts. It wasn't any of her business anyway. Besides, Atemu was the most powerful person in world; and he was usually very responsible.

Well he hadn't seemed too responsible that afternoon, but normally…

Tèa's mobile went off, it was Mai. Tèa didn't even have time to put the phone to her ear before Mai's high pitched voice was audible, "Tèa, please come and save us. Atemu listens to you, reason with him!"

That was the last thing Tèa wanted to hear right now, "Look Mai, I'm kinda busy right now, I'll talk to you later," she hung up before Mai could protest.

"Kinda busy?" Mai questioned letting her phone drop into her bag, that movement drew Joey's attention, as well as Mai's comment.

"Well she is on a date tonight, I guess you probably caught her making out or something," Joey commented carelessly.

Atemu's eyes went red, he was at the moment dueling Joey and Seto Kaiba. He was at 200 life points, while they were at 400 (Kaiba) and 50 (Joey).

He drew, concentrating on his belief in the Heart of the Cards. The winged dragon of Ra was his reward. Luckily he already had three monsters on the field.

"I sacrifice my three monsters to summon, the winged Dragon of RA!" yelled Atemu and he played the Egyptian God card, annihilating both Joey and Kaiba in seconds.

Ishizu arrived at this moment and upon watching the scene before her sent a desperate prayer to the Gods, "please let Tèa come to her senses and stop this disaster from affecting the world,"

Tèa was walking around aimlessly. She knew she should go home. She'd already told Ishizu that she wasn't going to go to Atemu and confess passionate love for him. He should know how she felt, it seemed like everyone else did. He couldn't be that thick, even if he was male. For goodness sake, even Joey knew how she felt!

She should go home, there was no point in wandering the streets, she'd made her decision and she wasn't going to change her mind. Nothing was.

Her mobile rang, she pulled it out. Serenity? What did she want?

"Hey Serenity," she barely had time to greet her friend.

"Tèa, Ishizu told me to call you straight away," Serenity was in the camp of the enemy. Ishizu was very devious, "Joey and the others are in trouble,"

That got Tèa's attention, "What?"

"Atemu won't listen to reason or anything. He won't stop dueling, and he's done some kind of shadow magic so that they can't leave unless they beat him,"

So much for Atemu being reasonable and responsible, "Serenity, what on earth do you want me to do about it?" she asked.

"I don't know, but he won't listen to any of us, not even Yugi, and he won't release anyone from the game. Couldn't you come over here and try and talk to him?" Serenity sounded tearful.

Tèa felt caught in one of those slow motion moments in a movie. Her mouth was actually opening to say that she'd be right there, and she couldn't stop herself.

"See, I told you, this is all related to sexual tension. Only you can save the world, you are the chosen one!" Ishizu voice suddenly came on the other end of the phone.

Tèa pulled the phone away from her ears and found herself staring at the phone for a minute before she lost it, "DAMN IT!! THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SEXUAL TENSION! THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO BLOW UP JUST BECAUSE I WON'T HAVE SEX WITH ATEMU OR EVEN GIVE HIM A BLOW JOB!" and she promptly hung up on Ishizu.

There was a large crowd of people staring at her now, but Tèa was too angry to care. Ishizu was making out that it was up to Tèa to fix the problem, which made it sound like Tèa was the one to blame for the whole thing. But this was Atemu's fault. He was the jealous one who wouldn't tell her how he felt!


It was at this moment that Shadi appeared having sensed a disturbance in the balance of magical forces in the world. He could never have seen this one coming, the world being overturned by an unhealthy dose of jealousy and a high level of sexual tension.

He tried to stop the mad dueling; he tried to break the globe. He needed to be given full credit, he really tried. But he had no hope of breaking Atemu's magic thingy. Instead, the poor guardian found himself dragged into the Shadow Game of the century, its devastation would never be equaled.

Yes, devastation. Atemu's magic was giving the Earth some tension of it's own to deal with. Not only were there Earthquakes right through Asia- Japan of course being home to the ancient Pharaoh had the worst of the quakes. Australia suddenly found that there was snow, everywhere and ice. While Europe, even Russia suddenly passed through a very dry season, all the river beds were drying up. Africa suddenly discovered the miracle of Monsoon season. As for America, they got some crazy wind weather, not just a breeze, but tornado's through the whole continent, South America and Canada too.

In other words, the world had gone completely nuts. There was even a solar eclipse!

Shadi sighed mournfully, the rescuer waiting to be rescued. Ishizu said that this girl Tèa was the cause and was therefore also the solution. She better come soon, otherwise the way things were going, the world was doomed.

To think, this morning had started out with such promise. All it took was a girl, a little jealousy, a lot of sexual tension and a three thousand year old pharaoh and not only did you have complete chaos- you destroyed the world as well.

Truly women were the worst plague Ra had ever inflicted on man.

Tèa's phone rang again, she'd lost count of how many annoying phone calls she'd received that day, so she perhaps lost it- just a little when she answered.

"HELLO!" she shrieked.

"Tèa?" Mokuba sounded frightened. Poor kid, she'd taken out her irritation with Ishizu on him.

"Sorry Mokuba, I thought you were someone else,"

"Okay," he sounded like he thought she was as much of a freak as the other people standing around her did, "Tèa, can you come down to the Arcade?"


"Atemu's gone mad," -why was it everyone seemed to be calling her when it concerned Atemu?

"I know, Serenity, Mai and Ishizu have already called me," Tèa said flatly.

"Did they tell you about Rebecca and the others being trapped as well as my big brother?" Mokuba asked. He sounded scared.

Wait a minute, "Rebecca? What's she doing here?"

"Atemu called Odion, Grandpa Mutou, Professor Hopkins, Rebecca, Vivian, Rex, Weevil, Leon, Seigfried, Pegasus, Valon, Amelda, Rafael, Mako, Espa and the paradox brothers telling them to come and duel him, and they all arrived within the past two hours. Then Shadi arrived to try and stop them, but he got trapped as well. So now they are all trapped with Atemu, along with Joey, Mai, Bakura, Malik, Yugi, Duke and my big brother," said Mokuba in a rush.

Tèa paused; Atemu must have gone mad to be dueling all those people and to have trapped them. They couldn't get out unless they beat him… wait…

"Mokuba, the conditions for getting out of Atemu's magic. Those were his exact words?"

"Yes," Mokuba sounded puzzled.

Tèa had a brilliant idea, she could save the world, but she'd do it her own way. Ishizu could go jump in a lake along with that stupid necklace of hers.

"I'll be right there Mokuba," she promised.

"Thank you,"

"So what did she say?" Ishizu asked anxiously.

"She said she'd be right here," said the little boy.

"I knew it! She couldn't resist an adorable little kid, and she can't resist the call of destiny! She will save the world and rid Atemu of his sexual tension!" Ishizu crowed.

"Umm, Ishizu?"


"What's sexual tension?"

Ishizu felt an ice cold shiver run down her back. Kaiba would kill her if she educated her brother in such matters. Why couldn't the millennium necklace ever warn her about such embarrassing situations before they occurred? Stupid selective piece of trash.

"That's a good question, why don't you," Ishizu looked around for inspiration, "ask," she saw one of Kaiba's suits- BINGO "that kind employee of yours,"

Mokuba immediately went up to the suit and Ishizu was sure that he asked the poor man the question. Why? Because the poor suit looked around immediately for a route of escape just like Ishizu had. Apparently he couldn't find it, so he reluctantly opened his mouth, sensing his approaching doom.

If Seto Kaiba ever found out what Mokuba was learning then there would be hell to pay. His rage could make Atemu's little tantrum look like a light breeze (despite the lack of magic). Now that was a truly scary thought.

Anyway, I hope that you found this chapter a little amusing at least.

Please R & R, and I'll try to get another chapter up soon!

Thanks for reading! I reposted it with the correct paragraphing, so it makes sense. Sorry that I didn't work it out before.