Hiya, chappies'll probably be longer 'cause this is just a promises though xD


Oh crap. That was seriously all I could think of for a while. I'm a genrally optimistic person, but I reckon even a saint couldn't be optimistic at a time like this and I think I'm doing rather well. Sod's law really. The fact that I was going to be back home in about half an hour. Maybe it was better to be here than outside or anywhere else when the earthquake hit. Yes. You heard me correctly. Absolutly no warning. It just...came out of nowhere. It lasted what? Thirty seconds? But in that time all of the railway tracks must have been severly bent...every single mirror and window had been shattered which was one reason why it was good to be indoors at the time. Enclosed in an elevator actually. Hang on a minute...elevator...wasn't someone with me? I remember talking to someone... damn, Elliot was lunch today she said I had the worst memory ever, but then she had been pretty mad with me at the the time and...Elliot! I was with her. Talking about something or the other! But who cares!? Elliot's in here! I try to open my eyes. Uh uh; not hapening. I try again, but this time I'm forcing them open, but I'm somewhat surprised to find myself on the floor. Oh yea, I ducked as a load of rubble from somewhere above us fell down along with various peices of metal. God knows what they were from...or where. I'm straining my eyes now to see if I can see her. It's bad for your eyes, I know, but I don't have a torch and who cares? We're talking about more than eyesight here. Is that her there? Over in the corner? Is she awake. She's gotta be, she's moving. As my eyes adjust to the light I see that she's just sitting against the wall with her knees drawn up to her chest, studying her hands.

"Elliot?" I force out in a rasped voice...Holy...was that my voice?

"JD?" I hear Elliot say in a much stronger voice but it was laced with worry.


"Im fine...I think. You?"

"I don't know. arm hurts... a bit...sorta numb..."

That is actually a wierd feeling...the whole sensation of numness travelling from my shoulder and spiralling down my arm like someone rushing down a fleet of spiral stairs.

"Numb? Can you move your fingers?" Elliot asks nervously as she shifts a peice of rubble to get closer to me.

I try, but it just sends a spark of pain from my hand, travelling up my arm, cross sectioning the numbness...very strange feeling.

"Ow..." I mutter dully.


"Okay...I think I've broken my arm..."

"Yah think?"

"Well, I don't really wann look and if I did I wouldn't be able to see it anyway."

"Okay," Elliot says thoughtfully, "If you have broken it then where do you think?"

"I dunno."

"Rough estimate?"

"I don't know."

"You're a Doctor!" she tuts, "Honestly, broken bones is like the first thin you learn."

"That's technically not true..."

"Shut up, I'm examining you."

I can see her properly now as my eyes have adjusted fully to the light. She's rubbing dust from her eyes and wincing as it's made worse, so she gives that up pretty quick. My vision somewht blurs again, but I can feel her hands travelling up my arm, checking for anything out of the odinary. As her hands reach my upper arm however, I sickingly feel something shift in my arm; just before Elliot can gasp in horror at what she could just about see, but definatly feel. Where the thing has shifted, it catches nerve endings, sending sparks of agony down my arm...numbness has completely gone unfortunatly and it's only getting worse. I try not to show her how much pain I'm really in, I don't want to worry her, even though she already is worried as hell. Screwing up my face isn't quite helping me and pressing my back against the wall only makes it worse. It begins to reach an overwhelming point and it takes me a while to realise that I'm groaning out loud and that Elliot's hand is on my as-good-as-it's-gonna-get shoulder. I'm probably crushing her fingers aginst the wall but I can't stop myself. The pain begins to die down again and I'm now breathing in sharp, painful incretments as I try to gain a foothold against the fire now burning in my arm. Elliot's still rubbing my as-good-as-it's-gonna-get shoulder as I peer tentatively to my side.

Well, what do you know?

I haven't missed the rod at all.


I pinned to the side of an elevator.

With a filthy, rusty pole, crawiling with germs.

Through my upper arm.

My brain feels like mush.

And so does the muscles where the rod has impaled.

Yea...I think I may have broken it somehow...


So, what did you think of taht little preview? Huh huh huh? Should I carry on? Please R&R!?