
A/N: Merry Crimbo everyone! This is my present to all of you! xD

Sorry for the delay in updating - I've written and re-written this chapter about 20 times now... and that is NOT exaggerating!

h, and btw, I'm sorry to people who are insulted by this chapter for religious reasons. I don't mean anything by it and I'm religious myself. Roman Catholic. I'm the only person I know apart from one person who's Catholic...


Suddenly, cutting through the darkness like a knife cutting butter; is a light. I shouldn't follow, it could be... ah screw it. I let curiosity pull me towards it. The next thing I knew I was standing in jeans and a clean white shirt with the top button undone. It seemed formal but with a casual edge to it. Maybe... I look excitedly to my arm. Aw man, the pole was still there... how did that work out?

"Mr Dorian?" a voice said from somewhere around me. I spin around looking for the source.

"Yes?" I say, at the same time as someone else. I look behind me again and see...


"Hi," he says happily.

I try to see him properly, but it's still too dark. What was this place?

"This is Heaven."

I had to laugh at that. I'm sorry, but it couldn't be Heaven... I wasn't dead... was I? I don't want to be dead...

"It... it can't be... what are you doing here, dad?" I asked in a small, stuttered voice.

"Son... you're dead." he says calmly.

I shiver, but then, why would dad lie to me?

"Really?" I ask, my voice still stuttering.


"Oh crap." I mutter. Be careful what you wish for...'

"Hmmm..." the voice says again, "There must be a mistake... you're not meant to be hear for another century or two..."

"Look, who and where are you?" I demand into the darkness.

"I'm God and I'm over to your left." the voice says distractedly.

I turn around.

"No, your left."

I turn round the right way and see a silhouette of a man sitting at a desk with a computer on it.

"Centuries?" I ask tentatively.

"Yes, centuries."

"How does that work out?" I ask, frowning.

"You are the founder of the elixir of life."

"Cool... but, how come I die in a century or two if I'm immortal?"

There was a pause, then God said in an annoyed voice, "Just for that you wont create it. I'll just erase it from my future records..."

"N-n-n-no, don't do that!"

There was an even longer pause then I nervously asked, "Well, can I go back at least?"

"If I can delete the elixir part."

"Either way, I'm never going to make it am I?" I sigh.


"Crap. That'd get me the attention from Doctor Cox I've always wanted..."

"Ah, actually... no, you can't go back. What was I thinking?"

"Frick!" I exclaim, stamping my foot impatiently.

"Hang on! Frick?"

"It's what my friend Elliot says. I miss her." I sigh, sadness clouding inside of me, I smile regardless, "I used to date her..."

"Whoa whoa whoa wait!" God says hurriedly.


"... you have an ex?"


I can hear clicking of a mouse and fingers hitting a keyboard at lightening speed, "OH! You're John Dorian? AKA JD?"


"Sorry... my mistake. Thought you were Hitler trying to escape again." There was a hint of amusement on His voice.

"You can go back."

"Why Hitler?" I had to ask that.

"It's the kind of story he normally comes up with. We just play along and play mind games with him. It's fun!"

"Was I really going to create the elixir of life?"

"Well, not now, but you were going too. We take random information from random files to play mind games with."

Okay then..."

I feel something warm going steadily down my bad arm. It feels sickeningly wet and I know full well what it is, but I still ask, 'What's happening?' in a panicked voice.

I feel a warm hand on my good shoulder, "You're going back. Goodbye... I love you. Remember that."


I try to put my hand on his but it wont move. Numbness is back. Then the pitch black from all around me clouds my vision and the dark, strange environment dissolves away into blinding light...




Everything is in a haze as I hear the shouting and the whine of the defibrillator coupled with the swooshing of the mask placed over my friends face with a nurse behind it, squeezing air into his body manually.

"CLEAR!" Dr. Cox shouts again. There's the noise of the defib shocking JD again and the sickening thump where JD's body arches and flops back onto the floor. I can feel tears springing up in the corners of my eyes. After everything we've just been through, he can't just die. I feel a soft hand on my shoulder. I look around to see Carla. She's caked in dirt and dust, so is Turk, but they're otherwise okay. Turk is simply staring at JD, a faraway look in his eyes. Carla on the other hand can't bear looking at him. He went into Cardiac Arrest the minute they got him separated from the metal and by the time they got him down he hadn't taken a breath in over two minutes. Possible brain damage but that wasn't going to happen.

The machine's still flat lining. I see an unfamiliar expression on Dr. Cox's face. It's helplessness. I know what's coming...

"Time of death 15:2..."

"NO!" I scream and I literally throw myself on top of JD, beating at his chest, screaming and sobbing even though I know it's hopeless.

"Elliot, come on." I feel Carla take my shoulders and try to take me away. She sounds tearful. I simply scream louder and wriggle free. It takes about three or four people to pull me off of him. Suddenly, I hear a different noise from the heart monitor. It's a beeping. Irregular at first, then getting steadier and stronger. I feel the hands drop me.

"What the hell...?" Dr. Cox mutters under his breath. Suddenly, JD's head shoots up and gasping he looks around for a second then drops back down again. I hurry over to him.

"JD?" I say softly. He opens on eye to look at me.

"Oh thank God!" I exclaim.

Turk comes over and puts a hand on his shoulder, "Someone up there likes you, man."

JD grins widely, "Oh, you have no idea..."



Joy, joy, Christmas joy!