There are times when all she could do was lay awake.

She listened to the steady beat of rain on her roof on her first downtime she had been given in a long time. She had thought about maybe riding her bike or doing something somewhat productive in her house, like repaint the bathroom.

Any ambition went out the window to the sound of rain.

She drifted back into a restless slumber.

A few hours later, she was curled up in her favorite chair in front of her living room window. A blanket that had belonged to her mother was draped over her. The rain was still coming down. One of those rains where it went on without end for hours, soaking deep into the Earth.

Sam knew it had been dry in Colorado Springs, but she had been offworld for the past two weeks. When she got back home, she had been slightly surprised at the dust and the dry grass. Even the air felt half baked. After being used to the planet's intense humidity, it had sucked any energy that was left in her.

Something was missing though. She reached over and picked up her cell, dialed a number, and waited.

"You may speak," a deep voice graveled into the phone.

"We still have to work on how you answer phones, Teal'c."

"Good afternoon Major Carter. Are you not well?" Only someone who was close to Teal'c would pick up on the slight concern in his voice.

"No, Teal'c. I'm fine. Just…tired... and" her voice trailed off.

"I too am restless, Major Carter. Even viewing Star Wars has not been able to interest me today."

"That bad?"

"Indeed. Daniel Jackson seems to be most annoyed also."

"Want to come over? You could pick up Daniel maybe."

"May we consume pizza at your house, Major Carter?"

"You should probably call Colonel O'Neill, then."

An hour and a half later SG1 was gathered in Sam's living room on various parts of furniture. Empty pizza boxes were on the table, and a few discarded bottles were scattered around.

One by one they dozed off, calmed by the steady beat and the presence of each other.