Hello, I'm Nick Dahdah.


Bond walked into M's office, it seemed like a normal day that morning, But, little did Bond know that it would be a horrific play out of events.

M walked in and sat (M is a man in this) He sat down and said, "Well, Mr. Bond, It seems I have a very important mission. In Japan, we have sittion with a certain…monster."
"A monster?"

"Yes. It seems some of the locals are spooked by the thought of a monster named… 'Godzilla'. I want you to go down there, and sort out some of the difficulties."

"And you want someone of my status to do this why?"

"Well, I think there may be an old friend of yours down there." M said smiling.


In the center of a gun, is a spiral. And this spiral looked around for a moment, and focused on Bond. Bond reacted quickly, and shot the man holding the gun, and blood fell into the spiral. (The music booms)

Sean Connery


Ian Fleming's


James Bond.



James Bond


The plane arrived at the airport, and Bond got off.

He drove to the hotel he was staying at, and talked to the recipient, and said, "Hello. I believe I have a reservation?"

"What is your name?" she asked.

Bond smiled, and said in English, "Bond. James Bond."

She smiled too, and gave him his key. Bond went up to his room, and changed his clothes. He came out in a blue suit, with a bow tie, and a gun tucked in his shirt.

Bond walked off, and drove to a building that said 'Authorized personnel'. only.

He only had to show his face to the guards, and they let him through.

Once inside, he met up with several Japanese men, all dressed in black suits.

"Mr.… Bond, is it?"

"Yes, it is."

"Well, we want to say that we thank you for summing down. We would also like to say that we give complete control of our army. We need you to sign these papers.

They're all speaking English, interesting. Bond thought as they pulled out the papers

Bond looked them over, and said, "What is this?"

"The contract to control our army. We need a good military strategist like you to direct our efforts to destroy this monster."

"So…you're serious on this?"

"Yes. It may come today. You can see for yourself."

"I will." Bond signed the papers, and then gave them back.

"Thank you mister Bond." There was something in mister that Bond didn't like.

"Well, That does seem nessacery."

"Would you like to see the army?"


They led Bond to a gigantic building and Military base that housed all sorts of tanks, and soldiers and strange technologies, like the giant 'Masser guns'.

Bond was impressed with it, and said if the matter came up, he would crush the monster.

As they were leaving, Bond asked the main person, Hetio was his name, if a man named Tiger Tanaka was around somewhere.

"I'm sorry," he said, "Mr. Tanaka died several years ago."

"Oh." Tanaka was an accomplice of Bond's, but he hadn't seen him for years.

Then, the alarm sounded.

And Bond heard: "Monster on the Horizon!"

I know there's not much to it, but its all I can think of right now. I'm anxious, so please review good.