Note from the Authoress:

Raaarrrghhh! I rise from the dead! Brrrraaaaiiiinnnnssss!

Actually, I have been working my stupid ass off on my Animation application for college, and my Animation Porfolio from hell and my Aptitude Drawing Test, also, from hell.

Fraking maddening.

Its a damn good thing I have this little jar of Play-Doh with me at all times. So when I feel like I need to beat the crap out of something... scream at the top of my lungs... or have mild urges to murder someone, I just mold a shape out of my Play-doh then beat the bloody snot out of it.

Really! Its excellent therapy and a wonderful stress reliever.

So with out further adue, here is Chapter Eleven

And now I must go pee because I have been holding onto it, becuase I was terrified that if I left my seat for one moment, I would have some kind of brain fart and lose all of my equisite imagination.

Lousy excuse. I know.

Really I was just lazy.

But now I feel my bladder is about to explode.


(Erm.. just to clarify. I meant enjoy the story, not my exploding bladder)


Disclaimer: IdonotownCardCaptorSakura.NowImustgopeebeforeIexplode

Chapter Eleven: Resurfaced

Tomoyo ran into the occupied, open-door, bathroom with a fresh white towel. She rushed and opened the cabinets, pulling out some gauze pads and anti-bacterial cream. She then reached high into the shelf and pulled out a dark bottle, with a dark potent substance. Twisting the cap off, and carelessly throwing it onto the counter. The cap bounced off the counter side before rolling into the white ceramic sink. Not even sparing the cap a glance, she brought the open bottle up to her nose, taking a quick sniff, as if she was unsure if it was what she was looking for. She grabbed the white, cloth, bundled in a lazy fold, and pour some of the dark liquid into it. She watched as the cloth drank up the liquids and bled through the once white woven fabrics.

A dark figure came up behind her, but she took no heed to acknowledge their presence. A long lean arm reached into the sink, picking up the small cap, before shaking the small bits of water off it.

"He's not going to die Tomoyo." A low gruff voice rumbled with sigh.

Tomoyo, rubbed the cloth's ends together, making the dark liquid bubbled and foam. Her amethyst eyes glance up to the mirror to her side, although she could feel his warm breath down the back of her neck, he showed no reflection in the mirror. She shivered uncomfortably.

"He got hit with an alarm clock, Syaoran. It would be a miracle if he didn't get a concussion." She whispered frantically in a sharp breath.

"He has to have a brain first, to get a concussion, Tomoyo." Syaoran grumbled.

"Why in gods name are you talking about me, like I'm not here!?" A pained yet irritated voice whined.

Tomoyo rolled her eyes as she rushed over to Eriol, who was sitting on the toilet, with his head facing to the ceiling. He held a cloth to his nose, as blood continuously poured out of it and seeped into the once perfectly bleached cloth.

Tomoyo stood over him as she pushed away his dark strands of hair, falling over his face. Above his eye-brow was a massive, pulsating red lump growing out his head. Not only did the alarm clock smash into his forehead, it also split the skin around it. Causing to ooze with pus and blood. Tomoyo took the potent soaked cloth and dabbed the sore bleeding lump. Eriol hissed and tensed his back, while the back of his head clumsily hit the wall behind him.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" Tomoyo hissed.

"It bloody hurts woman!"

"Oh suck it up and stay still. If this thing becomes infected, you'll be so damn sorry!" She pushed the cloth forcefully down on his forehead. " And don't call me 'woman'!"

Syaoran raised his eyebrow and stared down at the reincarnate of Clow Reed, sympathetically. " Remind me to never play 'doctor' with you, Tomoyo."

From the door way, Spinel stared at his master, avoiding the medical treatment. His turquoise stared up at the chestnut haired boy, leaning against the shower stall. The boys, amber eyes soon shifted to the black panther as another large cat appeared to his side. "Well," The golden lion sat on his behind, next to his black companion. He dipped his head low and flattened his tufted golden ears.

"She stopped screaming ." He finished.

The black panther's, stoic gaze shifted back towards to the bathroom. " That's a relief."

The golden lion turned his head to Spinel direction. " What?"

"I said, that's a relief."

"WHAT?" Kero asked again

Spinel snarled, baring his white fangs. " Take out those god forsaken ear plugs, Keroberus!"


Syaoran rolled his amber eyes as a cat fight broke out in the middle of the Eriol and Tomoyo's room- Once Sakura's Father's room. He turned back to Eriol and Tomoyo. A simple gauze pad was taped over his bleeding lump, the but the lump was so evidently there, it was almost odd looking.

Scratch that. It was odd looking.

Syaoran fought the urge to laugh at it, as Eriol kept his head up to the ceiling, as his nose was still bleeding. " I can't believe she did that." He whispered, disbelieving.

Tomoyo snorted as she washed the cloths in the sink. Eriol only turned his dark sapphire eyes to her and gave her a sharp glare. He pulled the cloth from nose and scowled.

" I expected a reaction. Yes. I expected her to yell, cry even possibly go catatonic." He sniffed as he wiped the dry blood away from his lips. " But I would have never expected her to-"

"To what?" Tomoyo glared. "Grab you by the hair with her broken hands and fingers, then smash your face into her bedside corner table, full of rage and betrayal Then throw, any object she could get her hands on, in a maddening anguish, at your face?"

" If you have to put it that way, then yes." He conjured negatively as he put the bloody cloth back up to his nose. "She must really hate me."

"Mostly your face." Syaoran quipped.

Eriol sent a sharp kick to Syaoran's leg with his socked foot. Syaoran's amber eyes narrowed demonically at the huffing bloody-nosed man.

"Watch it, Door-Knob Head." Syaoran hissed.

Tomoyo turned to the two large cats bickering in front of the door. " Kero." She addressed forcefully. The large golden lion turned his head towards her, his fur on his neck and back still on its ends due to the heated argument with the brash black panther. His golden eyes soon caught the dark and direct gaze of Tomoyo.

"Has she at least somewhat calmed down?"

Kero shook his head. " She stopped screaming, but as soon as you go to open her bedroom door, it becomes World War I in there."

All voices were hushed as the sound of the shower, from the bathroom across the hall from Sakura's room, was turned on. Tomoyo turned her shocked worried glance to Syaoran and Eriol. Eriol pulled the cloth away from his nose again. " What in bloody hell is she doing? Drowning herself?" Eriol exclaimed loudly. Tomoyo bit her bottom lip as she stared at Syaoran, who's ear was honed into the sound of rushing water.

" I just had put fresh bandages on her. She's going to make her wounds sore." Tomoyo whispered, mostly to Syaoran, but Eriol clearly heard it. Tomoyo gazed back to Kero.

"Kero go check it out."

Kero's golden ears lowered and sent a mighty glare with his golden eyes. " Cat + Water "hell no."

"I'm sure as hell, not" Eriol sounded before anyone had even a notion of asking him.

Syaoran closed his eyes before pushing his back off the shower stall and straightening his body. He grabbed the bandage kit before walking out the door.

" I'll go." he stated firmly, holding no objections.

As he squeezed between the two large cats, and disappeared into their bedroom and out into the hall Tomoyo called out to him.

" Don't come back with something protruding out of your torso again! I'm running out of med supplies."

"Can't promise you that." He mumbled to himself.

Syaoran looked into Sakura's room. It was ransacked. Her books, her clothes, even her stuffed animals were thrown all over the place. The bed, where she previously had been lying in, looking so fragile, black and blue coved with bloody gauze and barely able to lift her eye lids, was all wrinkled.

That was, until Eriol told her, he knew about the demon that was residing inside her from the start, that caused her mind to be tortured in a mental state as the demon killed innocent souls, with her thoughts and her own magic. So that once broken shattered body's eyes soon shot open, displayed numerously different signs of rage and anger, and she sat up, grabbing Eriol's head dangerously with her broken fingers before smashing his head down forcefully onto the table...


In many cases, Syaoran would have sat back and thoroughly enjoyed the situation. Then she began screaming and swearing at the top of her lungs and throwing everything she could her hands on. She went hysterical and Syaoran was damned sure she wouldn't think twice before kicking everyone's asses out of her sight.

He noticed the ruffled sheets had small spots of blood splattered on them. If Sakura wasn't covered with bleeding wounds, he would have figured she was on her time of month, due to her… insane outburst not too long ago.

The comforter was spread in heap on the floor, figuring Sakura his ripped it off in rage and stormed out of the room, with her broken body. He senses did not fail to smell the intoxicating specks of her blood, on the walls and floor leading to the bathroom.

His gaze then looked to the closed door across from Sakura's room. His acute eyes caught the faints stains of bloody hand prints on the doors, clean wooden surface. The shower was still going, but his superb sense of hearing could not hear water falling off a moving figure. He rapped his knuckles onto the door once, before calling out to her.


After he figured she was not going to answer, he boldly grabbed the door knob and turned it. It wasn't locked. But even if it was, Syaoran's strength would have broken down the door anyways, much to Tomoyo's displeasure.

As soon as he pushed the door open, a wave of steam rushed into his face. He walked into the bathroom, still hearing the sounds of rushing warm water. He never failed to noticed that there wasn't any clothing laying discarded onto the floor. He frowned as he approached the open stall.

The open stall's water was spilling on the floor, making a slippery puddle along the tiles. He walked through the steam and looked down at the figure sitting on the shower stall's floor. She was still in her clothes, or pyjama's that Tomoyo had forced onto her the moment Syaoran had brought her bloodied bloody home. The bandages that Tomoyo had securely wrapped around her wounds was turning transparent, and the wounds were now sticking to the wet bandage. Water had damped her lively auburn locks and turn them limp, dull, drenched and dark. The strands of hair framed her red swollen skin.

"Get out." She whispered, but her hard emerald eyes refused to move from their deadly trance on the bathroom wall.

Syaoran crouched down. He bent his knees allowing his bare feet, and his pant legs to soak up the floor unto the bathroom floor. He placed his elbows on his knee caps and greeted his calloused hands in a lazy hold. His head turned to the side, allowing his mussed chestnut locks to fall to the side.

"Make me." He chided, with his amber eyes glowing with amusement.

Her emerald eyes narrowed darkly and soon broke out of the trance, and turned their fury onto the smirking vampire. The extremely handsome, amber eyed vampire, wearing only but a pair of old jeans and a wrinkled grey t-shirt that exposed his well endowed muscular arms a little to much to her benefits. But she still continued to glare.

Her eyes soon darted to his abdomen. Her eyes distinguished the bulking material of bandages under the grey t-shirt. Guilt ripped into her heart, recognizing that the wound was from her, when the demon took over her body.

She stabbed him.

She STABBED him.

She inflicted pain on the person she loved the most.

If he wasn't a vampire. She could have killed him.

Syaoran's eyes caught her brief flash of remorse and guilt in her eyes. She turned her head back to the bathroom wall as warm water continuously pelt down on her body.

Syaoran knew she was feeling guilt, and he also knew, no words would be able to relieve that heaviness and blame. He stood up and opened the shower stall's door wider. He stepped inside, allowing his senses to adapt to the warm water beating onto his skin and damping his clothes. He took a seat beside her, bringing his knees up, while casually putting his arms upon them. He pushed a wet strand of chestnut hair, out of his eyes and turned to the wet girl beside him.

"I think Eriol's scared of you."

And again, he did not fail to mention the darkening in her eyes once he mentioned 'his' name.

"Good." She whispered hollowly.

Syaoran looked down to the bathroom floor as he gripped the wrist of his left hand. The awkward sound of the shower drummed into the silence, making it almost unbearable. He hated seeing her this way. She seemed like almost stone, as if everything inside had just died. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying and screaming before, but now she seemed to displaying nothing but numbness.

"I'm glad you are not throwing things." Syaoran whispered loudly to her. Trying to provoke some type of emotion from her.

She only blinked, allowing some access water on her lashes, to fall onto her wet cheeks. " There is nothing to throw." She licked her cracked split lip and blinked again. " Besides…"

" I can't feel my fingers…"

Syaoran glanced down to arms wrapped around the knees that were brought up to her chest. Her hands swollen, with bloodied, deranged and purple fingers, hung limp from her wrists. The white bandage that had securely held them together was wet and transparent, and was slowly unravelling. Eriol had preformed a bone-mending spell on them, to heal faster. But it would be days before they'd be normal again.

Syaoran turned away from her numb fingers and looked back at the wall that she was occupied with it.

"You can't stay mad at Eriol forever, you know."

She didn't say a word, and it was at least a minute before she slowly turned her head to his direction. Her dark gaze glared hard upon him. Syaoran turned his head to look at her.

And he had provoked her.

"Oh really?" She whispered in her stone voice. " And why is that?"

"Because, deep down, you know he was only doing what he thought was right."

Sakura's hands unravelled from her legs, as her knees dropped to the stall's flooded floor."

"Doing what he thought was right?" She repeated bitterly. " Do you think that MAYBE, if he told me there was a homicidal demon taking over my body, it could have prevented me from killing INNOCENT people!?"

Syaoran closed his eyes. " I wouldn't doubt it for a second."

Sakura's eyes widened furiously, and just about when she was to open her mouth, Syaoran interrupted her.

" But we had to reconsider the situation. We had to consider YOUR situation."

"Mine?" She whispered sceptically.

" Given the chance if we did tell you, I believe there would have been repercussions." His amber eyes opened his eyes.

" There was a chance, you wouldn't believe us and flee from us, OR you would believe us, but remain terrified of what you were and flee…"

"Right into Lucius' open arms." He sighed. He turned and looked at her. " And I'm sorry if you feel hurt, betrayed even, but we honestly could not take that chance…."

Sakura bit her lip and looked down to the wet floor. Syaoran ran his hand through his damp hair. " 'I' could not take that chance." He added bluntly. " If you want to blame someone, you should blame me. It was my decision to keep it away from you, even though I knew it was wrong. Eriol agreed with me."

Sakura pushed herself up from the floor, weakly. She stood up, as the shower's water beat erratically against her skin. She glared down at Syaoran, but her eyes softened as his amber eyes looked back up at her reflecting, his own pain.

The anger and frustration was leaving her mind, but she felt her heart ache as it began to fall to pieces. Salty water filled into her eyes, she placed her crushed hand to her quivering lips. She closed her eyes and fresh tears spilled down her cheeks mixing with the warm water.

" I have blood on my hands Syaoran." She whispered.

Syaoran stood up and gently wrapped his arms around her frail body. She buried her head into his chest as his arms embraced her securely. The warm water still rushed out the showerhead and poured down onto them. She felt her heart squeeze as the sadness and fear crept into her, spilling out of her. She buried her head further into his embrace, as she sobbed mercilessly into him.

"No matter …how hard I scrub…. No matter how…. long I soak" She sucked in a tearful breath between her teeth as the sobbing caused her voice to shake. " …Its still there."

"Shhhh." Syaoran soothed as his hands, gently rubbed her contracting back as her sobbing increased. His fingers rubbed through her dampened hair, brushing his thumb lovingly against her swollen cheek. He rested his head against the top of hers, brushing his lips on her head.

" I can see it all… the time…" Sakura continued to sob. " The blood of the people… that I.. Killed."

"It was the demon, Sakura. You know that."

"It was using my body!…My skin, eyes,.. my soul." Her sobbing became hysterical. " Two people are dead because of me! No one…. should ever… live with that guilt on ..t-their conscious!"


"Syaoran I don't …know what to do…anymore."

"Its alright." He whispered, kissing her forehead again.

" Everything is going to be okay."

In a small store window, an elderly woman, with white hair tied back into a low bun, flipped the 'open' sign over changing it to the 'closed' side. She picked up a cloth and placed it over the ancient daggers, jewellery and artefacts admiring in the stores window ledge. She walked away from the window and went behind the cash register, preparing to lock some priceless items tight in their metal boxes. Opening the empty box she unlocked the cabinet displayed in front the cash. As she was about to reach in and grab the item inside it, her store door opened.

Startled and rather annoyed, she closed the cabinet and looked up to glare at the visitors walking into her store. Men in dark clothing walked inside, with a predatory look in their eyes. They stood by as two figures royally entered the shop. Pulling down the black leather hood he brushed his dark hair out his face.

"Well isn't this fancy!" Lucius exclaimed dryly as he glanced at the run down antique shop. His icy eyes glanced around at the cabinets as if looking for something. His eyes fell on the angry lady with her arms crossed, staring bravely up at him, with a discontent glare.

"Well hello." Lucius smiled politely, allowing his fangs to gleam dangerously. He was taken back when the old lady did not notice the sharp fangs protruding from his lips. It made him feel rather hurt.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to tell you to leave. I'm closed." The woman announced harshly.

Lucius's eyes widened. " Oh. I'm so deeply sorry." He smirked.

" But I'm afraid… that won't happen."

The woman glared at him. " Then I will have to call the police." She said briskly before walking over to the cash register and grabbing the phone.

As the woman was about to dial in the numbers, she looked back at the intruders. He finger hovered in shock as she stared at the figure behind the abrasive man.

Mora still in her hauntingly white gown, almost floated into the shop. Her long dark hair fell deathly over her breasts. Her white eyes glanced over at the displays and artefacts. Her long white slender arm reached over to the statue of a god, spearing a serpent. Her long black fingernails examined the angst and death carved into the dragon's face. Her fingers examined the spear that was imbedded into the dragons head. She followed the spear into the angry gods hands and her fingers then traveled up to the gods head. Her hands then wrapped around the stone statues head, before crushing it into pieces.

The woman stood frozen, watch the white eyed monster destroy the statue with her hands. Mora's face turned to the gaping old woman, the woman almost jumped seeing her burnt and scarred face.

"Don't mind her. " Lucius whispered to the lady. " She's in a bad mood."

"Who the hell are you people?" The woman whispered fearfully.

Mora dipped her head to the side. " She has skin like a cow." She hummed.

" If I were to skin her, could I wear her?"

The woman's old eyes, widened in dumbfounded terror.

"You can very much try, my pet." Lucius laughed

The vampires, surrounding them, left Mora and Lucius's side and began to approach the woman. The woman's eyes lit up in horror and reached behind the counter, pulling out a wooden cross. Holding it out protectively in front her, she backed away as the vampires got closer.

"Stay back demon! Back!" Her hands trembled as the vampires kept get closer. She backed up right into another vampire, sneaking behind her. Smacking the wooden cross out of her hands, the vampire grabbed the side of the woman's head, before jerking it sharply to the side. A deafening crack entered the room as the old woman's body hit the floor, her blue eyes staring widely to the heavens.

Mora turned away from the dead shop keeper and looked at the glass cabinet with a skull with in it. Turning her head to the side, she pushed the cabinet to the floor shattering it. Lucius looked over to her as she pulled out the skull out of the broken cabinet. She held up the skull. " Look Lucius." She exclaimed in wonder.

"A child's skull."

Lucius, looked through the cabinets, his eyes searching for a particular object, not even bothering to turn around to look at her. " That's nice, pet…" He replied, clearly uninterested in her findings. " But that's not we are here for."

He walked over to the counter, and opened the metal boxes that were yet to be locked. " What we are looking for…" he whispered to himself as he dumped the metal boxes unto the counter, searching its contents. " Is much more special…"

"Boss." One of the vampires called. Lucius whipped his head around and walked over to the cabinet display in front of the cash. His eyes glowed with happiness as he found the object he was looking for.

"So much more special."

He smashed his fist into the cabinet, shattering the glass. He reached in a grabbed the item hanging from black metal sling-shot shaped pole. Pulling out the object, his icy eyes stared in wonder at the object.

Mora floated mindlessly over to him. She looked down in his hands. Lucius grabbed the gold chain hanging from the large and heavy amulet and held it up to the light. Gleaming, was a large aqua diamond, as the light hit it, bits of green and deep dark blue mixed into its colour. It was as if you were looking under water, up to the ocean's surface.

Around the diamond, was rows of golden clawed teeth that trapped the diamond in a mouth. Another set of clawed-teeth circled the exotic amulet. Four large clawed-teeth were extended over the diamonds, top, sides and bottom. The amulet's look displayed a sense of foreboding death, as the diamond gleamed powerful inside the undistinguished creature's mouth.

"It so pretty." Mora cooed. Lucius smirked as he stared at it again.

"Oh it is pet, and it will solve our nasty little problem. With the Amulet of Charybdis, I will create havoc and devastation everywhere. It certainly will keep that blasted Clow Mistress and her vampire boy-toy busy."

Suddenly the sound of a body hitting the floor, with a feral growl, before turning into cloud of ash, interrupted Lucius's victorious moment. Lucius turned his head a saw a figure standing in the doorway. One the vampires by Lucius's side growled and ran out the figure. Before the vampire could take a step, the hiss of flying object, whispered into the store's air, before imbedding itself deep into the vampire's chest. The vampire roared as a wooden arrow was shot into his un-beating heart. Before the vampire could even hit the ground, his skin turned to dust along with his bones.

Lucius stared unfazed by his now, dust covered shoes. He shook the dirt of his boots with a discouraged frown.

"I'm sorry, I'm I interrupting something?"

Lucius looked up as the figure walked out of the dust and shadows. Lavished in crimson leather cat suit, exposing skin along the figures hip and entire back, Sophie held her bare arms out to the vampire. Strapped to her arms were hand-held cross bows, that were triggered by the pulled of her wrist. She pointed them provocatively at Lucius.

And seeing the small, wooden arrows loaded in the portable cross-bow gun made Lucius immediately put his hands up in surrender. A sly smirk still quite evident on his face.

" Aren't you a nummy treat."

Sophie cocked her head to the side, a dark smirk playing on her red lips. Her hazel eyes gleamed coldly. Her hair was tied back to form a underside pony-tail allowing sharp spikes of hair to lavish the back of her head. Her dark brown hair, was streaked with crimson red tips, making the spikes look as if they were bloody. Long jagged earrings with ornamental designs, hung from her ears.

"To bad you won't be able to get a taste." She whispered seductively and dangerously.

The red cat suit, turned into a halter top, exposing the mounds of her white creamy breasts. Lucius eyes failed to admonish the fact, he shouldn't stare at a woman's breasts, when she armed with two cross-bow guns.

"You can have a taste of my cross-bow though." She smirked.

A large four inch wide leather belt hung from her waist. On the sides of the black belts, lines of finely carved wooden stakes circled her waist. Gleaming at her side, two leather scabbards hung from the belt. One admonished the symbol of a hawk, while the other an panther.

"I must say," Lucius purred, noticing the familiar scabbard symbol. " 'He' would have loved to see you like this."

Her hazel eyes darkened as she gripped the cross, bows trigger. Ready to release the arrow onto the vampire.

"You might want to watch what you say vampire, before you find one of my arrows jarred through your skull." She warned darkly.

"That wouldn't kill me, love" Lucius smirked, getting almost aroused by her dangerous temper.

"No." She admitted cocking her head to the side. Her eyes looked at vampire, as her smirk vanished. " But it would surely hurt like a bitch."

Lucius's smirk slipped off his face and swallowed a lump in his throat.

Pushing back a crimson strand, that fell in front her face, she dropped one arm, but still had one that held Lucius at gun-point.

"I'm going to ask you for some information." Sophie announced. " And you are going to tell me, what I need to know."

"And if I refuse?" Lucius asked rather dumbly.

"What do you think dumbass? I kill you. And I wipe hell britches' face with your dusty remains then taking her down afterwards."

"That's rather discouraging…" Lucius mumbles. " And if I do tell you? How do I know that you are going to just let me go?"

"You don't." Sophie stated bluntly.

"Fair enough. I'll try my best to answer to your demands, but I must say… Aren't risking a lot on your plate for allowing a high-bounty demon to escape."

" It's a risk I'll have to take. Now are we clear?"

"Crystal." Lucius replied dryly, feeling his arms getting tired for having them up in the air too long.

Sophie closed her eyes before dropping her armed weapon to her side. She opened her hazel eyes that reflected rage and mostly… revenge.

"Where is Sakura Kinomoto?"

Syaoran wrapped the fresh bandage around Sakura's hand. He wrapped it tight, keeping her sore fingers close together, making in difficult for Sakura to even try to bend them. A towel was placed lazily on her head, as Syaoran had tried to towel-dry her damp hair, and some of her clothes. He was sitting on the bathroom floor, legs spread in a fresh pair of jeans, and an unbuttoned white shirt. He reached over to the red med kit that was open, with used and unused bandages scattered all over the place. He grabbed the scissors and cut the bandage around Sakura's hand. After cutting them, he threw the remaining bandages into the red bag. He pulled the safety pin from in between his teeth and clicked it open.

Sakura glanced up at him, with her emotionally, and physically exhausted eyes. He still had another safety pin in his teeth as he began to, pin the bandages together. She watched his eyebrows narrow together as he concentrated on the pin. After clipping the pin on, he prepared the other pin, that was sticking out of his mouth.

"There we go." He whispered to himself with success. He had cleaned all of her cuts and bruises. Put on the anti-bacterial cream, and even re-sown a re-open wound. Sakura looked up at him tiredly and gave him a small smile.

"Thank you Doctor." She chided.

Syaoran, as he zipped up what remained in the med bag, glanced back at her. A smile spread across his handsome features and his amber eyes twinkled with mirth. He picked up the bloodied and use, wet bandages and discarded them into the silver garbage bin. Syaoran stood up and stretched his cramped muscles.

He looked down at Sakura who sat Indian-style on the floor. She looked up at him, extending her bruised neck and making the towel fall off her head.

"I'm cold." She whispered.

Syaoran looked down at her as he crossed his arms over his godly bare chest. He gave her a fake scolding look. " Well that's what happens, when play 'shower' with your clothes on."

She turned her head to the side, but Syaoran caught the slight pout on her lips as she looked away. He bent down and slipped his arms under her legs, before lifting her into his arms. She did not protest. She hardly made a sound.

We walked out of the bathroom and carried into her messy room. He laid her gently on the side of bed, with her feet hanging over the sides.

"Get those damp clothes off you Sakura, before you get sick" He commanded as he walked over to dresser digging for something for her to wear, and trying his best to ignore the fact that his hands were digging through her underwear drawer.

"All my clothes are tight." Sakura whispered. " I feel constricted in them."

Syaoran turned to look at her, giving her a perplexed look. Sakura sighed. " It makes the bandages itch. I want something baggy." she admitted.

Syaoran nodded before walking out of the room. " I might have something baggy for you." He walked down the hall, where Touya's room was once. Inside the room was boxes of Touya's objects and clothes. Syaoran had been using a lot of Touya's clothes, since he was now the same size and length as Touya was. Pulling out a large red, t-shirt he gathered it up into his hands.

He walked into Sakura's room. " Hey I found something-" He was cut short as his bare foot landed on soggy wet clothing. He looked up and saw Sakura sitting on her bed, completely missing all of her wet clothing.

"Great…googly moogly." Syaoran gasped, not really understanding where the words for his surprise came from.

Sakura's shy emerald eyes looked up at him, as she tried to cover her breasts with her arms. " Stop staring at me." She mumbled. " I'm covered with wounds."

Indeed she was covered with big black and blue bruises, abrasions and gauzed wounds, but her body looked absolutely flawless. Syaoran felt his mind pooled into a blank page as he continued to stare with his mouth opened.

Sakura blushed and looked away. " Syaoran!" she whined loudly, jolting him from his state

" I'm cold!"

Syaoran's cheeks began to glow and he turned his head away in embarrassment for his actions. He passed her Touya's old shirt. He found it odd that she was not reaching out for it to take it from his hands. He had no choice to turn his head to see 'why' she wasn't grabbing the shirt.

What was wrong with him? He is usually a calm person. Hardly ever embarrassed and is bold, ready to approach any challenge. But when it came to this woman, everything of his manliness just fumbled and stumbled all over the place. And when she was naked in front of him, she really brought his idiotic side of him.

It frustrated him to hell.

He found her tired emerald eyes staring up at him, in almost a pleading looking.

Oh ..shit.

"Can you… put it on me?" She asked shyly.

"…What?" Syaoran blanked again. " I'm sorry, I meant WHAT?"

Sakura's cheeks glowed as she looked down at the floor. The bed called for her to sleep and her body demanded for it. She had no strength to struggled to put on a t-shirt, especially with her fractured, elbow and broken arms. Taking off the wet clothing was hard enough.

" I tired myself taking off the wet stuff… I don't have any strength left… so could you..?" She glanced up at Syaoran, who stared at her with disbelieving stare. She puffed up her cheeks, seeing no change in his expression.

" Fine! I'll sleep nude!"

Before she weakly turned around grabbing the blankets Syaoran was at her side in moment. Syaoran grumbled under breath as he shook out the shirt, making sure it wasn't inside out. He slipped his hands into the shirt, bundling it around the neck hole.

" If I find out you are just playing with me, Sakura-" He pushed the t-shirt over her head. " I'm going to be righteously pissed off." he growled.

"I'm not." She squeaked as he grabbed her arm. " Gentle! Please." She cried. His eyes widened seeing her wince. He cursed and beat himself mentally for hurting her.

"Sorry" he whispered softly.

Gingerly and ever so gently, his calloused fingers wrapped around her sore wrist. Discovering that this arm was her fracture-elbow side, he pulled the sleeve of the t-shirt to her arm level. Rolling up the small sleeve, he gently slipped her bandaged hand through the sleeves hole.

Sakura's skin hummed as his warm skin rubbed gently and almost teasingly against her skin. She tried her best not to squirm, but she felt her body to heat up to his touch and she cursed at her betraying body.

His hands grabbed the other hand, just as gingerly, and slipped her hand through the sleeve's hole. He grabbed the sides of the t-shirt, scrunched above her breasts and pulled them down. Sakura's breath hitched in her throat, as she felt his knuckles accidentally brush against the side of her breasts. Excitement wound up her soul and her heart began to pound hard against her chest.

Syaoran adjusted the collar of the t-shirt almost mindlessly so it didn't fall off her shoulders. Sakura daringly lifted her gaze to his and looked into his amber eyes. Syaoran's hand's brushed against her neck, his fingers trailed the healing bite marks on her neck. His eyes softened. His fingers brushed her cheek and Sakura leaned closer to him.

"I'm sorry." Syaoran whispered as she began to close the distance between them. Inches from his lips she watch Syaoran's guilty gaze, bore into her.

"For what?' She whispered back, her warm breath heating his lips.

His gaze was locked with hers, as she leaned closer into her. His lips hovered barely a centimetre above her lips.

"For hurting you."

She closed her eyes briefly, before opening them again, allowing her long lashes to brush teasingly against his skin. She smiled as she brushed his lips against his gingerly.

" I guess we are even then."

The distance closed between them, and the heated and longed kiss electrified their bodies. Sakura wanted to so desperately to wrap her arms around his neck and deepen the kiss, but her body refused to move, refused to react to her desires. She wanted to cry in anguish for her bodies two-sided betrayal.

And almost reading her thoughts, Syaoran's arms carefully snaked around her back, pushing her warm body closer to him. Feverishly, he mindless suckled and nibbled at her lips. Sakura's own teeth grazed his bottom lip, pulling on it slightly. Syaoran's other hand snaked behind her head, pushing her closer to him.

Finally having some movement, in her body, Sakura pushed her knees up and crawled over to him weakly. His knee slipped between her legs as she sat upon it. The muscles in his legs contracted as she felt the heat from her woman hood, warm the fabric covering of his legs. He pushed his knee up slowly against her inner thigh. A moan rumbled out of Sakura's throat and her mouth opened in a surprised gasp.

Syaoran wasted no time as he forced his tongue into her mouth, tasting every part of her. Her bandaged hands reached up to touch his bare chest, but she could not feel his skin on her finger tips. Sakura felt tears cloud her eyes as Syaoran kissed her with a burning passion.

Feeling the warm salty tear trickle down the side of her face, Syaoran pulled away worriedly. " Am I hurting you?"

Sakura bit her swollen lips, tasting him on them. She shook her head as more tears spilled out of her eyes.

" I can't feel you…" She whispered.

Syaoran pulled away from the embrace and placed his arms on her shoulders. " What do you mean?" He whispered, putting his forehead on her to hers.

She sniffed as she lowered her head. " I want you so much. I've wanted to you for so long that it almost killed me. I've dreamed about this…. But now my dream only comes true when I'm in this crippled state."

Syaoran brushed the tears off her cheeks. " I'm not going anywhere Sakura. I promise." He chuckled.

"I know.." She whispered. " It just… It just sucks, that all." She stated, huffing.

Syaoran laughed as he scooped up her tired body into his arms, before laying her on the bed. He brushed the hair from her face and she looked up at him with her sad eyes. He leaned fore ward and kissed her forehead.

" How about this? Once you are feeling better, we will start where we left off." He winked at her. " Okay, Princess?"

A small smile spread across her lips, and Syaoran leaned over again, before leaving a soft kiss on her lips. Feeling his chestnut locks tickle the side of his face, she giggled. Syaoran pulled away and pulled the blankets over her body, along with the comforter.

He was about to stand when Sakura's wrapped hand, tried to grab his unbuttoned white shirt. Syaoran grabbed her sore hand carefully, wrapping his large hands securely around it.

"Stay with me..?" Sakura asked shyly.

Another dashing smile broke out onto his face. " You are getting awfully bold there, cherry blossom. And quite demanding."

Sakura looked up at him, making her emerald eyes water with a devastating pleading look. Her notorious 'Puppy Dog' eyes was one of Syaoran's weaknesses and she knew she could get what she wanted from him.

Syaoran closed his eyes, before stripping off his shirt. " You and your damn 'puppy dog' eyes" he grumbled as he lifted up the blankets.

The moment he was under the blankets, Sakura forced her body over to him, burying her head into his warm chest. Syaoran smiled and wrapped his hands, carefully around her waist, returning her embrace.

"Night Sakura." He whispered to her, as he could hear her heavy breathing clearly showing that she had already fallen asleep.

" Sweet dreams."

Nakuru walked into the kitchen, dressed in her orange and purple, leopard skin pyjama's. Her hair was disarranged, but her eyes were wide and energetic. She grabbed a bowl from the open cupboard, before walking over to the pantry and whipping it open. From the kitchen table, Yue sat at the head-end, wearing a light grey button up dress shirt and a pair of black jeans- another one of Touya's collections. His abnormally silvery white hair, was the same, touching the floor from the seated chair. He was holding a steaming mug of coffee and a newspaper in front of him. His silver eyes watch the deranged guardian poke into the cupboards, searching for food.

She picked up a bag of cheese puffs, before throwing it back in there with distraught. Her eyes then shifted to the corner of the sink, to the black half open bag on the counter. She walked over and put her hand in the bag before popping one of the contents into her mouth. Yue turned his head to the side, trying to decipher what she was eating.

She then picked up the bag, and poured it into her bowl. Before turning around and walking over to the kitchen table beside the moon guardian. Leaning back on the chair, she placed her socked feet on the table, a little to close to Yue's coffee mug, which he took no time in pulling away from her potent aroma from her feet.

His silver eyes, stayed sceptically on her and her 'snack'.

Nakuru sighed. " Yue…?"

Yue immediately was back to his news paper and flicked the page over. " What is it Nakuru?" He exhaled in his stoic grumble.

She looked up to the ceiling, while popping another 'snack' into her mouth. "Everyone in the house is all snug in their beds. Its not fair."

" Why is it unfair? They are human, and humans need their required eight hours of sleep everyday, to maintain their lives. And since it is three in the morning, most humans would be currently asleep by now." He replied with out even sparing her a glance.

" But they are all together." She pouted. " A snug, like a bug in the rug, in their lover's arms. Breathing on each other, kissing each other, copulating with each other."

"Again. Human."

"How come I can't do that..?"

"Because you don't have a gender." He replied bluntly, while flipping another page of his newspaper over. "You were never made for those purposes. And you do realize the food you are consuming, are actually coffee beans that are filled with mild doses of caffeine inside them?"

She grabbed a handful of her 'snack' and poured them into her in her mouth. She looked at him. " So? What's your point?"

Yue placed his paper down on the table before his silver eyes narrowed at the gender-less guardian. " My point is, I do not recommend you consuming anymore of them. You have enough energy in that body mass, and god help us all if you acquire any more."

He picked up his steaming mug and brought it to his lips. Nakuru pushed her feet off the table and put her chair back at the right angle.

"How come I never see the Snow-Bunny mananymore." She asked sceptically, with her mouth full of coffee beans.

Yue, brought the mug back down on the table, before picking up the news paper again.

"Because Tsukishiro-san doesn't exist anymore."

Nakuru stopped chewing her coffee beans, as her eyes grew wide and shocked.


Yue placed the newspaper back on the table, before folding it in half. He picked up his coffee mug and sipped it contents slowly. After he swallowed he placed the mug back down on the table in awkward silence. It was also awkward since Nakuru's mouth was hanging open and she hadn't quite finish chewing her food.

" Knowing that Kinomoto was about to pass on, out of loss and remorse, Yukito confided to me that he didn't want to live on with out Kinomoto. Acquiring the fact that he still had obligations to fulfill, being the Mistress's guardian after all, he passed all his obligations, his powers and soul …..onto me."

Nakuru continued to gape at him. " So-"

"Yukito Tsukishiro doesn't exist anymore. He followed Touya."

"When?" Nakuru asked incredulously.

"Shortly after Touya died."

"And he never told SAKURA??!! Or I should say YOU never told Sakura?"

"There will be no need to."

She slammed her hands down on the table in rage. " And why the hell not Yue? Have you not been following what the hell has been happening for the past 24 hours. Sakura nearly had shit-fit that Eriol was hiding things from her, but now her own guardian?" She straighten her back and calmed her boiling temper. " She's going to be heartbroken. She loved Yukito. He was like another brother to her."

"I'm well aware of that. But it won't be necessary anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"With the last ounce of his power before passing his existence into me, he preformed a spell that would eradicated all memories of his existence, to Sakura, and the people he had came in contact with for the past few years."

Silence overwhelmed them, and Nakuru was soon seated again. She looked down at her hands folded in her lap before looking back at Yue. " How come I remember then?"

"Your not human, Nakuru."

"So Spinel, Kero? They'll remember too, right?"


Another longwinded silence choked the room as Yue began to drink his coffee. Nakuru watched him swallow the warm liquid, and actually savour its taste. She should have noticed. As long as Yukito was apart of Yue, Yue never needed to sleep, or consume sustenance, as long Yukito ate like horse and slept all the time. Now that Yukito was gone, Yue needed to eat, drink and sleep, like any other living thing.

Living thing…

Her head shot up. " What about Syaoran? His soul was destroyed two years ago, before the spell was even preformed. Since Syaoran is vampire that would make him inhuman and not acceptable to the spell." She hypothesized. She turned for confirmation with the silver eyed-moon guardian.

"I do believe, that's the most intelligent thing I have ever heard coming from your mouth." Yue whispered amazed.

Nakuru smiled before, throwing more coffee beans into her mouth. She smirked seductively. " Not only to I come with this," She stated, emphasizing her body with her hands, " But I got this too." She pointed to her head, while leaning back on her chair.

The chair leant back too far, and Nakuru was then thrown over as the chair crashed to the floor.

Yue glanced at Nakuru's sprawled form on the floor.

" Obviously that," He pointed to his head. " Can't work with the other. "

She looked up at him, her brown eyes glaring.

" I never said I was a multi-tasker."

Syaoran stood in complete darkness, No shapes, no shadows or light seemed to surround him, but yet he was glowing. He heard the sound of a heart beat thumping . He stepped forward and the heart beat began to thump louder. He began to run and the heart's beat drummed like music, shattering the darkness and consuming his body. He had stopped running, but the drumming heart beat continued. He whipped his head side to side trying to pin point the sound of the racing heart.

Warm hands then wrapped around his waist. He looked down and noticed the person's hands glowing with his body. The heart beat became louder and louder as he felt the person's warm, smooth, body push against his bare skin. Warm rapidly spread through his veins and his head began to spin feverishly. An intoxicating smell hit his senses. It wasn't blood. It wasn't an aroma either. It was a scent that beckoned him and drove his blood into overdrive. The smell was arousing him. He could feel it. He felt an animalistic instinct turn on his brain, the same instinct he felt when he was about to feed. Finally whipping his head around and turning to the body behind him, he was left in dumbfound ness as there was nothing there. Even the drumming heart beat ceased to exist.

Syaoran brought his hands to his face, and wiped the sweat pouring out of his skin. And like a fire, a feeling came back to his senses. His hair stood up on its ends, as a powerful wave of coldness rushed into his skin. Goosebumps emerged from his skin. A sound returned echoing in the dark abyss. A sound of heavy breathing. Abnormal heavy breathing. The breathing became louder and the sound changed into more of growl.

As he felt a warm wave hit his back, he turned around only to be faced with a familiar pair of amber eyes. The eyes looked like his, but they were narrowed in slits like the vampire look, but a white circle glowed around the iris. Plus the eyes were about the size of his head. The growling got louder and the creature with golden eyes stepped out of the darkness.

Syaoran stepped back as a very large dragon stepped out of the shadows. Its massive body was covered in white scales, marked with soft golden stripes. The scales on the white dragon were wonderfully white, and they sparkled and glistened in its own urethral glow.

As a child, Syaoran was taught of the symbolic purposes of the dragon. A symbol of victory. But it was also a symbol for power. He had seen pictures in the old clan's books, but non of them were even close to the amazement of the creature standing right before him.

On its head, long white silky strands of hair, like the mane of a horse, flowed effortlessly around its hypnotic body. On it's long slender back, large white boned appendages protruded out of its back. Between the appendages, gold and silver transparent-like skin glistened godly in its glow. It reared its long white neck before stretch the massive wings, out consuming the dark abysses space. Light flew into the darkness and like a puzzle being taken apart, the darkness was stripped. The dragon then charged at Syaoran and Syaoran's body froze as the dragon's body flew right into him.

Blinking with confusion and feeling quite overwhelmed, Syaoran turned around to see the dragon there. He was surprised to see, it was not.

Then where did it go?

Syaoran then looked down to his feet and noticed the ground was nothing but a puddle of blood. Not even a puddle. It was more like a sea of endless depth, and he was standing on its surface. The blood did not surprise him, he couldn't even smell it, but it was the fact he was staring at his own reflection in it. As vain as it sounds, being a vampire for over two years, he came to realize that he really did miss looking at himself

Then like, a switch was switched on, his body dropped into the sea of blood, and he sunk deeper and deeper into its darkness. A shadow moved around him like a shark. Suffocating in the sea of blood, he turned his head and watched the figure circle him like a vulture.

Then the water disappeared under his feet and he fell through the dense water. Syaoran looked down as he feel from the sky. He looked down seeing Tokyo city falling into view. Gravity pulled him faster and faster into the earth. Syaoran's golden eyes widened as building of Tokyo city came clear and damned him as he fell to their surface.

As Syaoran expected the hard concrete surface to smash his body into little bits pieces, he became perturbed when he was actually soaring over the city.

"Its dream. Moron." Syaoran confided to himself. " Shit happens."

Without even caring if he was just absently flying with out wings, or he had wings, he stretched out his arms, allowing the amazing sensation of freedom dive into his mind. He soared over the roads, over Tokyo Tower and then soared over the ocean in the orange sunset. But as he was flying over the water, he looked down and expected to see his reflection again. However, he did not.

Instead he saw the white dragon's.

"-And then Sakura punched me in the face, in her sleep and I woke up." Syaoran grumbled as he looked down in distaste at his drinking 'mug' filled with its dense animal blood. He really preferred Sakura's blood over this molasses-like crap. " You know for someone who has a broken hand, she surely can pack a fist."

"Tell me something I don't know." A voice reasoned with him, in a sarcastic and dry manner.

Syaoran glanced from his 'delicious' pigs blood, and over to Eriol who sat in front of him.

" I'm sorry. But I cannot take you seriously with those things shoved up your nose." Syaoran admitted after struggling not to say a word, as he stared wordlessly at the reincarnation of one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world, with large bits of tissue shoved up each nostril.

"Well I'm sorry." Eriol grumbled. " Like you, I was also abused in my sleep."

Tomoyo placed a plate of scrabbled eggs on toast, in front of Eriol. " Will you give it up already!" She hissed.

" Its your own damn fault for keeping your face close to my breast line. That elbow in the face was for your own good." She replied while pulling on his dark hair.

She let go and strutted back into the kitchen, fully aware that Eriol was mocking her entire conversation in a snide and childish way. Syaoran looked away mouthing himself ' I don't want to know.'

Nakuru bounded down the stairs like a stampede of elephants. She ran into the kitchen slid on the kitchen rug and into the wall. Yue walked into the kitchen wordlessly after Nakuru made her entrance. Not even sparing a second breath, Nakuru bounced right back up and jumped on the table, sitting at the table. Her impact cause the table to lurched and Syaoran watched his pig-blood mug bounce of the table like rubber ball.

With quick reflexes, he caught the mug before it made impact with the clean floor. He sighed as his left eyebrow ticked with irritation, and he placed the mug back on the table.

Nakuru kicked her feet around like a hyper child. She flipped her head around and Syaoran swore he saw saliva fly past him from the speed of her jowls turning so fast. Nakuru's wide brown eyes widened more as she caught sigh of Eriol, and Syaoran tried to catch sight of a pupil, because it was so small it was hardly visible. He glanced back at Yue who only closed his eyes is dismay and grabbed a plate from the cupboard to get some of the breakfast Tomoyo made.

"Eriol!" Nakuru screeched at the top of her lungs. " What the hell do you have up your nose? You look like an idiot!"

"Yes well, speaking of idiots." Eriol mumbled as he chewed his breakfast. " Mind telling me why you are so…flamboyant this morning?"

"She consumed an entire bag of coffee beans last night." Yue answered whiled pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

Eriol slammed his fist on the table. " SO she's the bloody reason why I am not getting my coffee this morning!!??" He roared.

"I can't take your anger seriously with those things in your nose, Eriol. Take them out." Syaoran ordered.

Nakuru leaned over trying to pry the tissue out of her master's nostrils. " Here! I'll help!" She announced loudly. Eriol leant backwards and swatted her hands away from pinching his nose.

" Fag off Nakuru!"

Pouting Nakuru, turned away from her irritated master and looked at the vampire finishing of his pigs blood. She bobbed her head to the side. An evil smirk spread on her face.

"So, how's Sakura?" She asked innocently.

Syaoran felt himself choke as the blood went the wrong way and he was sure, it was coming out of his nose. Syaoran coughed and patted his chest. Blinking the tears away from the mid-choke he looked up at the conniving minx above him. " What do you mean?" He asked huskily.

He looked down at his white button down shirt making sure that no stay drops, stained his clothing. Eriol swallowed the rest of his food and put his fork down on the plate with a loud clang. " Yes. How is our Sakura?" She asked while whipping out his napkin before wiping his lips.

Syaoran glanced back and forth at the two evil people and swallowed hard. " She's still asleep. She looks a lot better than she did yesterday."

Nakuru gave him a cheeky grin. " Well of course she is, and we all know whhhhyyyy!" She reached over and pinched Syaoran's cheeks and pulled them roughly. Once she let go, Syaoran narrowed his amber eyes on her.

"Do that again, and I will bite you."

Nakuru jumped off the table and smirked. " And I'll bite you back."

Eriol drank a sip of his orange juice and light out a satisfying sigh. " She will ya'know."

Syaoran sighed before rubbing his sore cheek. " So what do you think?' He sighed.

" I think there should be a severe punishment to anyone who gives that creature ANY source of caffeine-"

"The dream, Eriol!"

"Oh. That." Eriol cleaned his glass before placing the empty glass onto his dirtied breakfast plate. " I think.." He paused as Tomoyo walked over and picked up his dishes, before walking back to the kitchen.

"…I must know what were you on, and where can I get some?"

"Just great!" Syaoran snarled. " I'm having weird cracked-up dreams and you can only mock me." He stood up from his chair. " Remind me to never ask you for advice ever again."

Eriol stood up after him. " I seriously, don't know what they mean. I'm not a bloody fortune teller. People tend to dream weird things if they fall asleep feeling emotional or stressed."

Syaoran walked over to him, and was nose to nose to the tissue-faced sorcerer. Syaoran glared dangerously.

"I'm not 'people!"

"What's all the shouting about?' A tired voice asked.

Both figures turned their head to see Sakura in her red-t-shirt, still covered with bandages and bruises, but looking much more livelier. She rubbed her tired eyes and yawned.

Eriol ducked and hid under the table. Sakura opened her eyes from he long yawn and noticed Eriol's presence missing from the vicinity. She looked at Syaoran who raised his eyebrow, while staring under the table. Sakura smiled sheepishly.

"Its okay Eriol. I won't hit you." She giggled.

Eriol poked his head up from the table, and Sakura did not fail to notice the tissues hanging in his nose. "But apparently, someone did." She laughed holding her bandaged hand to her face.

"Tomoyo did." Eriol and Syaoran answer simultaneously. From the kitchen she heard Tomoyo make a deranged growl.

" I. DID'NT. DO. IT. ON. PURPOSE!" She hissed. She grabbed the frying pan from the counter and held it up threateningly. " One more damn word about it Eriol, and I will beat your balls to a bloody pulp with a bloody frying pan!"

Syaoran and Eriol both winced and Eriol coward behind him. Sakura smiled and waved to Tomoyo, not minding her friends, mindless rage. " Morning Tomoyo!" She greeted.

Tomoyo's angry eyes glanced over at Sakura and the anger lifted within seconds. " Oh Sakura!" She squealed. She was about to run over and give Sakura a hug, but the caffeine-induced Nakuru got there first.

Nakuru threw her arms around Sakura and gave her bone crushing hugs. Syaoran watch Sakura's expression change from surprise, to terror and then to extreme pain. Syaoran ran over and ripped Nakuru off of her, like a band aid. Sakura stumbled and Syaoran pulled her safely into his arms. He glared at Nakuru as Sakura winced.

"Would someone please, put a leash on her!" He growled.

Sakura put her hands on Syaoran's arms and patted him reassuringly. " Its okay Syaoran. I'm fine." She pulled away from Syaoran and turned around to greet Tomoyo.

"I'm not going to hug until you are better." Tomoyo smiled.

Sakura smiled in return. " I'll hold you to that." Suddenly the sound of Sakura's stomach echoed into the room, shattering the happy atmosphere. Everyone looked at her and Sakura shyly looked away.

" Tomoyo… could you…uh… get me some breakfast… I'm kinda starving here." She stuttered while blushing.

A wide, joyful grin spread on Tomoyo's features. " Absolutely. Have a seat and I'll cook you up something."

Sakura thanked her and walked over to the kitchen table. Syaoran came behind her, and pulled out a chair, like the gentleman he was. Sakura silently thanked him, and slowly sat down onto the chair, wincing on the way.

Eriol sat back down at the table. " So…" he whispered uncertainly.

"….No hard feelings?"

Sakura's emerald eyes glowed with mirth as she looked at him. " You already felt the 'hard' feelings I should presume." The small smile on his lips, slipped away from his face almost instantly. Sakura laughed.

"I'm kidding Eriol. I forgive you."

Eriol let out the breath he didn't even know he was holding in. "But.." Sakura countered, while placing her bandaged hands in front her.

"Lie to me again, and I will murder your ass good."

Eriol gulped and Syaoran cracked up laughing as Sakura smirked dangerously, and for some reason, Eriol had the distinct feeling, she wasn't kidding.

Tomoyo placed Sakura's breakfast down in front of her. Sakura looked down at the plate and her mouth instantly watered.

"Scrabbled eggs, Buttered toast, hash browns and some bacon. AND," Tomoyo stated as she placed the knife and fork down on the table. ".. a nice big glass of orange juice."

Holding the fork was a bit of task for her, but eventually she gave up, and began shovelling her face with her fingers. Syaoran, who was sitting beside her, placed his chin on his knuckles. He stared at her in amusement.

" You know, I could have fed you."

"I'm not a child, Syaoran." She countered glaring.

"No… But you are a pig." he chuckled.

"I haven't eaten in days! Bite me!" She glared as she shoved some bacon into her mouth. She watched as Syaoran's amber eyes glowed warmly and a sly sneaky smile slipped onto his face.

"I already have."

"Alright then, I am now leaving this disturbing conversation." Eriol claimed, standing up from his seat. "Oh Sakura?" Eriol called as he turned around, to the flirting adults.

Sakura looked up at him with a piece of bacon hanging from her mouth. "Hmm?"

" I think it would be wise, if you started doing some slow exercises, so your muscles don't get out of shape."

Sakura swallowed her food. " I know. Kero told me the same thing. I was going to try some today, actually."

"Don't overdue yourself."

"I won't." She suddenly saw a piece of her bacon slip off her plate from the corner of her eyes. She turned to Syaoran, who shoved the piece of bacon into his mouth, while smirking at her slyly.

"Stop stealing my food!!" Sakura roared.

Syaoran looked over to Eriol and Tomoyo, as they were grabbing their coats, along with hyper Nakuru and emotionless Yue. "Where are you going?" Syaoran asked with a mouth full of bacon, avoiding another hit from Sakura.

Eriol zipped up his coat and adjusted his collar in the mirror. " We are going to that Antique Shop that Tomoyo told me about- the one with those amazing texts. We figure we might find some more materials there."

He turned to Syaoran as she walked down the hall. " And I might find something about your dreams."

"That would be helpful."

It was later in the afternoon, and Eriol and the others had not returned yet from their little expedition. Sakura and Syaoran were in the living room, slowly working on some exercises. He was showing her the art of Tai-chi and its meditation exercises.

Sakura close her eyes and inhaled while bringing her hands into a praying pose. Exhaling, she arithmetically raised her neck before extending her arm to her left. Breathing again, her hips and body followed her slow trance like movements of her arm. Behind her, Syaoran, shirtless, was in perfect synch with her movements. When she breathed in, he did to. If anyone was to walk by, the meditation exercise was beautiful, but to many eyes it was also very erotic.

Lost in their own world, both oblivious to the intruder sneaking into the property outside. The black shadow swiftly moved past the window of the living room.

Syaoran turned his head to the window, and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "You are not concentrating" Sakura's sing song voice ran out. He turned back towards her and smirked.

"Oh. It's a race now is it?"

Outside the figure jumped into tree on the Kinomoto property. Grabbing one of the branches she flipped up to the highest branch. Across the branch, to the Kinomoto house, was Sakura's bedroom window. The figure in the tree pulled at some wired rope from a round device on her belt, It hissed like the sound of measuring-tape rolling back into its encampment. The figure unclipped a metal object from her belt. She pulled down the center, and the metal object, split into four hooks, spreading like a flower. Connecting the hook to the string, she grabbed the string and swung it around, before throwing it to the roof's surface. The hook, embedded itself into in the tar's covering. Giving it a quick pull, assuring it was safe, she grabbed the string and tied it to the tree behind her.

She unclipped another metal object from her belt, that had a thick leather strap hanging from it. Clipping one of the hooks to her belt and then flipping the leather strap over the wired line, before clipping the leather's strap to the other side of her belt. She jumped off the tree branch and she glided over the property. Dusk was approaching fast, as her silhouette glided over the setting sun.

She landed on Sakura's window sill. The figure's head swept behind her as she heard voices. Her narrowed, vengeance crazy hazel eyes, watch an old lady walk her mutt down the street. Sophie pressed her back to the window, hiding her form from the view of the old lady. Not that she thought the woman had that pair of good eyes, she couldn't take any chance for her ambush to be ruined.

As the lady and her scraggly dog disappeared out of sight, Sophie turned her attention back to the window. She unsheathed her 'hawk' dagger and slid the blade, carefully and silently under the window's frame. Once her blade got through, she pushed up on the back, making the window, move upward slowly. With enough room to slip her fingers underneath it, she put her dagger between her teeth, and grabbed the window with her two hands. She pulled upward and the window opened enough space for her to get through.

Landing into the cozy, salmon coloured room, Sophie looked around. The room looked like any others girls room. It was slightly messy, but thing were attempted to put back in place. She walked over to the girls desk and pulled up the drawer, noticing a beaten old book. Finding nothing important, Sophie closed the door. On top of the desk was a small pick book, with a childish cat face on the cover. Underneath it read:

'The Diary of Sakura Kinomoto.'

Sophie smiled maliciously. This was defiantly the perpetrators room. She walked over to the girl's bed and noticed a picture frame on the bed-side table. Sophie picked up the silver frame, and examined the picture inside of it.

Inside the frame, was a picture of happy and energetic looking young girl with emerald eyes and short auburn hair. She had her arms around a young chestnut-haired boy who glared annoyingly at the camera. The girls arm was around the boy's neck like a head lock and she was mussing up the young boys messy locks. Sophie stared at the cheerful picture of the girl and something itched at the back of her mind.

In a mental flash, the picture of the happy little was turned older, hair long and dark and eyes black as death. Sophie gritted her teeth as flashes of that monster, with Gator's blood on her hands, holding his deadened ripped-out heart. Images and pictures formed into her head, day in and day out of what the little bitch had done to Raoul.

Sophie's grip tightened on the frames surface, and her knuckles turned a ghostly white as the glass splintered and shattered.

Within her angered moment, she failed to notice a figure walking up casually behind her.

"May I help you?"

Sophie dropped the picture frame to the floor and pulled out her blade in a record time, while spinning around to the ambusher. She felt the air get knocked out of her, as something hit her in the stomach and she was knocked into the wall. She stumbled and furniture crumbled from her impact.

Syaoran turned his head to the side, feeling warm blood tickle down his chin. His hand reached up, feeling a precise slice on the side of his jaws. His amber eyes narrowed dangerously, and intensified.

As Sophie stood up, she glanced at the man standing about five feet away from her. It was the boy in the photo-graph. It was impossible for a human to use their reflexes that fast to avoid her attack and get away with only a small cut. She was one of the best hunters, and killing was her expertise. She rubbed her abdomen, knowing well, there was going to be a bruise.

She was about to warn him, tell him to leave or demand to know where Sakura Kinomoto was… that was until she looked into the girl' dresser where the boy was standing in front of. On the dresser was a mirror and the boy, showed no reflection of him even being there.

Her eyes darted back to Syaoran. Syaoran growled lowly as he too saw where her eyes had darted too.

"Everyone's a critic…" he mumbled. Before he could begin his explanations, the intruder jumped to her feet and pulled out a small cross bow gun. Not waiting to experience, what would come out of it, Syaoran jumped down to the floor and hid behind Sakura's bed.

The arrow skimmed him by inches and imbedded through the head of one of Sakura's stuff toys and into the wall behind it. Sophie cursed at how fast he was and loaded another arrow.

Thinking quick, Syaoran glanced around trying to make a distraction. That woman's aim was too damn good and he was so tired of having holes in his chest.

"Where's Sakura Kinomoto?" Sophie demanded.

His amber eyes honed in on a object under the bed, he grabbed a hold of it and was surprised to see Sakura's red alarm clock. The alarm clock with the really big dent in it. He would have to save this item after to show Eriol how hard his head was.

But that will be later, if this woman doesn't succeed in making 'dust in the wind' with his corpse. Syaoran reached into Sakura's cabinet drawer by the bed.

" I will give you, until the count of three, vampire. Where is Sakura Kinomoto?!" Her voice began to raise.

Syaoran put his hand into the drawer and begin to pull out some objects.

Deck of cards.


Bunny eraser.

A tampon-TAMPON? Syaoran quickly dropped the strange long object on the floor like it was on fire.

Pack of gum.


Box of latex con- Syaoran's eyes nearly popped out of his head. Licking his lips he narrowed his eyes at the wrappers. ' These damn well better have been saved for me." He grumbled to himself. Finally he grabbed, what felt to be along fabric ribbon.



Without warning he tossed the alarm clock into the air. Sophie jumped as the object was hurled at her, and ducked out of its way. Hissing under her breath, she turned around ready to dust the damn blood-sucker, but instead, she was flipped around, cross-bow gun kicked sharply out of her hands, and had a rope held to her throat, within a matter of seconds. She felt the vampire's breath against her ear.

"Okay Buffy. My turn to play the question game." Syaoran snarled viciously into her ear. " Who are you and why the hell are you looking for Sakura?" Instead of answering Sophie struggled with prying the ribbon, that was cutting off her circulation, off her throat.

Syaoran pulled it harder. " Answer my question!" Syaoran roared. " Are you working for Lucius?" He asked forcefully.

Instead Sophie leaned foreword, before throwing her head back up sharply, colliding into Syaoran's face. Syaoran's grip loosened as he stumbled back in surprise. She pushed herself out his arms and jumped away. She dodged to the floor and rolled, grabbing her cross bow gun. She rolled back around as Syaoran lunged at her and she released the trigger.

The wooden arrow hit its target.

Syaoran looked down to his chest and there was a wooden arrow protruding out of the center of his chest, exactly where his heart was.

Syaoran stumbled backwards as Sophie stood up, wiping one of her loosened bangs out of her face, gleaming in victory.

Syaoran waited for that feeling. That feeling as your entire existence, just washed away from the earth and became nothing but the wind. He waited for the feeling of dread, losing all that he wish he could have had. Sakura. Guilt washed over him, knowing he could no longer protect her.

It was over.

So why

..wasn't it happening?

Syaoran looked down at the arrow sticking out of his chest, before reaching over gingerly and touching the arrow to make sure it was real and it was definitely in his chest. He pulled slightly and winced.

Damn. It was there.

He looked up at Sophie who had her eyebrows furrowed in desperate anticipation. Also the sense of weariness and impatience was definitely evident in her eyes. She looked back at Syaoran, who was wearing very shocked look on his face.

"Um.." Syaoran said awkwardly.

" I may be new at this whole' turning into dust' thing,…… but…. something should have happened by now… Right?"

"Yeah… It should have." She whispered.

" Not that I'm complaining." Syaoran added. He grabbed the arrow and pulled it out of his chest. He grunted in pain and felt blood pooling out of his chest, for like the millionth time in his life.

"Okay" Sophie whispered in disbelief. " So you are super vampire. That's fine. I guess we'll try decapitation next, then."

As she pulled out her blade Syaoran's hand reached out and grabbed her wrist forcefully.

" Like hell, I'm going to let you even try." he hissed.

Sophie glared and punched him in the chest, where his gaping wound was. Syaoran growled and fell backwards. Sophie whipped out her blade and pulled her arm back, ready to lop off Syaoran's head.

"Experiment number one." Sophie declared

Just as she swung her blade around and Syaoran had closed his eyes, waiting for his so called 'end' (if it would have happened) He heard a loud crash and body dropping to the floor. He opened his eyes to see Sakura, still in her training outfit, covered in sweat and her hair all disarrayed and tangled. Also, she was holding two legs of what once looked like it belonged once to a chair. Syaoran blinked his amber eyes and looked down onto the grown by his bare feet.

Sophie lay unconscious, with large bits of splintered wood from the chair around her. Syaoran glanced back up at Sakura, who panted as if she was trying to catch her breath. She threw the remaining chair pieces onto the floor before inhaling sharply. She flipped the strands on auburn hair out of her face and glared down at the body.

"No body tries to decapitate my boyfriend!"


dies on keyboard

My brain has gone to muuuuussssssshhhhhhh! I'm all imagination-ified OUT! I need sleep. I need my cracky dreams for more wacky ideas.

Alright! Some side notes here:

The Amulet of Charybdis is actually from my comic book. The amulets properties are EXACTLY the same as in my comic and... you will all have to wait and find out what the niffty scary amulet does.

Har har har Har.

"Looks like the Sarlac Pit"- 'Kat' -The Elements

Lets see who knows their mythology. Does anyone know who Charybdis is?

If not. Review your pants off, anyways.

I need my daily dosage of my readers feedback. Its my fuel for...dun dun... another super-dee-duper CHAPTER!!

Yeah... I'm really lacking sleep right now...

