"The Shoot Down Queen."

A Gallforce Prqeuel Story

By Makuhari-Fan01

"GALLFORCE" and all related characters are owned by Kenichi Sonoda, MOVIC, Sony VCIC, and in the US, Central Park Media, NOT me.

Based on characters and situations created by Kenichi Sonoda, especially his manga; "Kenichi Sonoda: Privates Live."


In a far corner of the galaxy, there exists a humanoid society of females called the Solenoids. Highly advanced scientifically, the Solenoids possess the ability to use many forms of biological and mechanical engineering. Several of the most important are the ability to travel faster than the speed of light, being able to Terraform uninhabitable planets into useful, productive worlds, and the ability to reproduce themselves through the use of bio-engineered clones.

In an area of space not far from the Solenoids there exists another advanced race called the Paranoids. Possessing much the same level of technology as the Solenoids, the Paranoids are instead a patriarchal society of formless, shape-changing beings.

When the two races first met, they established peaceful contact; both hoping to benefit in many ways from contact with another advanced civilization. Soon however, the differences in physiology and the mental makeup of the two races led to misunderstandings, accidents, and eventually to war.

Many, many years pass. Millions die on both sides of the battle line. Cultural advancement stagnates in the relentless quest for ultimate military superiority. Both races are physically and materially exhausted, yet they still fight on.


Its arrow-like prow bristling with rapid firing guns and lasers, its long, reverse tapering wing-boosters home for a score of homing missiles, a Solenoid fighter flashes through the void of space near a dead star. The faint glimmer of distant starlight flashes off the fighter's bulbous nose, highlighting the unit insignia of the fighter's squadron, a yellow circle with a black skull and crossbones labeled "ATTACKERS." Stenciled nearby is the pilot's rank and name;


With the appearance of four Paranoid drones, Lufy springs into action. Throwing her fighter Into an evasive maneuver using all three axis, Lufy evades the Paranoids' fire. Coming out of the maneuver traveling in the same direction, but facing the now receding Paranoid drones, Lufy opens fire. A quartet of missiles drops from her fighter and streaks off after the Paranoids. Despite wild evasive maneuvers by their targets, the four missiles achieve lock-on. They close on target, M.I.R.V. into a half-dozen sub-munitions each and obliterate the Paranoid drones. With more pressing matters on her mind, Lufy returns her fighter to normal flight and continues her mission.

Eventually Lufy pulls up next to a heavily damaged fighter similar to her own. Lufy quickly seals her pilot's suit and decompresses her fighter's cockpit. After raising the canopy, Lufy kicks off and floats over to the other fighter.

Arriving next to the damaged fighter's canopy, Lufy checks a status panel then activates the fighter's external pilot rescue system. What Lufy saw after the canopy raised confirmed the status panel. Explosive decompression and enemy fire had done their job, and the Solenoid pilot was quite dead. Choking back her bile, Lufy retrieves the fighter's data recorder and sets the self-destruct. Returning to her own fighter, Lufy climbs in, seals up, and takes off without looking back.

Behind the receding Solenoid fighter, a short lived star marks the final resting place of one more casualty in the seemingly endless war between Solenoid and Paranoid.

Low on fuel and ammunition, Lufy directs her fighter towards its base ship, the Solenoid battle carrier Artemia. Recognition codes are exchanged, and she is quickly directed into the port landing bay. After parking the fighter, Lufy removes her flight helmet, revealing a tangled mess of matted, sweaty blond hair. A green forelock and a cherry-red star tattoo on her right cheek accents Lufy's beautiful, if un-smiling face. Leaning back in her acceleration couch, Lufy closes her eyes and contemplates the loss of yet another wing-pilot.

Lufy's crew chief signals that the shut down procedures are complete. Lufy removes her fighter's data recorder, opens the canopy and climbs down. Turning towards the sound of running feet, Lufy has no time to react as another Solenoid pilot with long, flaming red hair runs up and pins her against the side of the fighter.

"Hey, Shoot Down Queen! What happened to Pamela? Did you run off glory hounding and let her die just like all the others?"

Recognizing the tear streaked pilot as a friend of her dead wing, Lufy takes hold of the woman's wrist, and slowly forces her back.

"First of all, Tenisha, my name isn't 'Shoot Down Queen,' it's Lufy. Second, I have NEVER deliberately left one of my wings just to run up kills, despite what you think. Pamela and I were jumped by twenty Paranoids and forced to split up. I managed to fight my way clear, but before I could go help her, she was killed."

Tenisha jerks her arm free from Lufy's grip, then slaps Lufy hard across the face.

"I hate you! You always come back, but your partners never do! Now Pamela's dead..." Tenisha sniffles and rubs at her tears with a sleeve cuff.

Lufy reaches out to try to comfort the grieving Tenisha.

"Tenisha, I..."

Tenisha slaps away Lufy's hand.

"Get away from me, Shoot Down Queen! The next time you go out, I HOPE YOU DIE!"

Lufy watches as Tenisha runs away across the hangar, then turns and walks away toward the debriefing-mission assessment room.

Upon entering the debriefing-mission assessment room, Lufy reports to the squadron commanding officer, Combat Commander Riana Scott. Riana has a round face topped by short auburn hair. Her lean, full figure, toughened by years of fighting, still possesses a hint of softness untainted by war. At twenty-seven, Riana is the oldest living fighter pilot Lufy knows.

"Commander Riana, Combat Leader Lufy reporting."

"Anything significant to report?"

"Pamela was killed in area eighty-five by Paranoid drones. I managed to recover the data recorder, then I set her fighter's self-destruct and destroyed what was left of It."

"Was there anything you could have done Lufy?"

Lufy looked away, shaking her head.

"No, I was too heavily engaged by Paranoids... She called me, begging for help at first, cursing me for abandoning her later, but by the time I reached her, it was too late."

Riana put a hand on Lufy's shoulder.

"I believe you, but you know none of the other pilots will want to fly as your wing-pilot now don't you?"

Lufy nodded her head.

"Well, that's for later. Go get cleaned up and try to relax. It'll be a while before the squadron has another mission anyway."

Lufy and Riana exchange salutes, then Lufy turns and leaves the room.

After returning to her billet, Lufy showered, changed into her off-duty casual uniform, then left to get something to eat. When Lufy entered Artemia's galley, all conversation suddenly dropped to a whisper. No one tried to be obvious, but Lufy could feel people staring at her back as she went through the serving line. When Lufy finally sat down, several pilots from her own squadron and a few of the ship's crew got up and moved away from her. Ignoring the rudeness of everyone around her, Lufy ate in silence, then got up and left without a word.

Just as Lufy left, a pilot no one recognized came in and pointed out the door. "Hey, wasn't that Combat Leader Lufy?"

A red haired pilot answered her.

"Yea, that's the 'Shoot Down Queen'. You had better stay away from her though."

The last went unheard as the new pilot turned and ran out of the room after Lufy.

Lufy stormed down to Artemia's pistol range. "Hateful jerks, they may despise me, but the least they could do is not treat me like a total pariah!" Desperate to vent a little of her anger, even if only against inanimate objects, Lufy checked out a pair of Semmerling-Vincent 10mm automatic pistols and walked out to the firing lanes. Unnoticed by Lufy, another pilot picked up a set of ear protectors and followed her out to the range.

After running a silhouette target out on the target chain to the twenty-five meter mark, Lufy got down to the serious job of preparing to shoot. First she pulled the slides back on both pistols, locking them open. Next she loaded two pairs of extended clips and locked them together with a special bracket in an "L" shape. Finally Lufy loaded each pistol with one set of clips, with the extra clip extending underneath the barrel. Lufy paused for a moment to adjust her hearing protection.

Picking the two pistols up, Lufy pointed them down range and, using her thumbs, released the slide locks. The slides closed into firing position with a loud snap and Lufy Immediately opened up with a rapid fire. Within seconds the head of the silhouette was cut out of the target. After firing their last rounds, both pistol slides locked open on empty clips. Spinning the pistols on her trigger fingers, Lufy caught the pistols under her arms and removed the empty clips in a single smooth motion. Rotating the clips ninety degrees in her hands, Lufy loaded the full clips into the pistols and spun them back out Into the firing position. Lufy released the slides and immediately opened another rapid fire. Starting in the center of the silhouette and moving out, Lufy quickly cut the target in half. For a second time the pistol slides locked open on empty clips.

Lufy took a deep breath and slowly let it out as she set the pistols down. Feeling much more relaxed, Lufy turned at the sound of polite applause behind her. Standing there was a slim young woman in a trim, class "A" uniform. Long, straight, jet black hair framed a plain face made more attractive by its owner's enthusiastic smile. Lufy pulled off her ear protectors and slid them down around her neck. " Can I help you?"

The pilot held out her hand in greeting and Lufy shook it.

"Hi! my name is Mari, and I was just assigned to the Attackers today! Are you really Combat Leader Lufy?"

"That's right. What can I do for you?"

"Nothing really, I'm just so excited to meet you. All the pilots in my old squadron have heard of you, and how you've shot down over a hundred enemy fighters. We called you "the Shoot Down Queen."

Lufy's relaxed mood suddenly turned foul again. "What squadron did you say you were from?"

"The Forty-First, Seventh Fleet, the Heartbreakers.

"Humph, provincials."

"Well, yeah, but my unit still saw plenty of action. We weren't that far out In the boonies."

"Listen, I'm real busy right now, maybe we can talk later, okay?"

Lufy turned and went back to her shooting.

Mari just stood there dumfounded; wondering what she had said to make her idol so mad. Mari had been really excited to finally meet the pilot she aspired to emulate. Now, her excitement crushed by Lufy's sudden coolness, Mari dejectedly left the shooting range.



Author's Notes:

Written WAY back in the mid-nineties in response to the the challenging statement that; "There can be no more Gallforce stories because everyone's dead."