The children of Phoebe Halliwell

Julian turned around in his bed without opening his eyes. He felt something soft next to him and touched it softly.

oh, oh, it feels like ...

,Aaaaah!', this scream woke him up instantly. Julian, now sitting on the ground because he had fallen out of his bed, looked up to meet the angry face of a young woman he knew very well ...

,Who the hell are you?!', she asked while trying to cover herself with a blanket.

Oh shit ...

,Ahm, ... you ... Mom, what are you talking about?', Julian asked but the word time travelling had already popped into his mind.

,Mom?!', she shrieked. By now he knew that something was really wrong. Okay, keep cool. It will be alright. Just ...

,Get out of here!', Phoebe Halliwell yelled at him and looked like she was to vanish him if it was nessesary.

Well, propably that isn't the worst idea in this ... situation.

He quickly jumped up and ran out of his mother's old room. On the well-known way down the stairs of the Halliwell manor he crashed into his sister and his twin brother. They looked as shocked as he was. He stopped in front of them and asked breathlessly ,You too?'

,I woke up in aunt Piper's old room! Leo almost threw me out of the window!', his twin brother William replied also out of breath.

,Pah!', his sister Melinda exclaimed loudly. ,I woke up in aunt Paige's room. She orbed two lamps at my head and was about to orb a knife into her hand when I ran out. ,Where did you wake up, Julian?'

,Ah well, there aren't many possibilities, right? It was Mum's room...' he murmured quietly.

,Ouch, what did Mom do?', Will asked trying to hide a grin. He knew his mom was sometimes quite ... emotional.

,Ah, she was a little ... confused when I called her ,Mom', he answered and a smile crossed his face.

,I can image that...', Mel muttered and all three began to laugh.

After a while they all stopped laughing when they heard footsteps coming closer. They looked at each other, nodded and all together shimmered out.

Meanwhile the three young Halliwell sisters ran down the old stairs.

,Shit, why didn't we just follow them?', Piper asked and looked grimly around the room.

,Well, because it's 6 am and I can't see anything when I'm tired!' Phoebe replied dryly and rubbed her eyes once again.

,Ah, yeah, sure, ... so any ideas how to vanish them?', Paige asked and yawned widely.

,You mean how to find them', Piper said and looked questionly at Leo.

,What? Me? ... Ahm, I don't... Why don't use the spying crystal?', Leo answered and shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

,Alright, Phoebe, you check the book of shadows. Paige, orb a little around... maybe you can find them. Leo, you ask the Elders and I'm going to spy for them, okay?', Piper asked and looked at her family.

,As if that was a question...', Phoebe muttered and went up to the attic.

,But I'll change first. I don't want to go in pyjamas. So, if you don't mind, my highness?', Paige asked sarcastically before went up to her room and slammed its door shut.

,Wow, what the hell was that?!', Piper exclaimed but then ran into the living-room to spy for the three teenagers without even waiting for Leo's answer.

,And every morning I'm remembered that you should not wake Halliwell sisters up when it's before 10 am ...' he murmured before orbing out and leaving an empty hall behind.

That was the first chapter and if you don't like it the last. So please review and tell me if I should go on or better not. Hope you're fine and have a nice day !!! )
