Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. JK Rowling owns it all.

Chapitre Un

Feels like the weight of the world
Like God in heaven gave me a turn
Don't cling to me, I swear I can't fix you
Still in the dark, can you fix me?
Weight of the World-----Evanescence, The Open Door

Harry Potter didn't like being who he was. Sure, he had great friends, but when it came right down to him, he wasn't happy. Maybe if he had gotten a girlfriend he wouldn't think such thoughts. The only set back to that was that he didn't like girls as more than friends...

Being in number four Private Drive gave him time to think. He hadn't told his friends yet that he was gay. Would he tell them? Probably not. He just didn't want to see the looks of disgust on their faces when he told them who he really was. He was ashamed and had no one to go to with these feelings. Maybe if he had Sirius. But no. Sirius had died two years ago, leaving Harry miserable and alone.

Harry hated the feeling of the weight of the world on his shoulders. Everytime he breathed, it seemed to be monitored. Everytime he set foot out of the house, an owl would appear next to him and hand him a letter from Dumbledore, warning him not to do so. He was trapped, and he didn't know how to escape it.

If only he was someone else.

"Draco are you sure your mate is a male?"

Draco Malfoy nodded his head.

"I know he is Severus. And I can't have a male mate. Who ever this person is, they will turn into a female...when they finally turn of age."

Snape shook his head. Why did all of this have to happen to him? "And what are you going to do about finding him? You very well can't."

Draco glared at the snarky bastard he knew as his godfather. "You will retrieve him for me, just as when he comes to his new form, you will bring him here."

The obsdian eyes narrowed. "I will not do your own work."

Draco smirked. "Yes you will, I will tell you where he is located and you bring him here. I can't let anyone finding out who he is. If they do, they will probably know what I am, and what I am will not to be respected in the Wizarding World."

"I can't believe no one has ever put two and two together." Snape snorted quietly to himself, but Draco heard just the same.

"No," he bit back a smile, "and they won't find out either."

Snape rolled his eyes. "And when exactly am I to retrieve your mate?"

"July 31st."

Snape narrowed his eyes. That was the birthday of the Potter brat. "I see. And how will you know where he is?"

Draco looked up at his godfather once more. "Because I am a Malfoy and therefore, I'm a Veela."

Author's Note: Sorry if that was too short, I want to see people's reactions so far before I go farther. Please tell me what you all think. I do have other fanfictions and I am still sorting out schedules of which I'm going to work on. On another note, you might notice that some of my titles are based on Evanescence's new CD, The Open Door. No one has pointed it out on my story Sweet Sacrifice which is number one in the track. Snow White Queen is also a song. My favorite, actually.