AN- Ok here comes Reese and Ryan!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, don't freak out. This is in no way related to Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Philippe.

Disclaimer- I do not own any of the HSM characters except for Reese. By the way, I've been thinking about this for sometime; if you would like to borrow Reese as Ryan's girlfriend, that's ok with me. Please just notify me in advance, and I would really, really appreciate it if you would credit me for making her up.

Chapter 5- RR- Trouble in Paradise?

Reese Adler parked her BMW in front of the studio. She was going to surprise her husband, Ryan, who was shooting "The Midnight Life of Noah Henderson," which was a murder mystery.

"We could definitely use a boost up in the tabloids. They are already saying that Ryan will dump me before this all ends," she said to herself as she applied makeup while she was in the car. She got up, and she walked into the studio. It was really busy. She said a quick hello to the director and asked him where Ryan was. He gave her directions to Ryan's dressing room. She walked straight in. She found Sarah Holcombe flirting with Ryan; Ryan was looking very uncomfortable. "Honey!" she said as she walked up to him.

"Hey babe," he said as he gave her a kiss. "Sarah," he said as he turned to Sarah, "this is Reese Adler, my wife."

"Oh," said Sarah. Her face broke out into a slightly sarcastic smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Ryan and I were just reciting some of our lines, and I'm afraid we really must keep working at it, Reese. Sorry you came all this way for nothing."

"You don't have to leave, Reese." Said Ryan quickly. "I think we're ok. Sarah, if you don't mind, could you give us some time alone?"

Sarah snorted and walked out the door. "I'm sorry about that. I don't want you getting off on the wrong foot with your costar," Reese said.

"Whatever," Ryan said. "she'll live. Besides, there are other guys on the sets, SINGLE guys."

Reese smirked. "Good choice of words, Evans. Miss Darbus taught you well, I see."

"Yeah, I guess she did," Ryan agreed.

"Did you hear the news?" Reese asked. Ryan shook his head. "Jason's sitting out the rest of the year!"

"What?" exclaimed Ryan. "What made him do that?"

"Well in his interview he said he wants to get his 'priorities' in order, but I just got off the phone with Kelsi, and she said that they had a fight about him never being in NYC, so he decided to take some time off to spend with her," she said.

"Jason, now there's a smart cookie," said Ryan.

"You know, Ryan," started Reese, "I was thinking maybe we could go on a vacation after this shooting is all done. I've not signed any new projects, and after this one, you're free, too. We could go to Europe and see Spain and Italy and Switzerland. Or we could go to India and China. Or we could go to DC. Gabi's due soon…"

"I don't think we really have time for that. Besides the only reason you want to go is so that the media stops speculating on our marriage," said Ryan.

"That's true," said Reese, "but also we practically haven't gone together anywhere since our honeymoon!" Reese saw that Ryan started going over his script. She was getting irritated. Damn it, he was going to listen to her! "Fine, if you don't want to go on a vacation, then let's have a baby!"

That caught Ryan's attention. "What the hell, Reese? We shouldn't bring a child into this world just to get brownie points with the paparazzi!" he yelled.

"Ryan, this isn't about getting brownie points anymore! This is about the fact we barely see each other! What, it's been like two months since we've had sex! This marriage isn't going to work until one of us puts some kind of effort into it!" she screamed back.

Ryan smirked. "Oh, I get it," he said. "You're scared of Sarah Holcombe. You think that I'm going to hook up with Sarah Holcombe?! I'm not Brad Pitt, for goddamn sake!"

"This has nothing to do with Sarah Holcombe! This is about the fact that I don't want to be another celebrity who ends up on the divorced list! Ryan, I want our marriage to work! At this point, genuine affection, or just simple love is not going to do anything! It takes some damn effort! For once in your life, Evans, give a shit about our marriage!" yelled Reese.

She picked up her purse and stormed out of Ryan's dressing room. She ran to her BMW, and as soon as she was sure that no one had followed her, she started to sob in the driver's seat. She decided she needed someone to talk to; a celebrity who knew about the struggles of marriage. At that moment, she decided to call her sister-in-law.

"Hello?" the voice on the other line said.

Reese tried to mask her sobs. "Hey, Sharpay!" she tried to say brightly.

Sharpay could immediately tell that Reese was crying even though Reese was a fantastic actress. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Shar, I don't know how you do it!" wailed Reese. "How do you and Zeke keep your marriage together for five years? I can't seem to keep mine together for three!"

"Reese, honey, what happened?" asked Sharpay.

"Ryan accused me of not trusting him with Sarah Holcombe!" cried Reese. "He even refused to go on a vacation with me or have a baby!"

"Reese, sweetie, I tried to tell you before you got engaged to him, there is something fundamentally wrong with my brother. Look, sometimes he talks before he thinks. Trust me, he's probably kicking himself right now. It's what he does. Now, I agree with him about the baby thing. Trust me, after having two, you realize it should NOT be a spur-of-the-moment thing. But on the subject of a vacation, I think it's a great idea. I don't know why he would say no," said Sharpay.

"How do you keep the romance alive after so long?" asked Reese.

"The same way everyone else does. I know it's hard. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but too much of it is not good. But you learn to deal with it. Look at Kelsi and Jason. Sometimes, you just have to prioritize. It's something you and him have to do together. But I believe in you! It'll be fine," said Sharpay.

"Thanks so much, Shar," said Reese.

"Glad to be of help. Look, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Bye!" said Sharpay.

"Bye, say hi to Zeke, Shawn, and Lindsey for me," said Reese.

"Will do, bye," said Sharpay before she hung up.

Reese hung up her phone and dried her tears. She was about to start the car when she heard the passenger door open. She turned to see that Ryan had sat down. "Get out," she said in deadly voice.

"No, I'm not. This car is mine as much as it is yours, so I'm going to sit in it, when I damn well please," he said just as deadly.

Reese gave up and sighed. "What do you want?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you," said Ryan.

"You're damn right, you shouldn't have yelled me!" exclaimed Reese. She slapped his arm.

Ryan winced. "Guess I deserved it," said Ryan.

"You do," said Reese. "But I'm sorry, too, you're right I was a little scared about Sarah Holcombe. What did you expect, Ryan? She's the dreaded Marriage-Breaker in Hollywood! What was I supposed to think?"

"You should have trusted me! You know I would never cheat on you!" said Ryan.

"Hey, I didn't expect Troy to cheat on Gabriella," said Reese.

"That was in high school, that doesn't count," said Ryan. "Besides we're talking about you and me not Troy and Gabi."

"Whatever, I'm sorry I didn't trust you. And I'm sorry that I was just trying to look better for the paparazzi, but this Hollywood, Ryan! I don't want people to talk about our marriage," she said.

"Well, we can't all be Will and Jada or Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick," said Ryan.

"But we can still have a happy marriage, Ryan, but we're both going to have to put effort into it. Because we deserve it," said Reese.

"Yeah we do, don't we?" asked Ryan softly.

"You betcha," said Reese. Ryan kissed her passionately on the lips. She heard the clicks of cameras while they kissed, but at that point Reese didn't care.

Ryan got out of the car and walked around the car. He walked to the driver's seat window. Reese rolled the window down. "You know what?" asked Ryan. " After the shooting, I'm taking you to India, ok?"

Reese smiled. "That sounds great," she said. Ryan stole another quick kiss. He started to walk away. "I love you!" Reese yelled at him.

Ryan turned around. "I love you, too!" he yelled back. He turned the paparazzi photographers who were having a field day moment. "Here's something for you guys to write," he said. "Ryan Evans loves his wife, Reese Adler, and nothing and nobody, not even Sarah Holcombe, can change that!"

AN- I got rid the writer's block! Yeah me! Please review, even if you're pissed at me for not writing!