I am soooo sorry it took me so long, complications and such. Well now that I am back writing I will be updating a lot quicker now. I thank you all for your reviews.

Eric's head throbbed horribly as he finally came to. He felt like he had been run over a couple hundred times by Kelso's van and he was groggy to boot. He opened his eyes and was surprised to find himself in a hospital room, what had he done now? His arm was throbbing almost as bad as his head and he couldn't move an inch without feeling savage pain all over. Last thing he remembered was slipping off the cemetary ledge, then he blacked out. He heard soft breathing and looked down to find Donna asleep with her head on his stomach, tear stains on her cheeks.

"Donna?" Eric said softly, his voice came out sort of harsh, more like a crow's voice and his speech was slightly slurred. He tried again to wake Donna up, after the second try Donna stirred. She raised her head slowly and her eyes lit up when she saw that Eric had woken up. She wanted to throw her arms around him and necer let go, but that may cause him too much pain at the moment, so she settled for a long kiss.

Once she pulled back though, she smacked him semi hard in his good arm. "Ow Donna, what was that for?"

"That was for scaring the hell out of me." Donna smiled and kissed him again.

When she pulled back that time, Eric looked at her for a moment. "Are you going to hit me again, cause as much as I love your kisses about now..."

Donna laughed and shook her head, she was so happy that Eric was awake, his words were slurred slightly, but other then that and his arm, he seemed fine. "Eric, do you remember what happened?"

Eric nodded his head as much as he could so not to hurt his head or neck. "I took a dive off the cliff." That's when he realized something. "Oh my God, is Hyde ok?"

Donna bit her lip and sat at the foot of his bed. "Eric, Hyde suffered a really bad concussion, he lost his memory."

Eric felt so horrible. Yet again someone had gotten hurt all because of him. If Eric hadn't run off after the funeral, none of this would have happened. He needed to apologize to Hyde, though it wouldn't make things better, it was the right thing to do.

Donna saw the look on Eric's face and decided she wouldn't allow Eric to beat himself more for something that had happened, it was in the past and beating himself up about it now was not the way to go about things. "Eric, you need to get better so that you can get out of this hospital, the Doctor said that Hyde's condition was only temporary." Donna knew that was a half lie, the Doctor had said it might be temporary, but Eric didn't need to know that now.

Eric seemed to believe it though and looked up at her, a different look on his face, a thoughtful one. "What?" She asked.

"When where you going to tell me?"

Donna was confused, what was he...Oh was she going to kill Hyde later, obviously Hyde had told Eric about her being pregnant. "I was going to tell you after Graduation was over, but then all this happened and I couldn't tell you."

Eric was torn between the happiness he felt of becoming a father and the pain of loss of his own father, what if he screwed up his kid's life? He didn't know if he was even ready to become a father, but ready or not, here it came. "What are we going to do?"

Donna looked down at him, never had she seen him so vulnerable and scared. "We are going to take this one step at a time." She turned when she heard a knock on the door, the Doctor had come to check on Eric.

"Well, I see our patient has finally decided to wake up." Donna stood to her feet. "How long will he have to be here?"

"Well he has just woken up, give us some time to evaluate him and I will give you an answer possibly tomorrow." Although Donna didn't like that, she couldn't really argue about it either, she simply nodded, too worn out to argue.

The Doctor stepped out of the way so some nurses could walk in. "We need to run some tests on Mr. Forman right now, so can you please step out?"

Donna leaned down and gave Eric a quick kiss before walking out of the room. She was so relieved that Eric seemed to be fine, now she would just go and check on Jackie and Hyde.

Hyde looked up at Jackie and listened to everything she said, though all he could really think was. Damn she is hot. She told him everything that had happened since they supposedly began going out. Whoever this Kelso guy was, he was a complete moron and would get his ass kicked later.

When she mentioned the death of someone named Red Forman, he felt a twinge of sorrow inside him. He must have really been close to this Red guy. Also, after he got out of the hospital bed, memory or not, he was going to throttle Eric Forman. It was because of Eric that he no longer remembered who he even was, how the hell could he forgive something like that.

He heard the door open and saw the red head enter the room. Jackie walked over and gave her friend a hug without even asking. Donna gladly accepted the hug, Hyde wondered for a moment how it went with Eric. Then Donna smiled and walked over to Hyde. "How are ya feelin Hyde, remember anything?"

"Hate to disappoint, but not a thing." Donna sighed, thoroughly disappointed, Eric was going to be ok, so why not Hyde as well.

"Don't worry Steven, it will take some time, but it will come back." Jackie sounded like the hyper cheerleader she usually was, though there was tension in her voice.

Jackie turned to Donna. "Good news is, the doctors are going to let Steven out tomorrow afternoon."

"That's great Jackie, hopefully something will trigger his memory, I am going to stay here with Eric until they let him out too."

Jackie nodded and sat back down next to Hyde's bed. Donna thought it was a nice sight, Jackie genuinely loved Hyde, it was plain to see. She left the room to get some air, her head was hurting really bad and she figured it was from all the stress of that day. She closed the door behind her and leaned against the wall, she couldn't believe the whopper of a headache she had then and was starting to get scared.

She was feeling so dizzy that she thought she was going to pass out. Well, I am in ther perfect place to pass out. She thought to herself. She pressed a hand to her stomach and closed her eyes, the pain came as she fell to the ground and her world went black.