Family Dinner

Entire B.A.U. team, mostly Reid's POV: humor, character development, Reid/J.J. insinuated Morgan/Garcia

Angst/humor/hot sex

Rated: NC-17

Legal Jargon: I own nothing, except 2 spoiled dogs, don't sue me unless you are prepared to keep them in the lifestyle they are accustomed to…thank-you.

Warnings: I wrote this story a long time ago…before the season finale of episode 1 and just haven't ever posted it here. I thought it seemed kind of in the spirit of holiday gatherings, so I thought I would share it, even though it is slightly OOC and out of date. I hope you enjoy! Please review!

Chapter 1: dream come true

It was Friday, and the B.A.U. had been slow moving all week. They had consulted separately on several cases, but nothing worthy of the whole team, and everyone seemed anxious for the weekend, and whatever excitement Monday might bring. Though they were glad for the lull in criminal activity, they were also very bored. Morgan was complaining out loud that he knew they would get a call Saturday night as soon as he started to enjoy himself. Dr. Spencer Reid shrugged in response; it didn't matter much to him. On weekends when the team didn't have a case, Spencer sat in his house and read, played piano to himself, or cooked elaborate meals that eventually went to waste since he always ate alone.

Spencer liked to think that his house would surprise his teammates. They had all been amazed that he drove a very expensive and fast car. One he had won as part of a numbers contest on public radio, and otherwise would never have indulged in on his own, but one that he enjoyed none the less. His house was spacious, well decorated, and very lived in. He liked to think that if he ever invited his team over for a cheerful family style dinner they would all be amazed by how wonderful of a host he was, how delicious the food was, and how comfortable he could be in his skin.

Of course, he realized that they weren't his friends, they were his co-workers, and even if he did by some miracle have the courage to invite them all over, they would probably all find excuses not to come. Hotch had a family, Jason was anti-social, Morgan would probably have a hot date, Elle would think he was too weird, J.J. had to hate him after the football fiasco, and though Garcia would come because she was nice, she scared him more than he cared to admit. Still, they were the closest things to friends he had, and he connected with them more than he ever had with other people, so what was the harm of imagining them as more than coworkers?

In his daydream, Morgan was jealous of his television, which Spencer only ever watched the news on. Hotch and Haley were jealous of his yard, Jason was holding the baby while Elle cooed, they looked like a happy little family. He imagined Garcia and Morgan together…he always had. And then there was J.J. He imagined serving wine to J.J. and explaining what the name told them about its origin. In his dream he imagined himself telling her about the time he was taking a nap in a vineyard and a very angry Italian man chased him off his property with a hoe. He imagined she would laugh and maybe even touch his arm. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of her touching him.

Gideon stood by his desk watching him for a minute before deciding to interrupt his daydream. After all, he may have been figuring out a way to solve world hunger. "So, how are you spending this weekend Spencer?" he asked as he finally approached. "Oh," said Spencer, "I haven't given it much thought. I will probably just clean my house and catch up on some light reading, you?" Gideon paused for a moment to consider what Reid had just said. He wondered if Reid was lying to him on purpose, or if he just couldn't think of anything to say. He knew Spencer's house would be immaculate, always, and he knew that reading was something Spencer never needed to catch up on. More over, he knew that there was nothing Spencer Reid did that didn't involve much thought. He had watched him look from team member to team member pausing for only a moment as if reflecting on his lack of relationship with each. Spencer needed to know that his teammates were his peers, though physically older and intellectually younger. He decided it was time he showed Spencer that he had friends.

"I was thinking," he said loud enough for Morgan, Elle and J.J. who was hovering at Elle's desk to hear, "that we should maybe get the team together outside of the office." "Really?" Elle asked sincerely shocked by the suggestion. "Yes," he replied, "Really. It seems to me that the more we all get to know each other the more effective we can be at our work. Since Elle has joined the team, we have all been meshing better. I think, we should focus on improving this quality by getting to know each other on more than a professional level." "I agree," J.J. quickly added, always eager to be the social butterfly.