here's my second ever NejixTenten fic. I do NOT owned Naruto, if i did, i wouldn't be writting fanfics. The setting is set after the fail attempt of rescuing Sasuke. i wrote this before the time skip so I guess you can consider this as AU because i'm not going to go back and change it. please be prepare for major OOC.

Staring at the blue sky before her, she felt sadness consume her. Many lives were lost and sacrificed in the war that rages their land for two years nonstop. Those that were lost and the crimes that were committed left their once prominent village bathed in blood. But if there was anything that was underestimated, it was the strength of Konoha. The citizens of Konoha were anything but weak. Ashes by ashes, bricks by bricks, they slowly build back the remains of their village. Now everyone was going about his or her daily business as usual. But none can deny that the war has its affects. Their once innocents minds were now tainted by the events left behind. Friends and families destroyed. Torn apart by deaths and sorrow. But not all is bad, as much as there were friends and families lost, there were as much friends and families gain. Those who looked down on one another learned to work together. Those that were worlds apart grew closer. To put it simply, you could say that their village rose from the ashes and grow to be more prosperous then ever as everyone continues to enjoy whatever is left of life they have. As always, life goes on.

But she couldn't help but feel that somehow in their happiness, they left her behind. While everyone was in the mist of finding themselves, she had completely lost herself. It was as if somehow somewhere along the line, she had lost touch with herself. But no matter the affects, still she smiled. Smile even though she had nothing to smile for. Lived even though she had nothing to strive for. In a period of a year since the war, she had completely lost everything she held dear. But, by what right did she have to complain? She was one of the lucky ones. She had gone through the war barely scratch while there were others who are tormented with nightmares and past sins. But most importantly, she had survived. She couldn't help but feel a little guilty each time she sees the morning sunlight through her window. Another morning, another day in a life she didn't deserved.

It was a hot day but the soft cold wind had made it bearable. To her, the beauty of leaves was at their peak when they are a mixture of orange and green. Not completely hopeless as they try to desperately to hold on, hoping not to be blown away by a simple gesture of the wind. She marveled at such perfection, so beautiful, so peaceful…so unlike her heart. She wished she could be like the leaves, perhaps then the cold breeze could curl inside her and carry away the scattered ashes of her heart.

Who would have thought the cold fate-believing Neji would ever date outside of the Hyuuga name. But date he did and to none other then the pink hair, Sakura. For someone known so little by others, she had never pride herself as beautiful. She had never giggle and gossip about boys in her teenager years. All her life, she had only one goal. That goal was to be the best kunoichi she could. But that had all change after she meet Neji. Her world begins to take a different turn from her original destination and before she could stop it, she had become to blush a little when he was near, sigh a little when he looked at her. But her hopes and dreams had came crashing down when she heard the news. Hyuuga Neji was dating Sakura. Try as she might, she couldn't deny the truth when everything became so clear. It had only made sense that Neji should be dating Sakura. Sakura was strong and incredibly beautiful, she was also training under Tsunade, the idol Tenten had admire all her life…it was only right for the best to match the best. So on the day that he shatters her heart, she made a promise to herself. She would strive to become the best kunoichi ever known even if she has to sacrifice more then everyone else.

Still, just because she decided to leave love behind doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. She had turned her head when she happened to catch them together. Walked the other way whenever she see them coming her way. It did nothing to stop the pain that works it way into her whenever she stumbled across them. But she always kept smiling. "Smile," she often tells herself. "Remember Gai sensei words," she would try to convince herself. "A bright smile could always turn the darkest sky blue." Sometimes it worked, sometimes she wasn't so lucky and the occasional slip would slide through. But all her years with the stone cold Neji had taught her many things about emotions, when all else fail, distract and deny your way through.

Although she wished she never had to lay eyes on them, she still trains with Neji everyday. She knew it hurt so why was she still willing to do it? Because saying no to Hyuga Neji was not an option. Not only was it her weakest point when it comes to him but he was always very insistent. She had asked him to get Sakura to train with him instead but he had merely answer that Sakura didn't understand his routine. He insists that they contiune to train together and always manage to make it to every session. But that was as normal as things go. He no longer walked her home or demands an extra hour of training and Sakura would always be there to pick him up after they train.

alright, that's it for now. don't forget to tell me what you guys think. should i even continue?

P.S. i really need a beta since my writtings really needs help, so if anyone is willing to help out, please send me an email. again, i'm going to say this, if this fic seem similar to any other fics, i'm sorry, it was not intentional. i simply do not read every NejixTenten fics out there, i just do not have the time for it. just kindly sent me an email if you feel i have taken your idea and i will help you deal with it as best as i can.