She stretched, her whole body unhappy with the concept of waking, and she groaned loudly as she felt her stomach lurch. What had she been doing last night? She remembered being at Harper's bar, sharing jokes and drinks with Dylan, Rhade and Trance. Well, Trance hadn't had anything to drink, or shared any jokes either. Funny, Trance never normally bothered Beka, but her innocent look had really been getting on her nerves the night before, Fortunately, Trance had never had a sip of her drink and had left early. Rhade had stopped drinking just before passing out and stumbled out with a girl on each side of him.

Funny. She couldn't remember leaving herself. She couldn't remember Dylan leaving either. She opened her eyes and nearly screamed as she sat halfway up. What. Was. Dylan. Doing. In. Her. Bed?

And a very naked Dylan at that. Fortunately his more private areas were covered up by the blanket they were sharing…


She laid back down again, trying to be as quiet as she could. So, review of the situation. She was naked, in her bed, with an equally naked Dylan Hunt. She was feeling very sore in her head, her stomach, and other parts which she didn't even want to think of why exactly she was feeling sore there.

She had to leave. Maybe she could get dressed, leave and then later make him believe she let him sleep in the Maru. That would work, technically. There was only one problem. Actually…two.

One, she had no idea where her clothes had gone. She couldn't remember taking them off and had a creeping suspicion she didn't want to remember.

Two, they only had one blanket. She could get out of bed and walk around naked, looking for her clothes, risking him waking up and seeing her…well, naked. Or, she could take the blanket, wrap it around her and look for her clothes that way. Then he would be left naked. Not an easy choice. First she opted for taking the blanket, figuring she'd rather let him be embarrassed than see her naked. Besides, she could just look away and she wouldn't see him.

But, then again, the air was a bit cold, and he could easily wake up if she pulled the blanket off him. Then they'd end up both seeing each other naked as he'd wake up before she'd finished with the blanket.

It was a lose-lose situation, but she had to take the chance. All she had to do was get out of the room. She could do that before he woke up. Of course she could. She took a deep breath and inched her way out of the bed, shivering as she left the warmth the blanket had been providing. He definitely would have woken up, she decided, and quickly praised herself for making the right choice, even if it sure didn't feel right.

She tiptoed gently across the room, praying to a Divine in which she didn't believe he wouldn't wake up.

And then, all of a sudden, as if the Divine was taunting her for not believing enough, her alarm went off. The morning alarm that she set so she wouldn't sleep in too late. And she knew it was too late. She froze, and the next second felt like an hour, before the voice came. Disbelieving, shocked. Much like she'd felt.


She wrapped her arms around herself, trying in vain to cover her nudity up as she turned to face him. Inwardly, she cursed, and thanked the Divine at the same time as she realised when Dylan had sat up, the blanket had fallen off him, and they were both equally covered, with the same wide eyes plastered on their faces.

Life just got a lot more complicated.