Chapter 1: Sweet Talk


Stephanie and her friends looked up from their game, hearing the responding yelp from the mayor and his rushed reply, "Coming Ms Busybody, coming right away!"

"I don't know why he does so much for her," Trixie commented, holding the basketball still. Stephanie shrugged.

"He likes her a lot," she explained. "I think adults do anything for the other person when they're in love."

"That sounds like a gross girly book," Stingy made a face.

"Maybe," the pink haired girl said. "But that's how it is. My uncle would do anything for Ms Busybody!"

"Just because he loves her? That's so weird!" Trixie added.

Meanwhile, a certain villain tore himself away from his periscope. He started pacing.

"People do anything for the person they love?…" he muttered to himself, thinking. He tapped the side of his head. "Anything… anything…" A light bulb went off.

"I'M A GENIUS!" he laughed, throwing hands up in the air in self-celebration. He stalked over to a bookshelf, grabbing a heavily dusted tome and blowing said dust off of it. He coughed, settling in his orange chair, and opened it to read the title, smiling wickedly.

"How To Get The Good Guy To Fall In Love With You…. For Dummies."

He flipped to the first page, and settled in for the read.

Sportacus gave the kids an armful of sports candy, smiling brightly at them as they munched away at it.

"Thanks Sportacus!" Ziggy said, biting into a banana.

"No problem!" he responded. The kids chattered happily amongst themselves, and he noticed a certain someone sulking around behind a wall. He tilted his head curiously and flipped over, leaping nimbly onto the wall and perching there.


Robbie yelped and flailed briefly, as if expecting a blow. After a moment he peeked out and saw the sports elf looking down at him curiously, and flashed a nervous smile.

"Hello Sportad… Sportacus."

Sportacus blinked, thrown off a little by Robbie calling him by name. He let it roll off.

"What are you doing over here?" he asked innocently. Robbie fidgeted, glancing away.

"Oh, nothing," the man said evasively. "Just… out on a walk… thought I'd get some fresh air…" Sportacus beamed at him.

"That's great! Fresh air is good for you!"

Robbie did his very best to not grimace at that fact. The sacrifices he was making…

"Y-yeah," he managed. "Thought I'd try something new today…"

Sportacus was still beaming at him, and flipped off the wall to land in front of him.

"Well, if you want to, me and the kids are having a snack break," he offered. "Would you like any sports candy?"

Robbie tried to remember what the book said.

"U-umm, uh…" he stuttered. Sportacus stayed there, smiling lightly, and waited. "M-maybe?" he finished, squeaking a little. Sportacus looked like he might jump out of his skin with glee.

"That's great!" he exclaimed. Robbie flinched involuntarily. Sportacus grabbed his hand and dragged him around the wall.

"Guys!" he said, getting the attention of the kids. "Robbie's gonna join us!"

"Now wait a-!"

"WOW!" the kids all said. They grinned encouragingly at him, except for Stephanie, who was regarding him skeptically. Robbie contemplated teleporting away. He felt the old social phobia crawling up his spine.

'Just hang on,' he told himself. 'This is all for the greater good… getting Sportacus out of town… you can do this…'

He gulped and awkwardly sat down on a bench next to Ziggy. Sportacus looked over the sports candy, assessing which ones might have enough of a sweet taste to impress Robbie. "Ah!" he said quietly, plucking a banana from the pile and handing it to Robbie.

"It tastes sweet," he explained. Robbie looked at him suspiciously, but took the banana. He looked down at it and tried to not feel sick.

'It'll get him out of my hair forever,' he told himself again, peeling it carefully and looking at the edible inside. He shuddered slightly and shakily brought it up to his lips… opened mouth… and took a small bite.

He shuddered violently and tried to repress a gag reflex as the group cheered. Not the right kind of sweet at all. He wanted his cake. He painstakingly took another bite, and the kids went back to devouring their own shares. The sports elf was still watching him though, head titled slightly and a small smile on his lips. When he noticed Robbie look up, his smile deepened.

Soon enough the group finished, and the kids started playing again. Still attempting to impress the sports elf, Robbie participated.

For about two minutes, before he became utterly exhausted and retreated. That was enough for the day, he reasoned, dragging his feet back in the direction of his house. He desperately needed a nap.

Five minutes later, Sportacus looked up from the game and noticed Robbie missing. He frowned slightly, wondering where the man went to.

"Sportacus!" one of the kids yelled, getting his attention again. He rejoined play, a smile automatically coming to his face.

He could find out later.


It's been awhile! Here is a fic I've been working on for a bit. If anyone doesn't understand Robbie's thought process, it goes thusly: make Sportacu fall in love with him. Tell Sportacus to leave. Then, Sportacus will leave town forever, because people do anything for the person they love! Yes, Robbie knows next to nothing about love, and yes, it's going to blow up in his face.

This fic is actually finished, but I'll be spacing out the chapters a bit as usual. The chapter title themes this time around are acts of seduction! Makes for sexy chapters. "Seduction" also means "foreplay". Sometimes. When I feel like it.

Leave reviews if you would please! I know this chapter is short, but there's only 6 of them. Bear with me guys!