1Adventure Unfolds

Back at the battle field

"Well I guess I'll be the first to say that I am very impressed." Goku finally says.

"I agree dad. I'd just like to know how Krillin and the others gained power so quickly?" Gohan states.

Piccolo nods in agreement, "I think we'd all like to know the answer to those questions but I think it would be a good idea to get Vegeta and Yamcha to Dende to get healed first."

Everyone nods in agreement. Trunks goes and picks Vegeta up and Tien does the same of Yamcha.

At the Lookout

"Thanks Dende, I really needed it, I feel like brand new." Yamcha exclaimed.

"Hmph." is all that came from Vegeta.

"Look human. Just because you were able to match me on the battle field doesn't mean that you and I are equal. You are the same weakling that I met when I first came to this planet and the natural order of things will be restored. I will destroy you the next time we meet." Vegeta said to Yamcha.

"Oh yeah, we'll see about that pal. I hope you don't think I'm just gonna sit back and let you train to get stronger than me, because if you do you're are sadly mistaken. I plan on getting stronger as well and the next time we meet I won't hold back and there won't be others around to save you from me." Yamcha says back to Vegeta glaring at him the whole time.

"Don't test me human. I could take you right now."

"Oh you can take me right now?" Yamcha sarcastically asks "Why couldn't you take me on the battlefield?"

"Lets Go Human you and me right now!" Vegeta yells.

"Gladly and this time I may just finish the job!" Yamcha said angrily

"Alright you two stop it!" Goku says but powers up to Super Sayain 2 just in case either one of them flies off the handle and Gohan does the same.

"You're lucky, fool, if Kakarot wasn't here you would be begging for your life right now." Vegeta growled and then flew off.

"Anytime pal, anytime." Yamcha muttered.

"Well now that we've got Vegeta and Yamcha to stop arguing how about we get some answers. For starters how did you guys get so strong so fast?" Gohan asked while looking at Krillin and then turning his gaze to Yamcha and Tien, "I mean no offense but last year you guys couldn't have even put up a decent fight with any of us and now a year later you three have each single handedly defeated 3 of the strongest fighters in the universe?"

Piccolo, Trunks, Goten and Goku also just as curious.

"We've been hard at work this past year. But we also have to mention that we've had some extra help throughout this past year and that technically, for us, it wasn't a year...it was actually 3 years." Tien stated

"I see." Piccolo said "So you three also used the Hyperbolic Time Chamber as well?"

"Yeah." Krillin confirmed "It was the only way that we could catch up. We trained with gravity chamber for 11 months and then we went into the Time Chamber a couple days ago. Not long after we entered we ran into a problem." and Krillin told them all the story that the Elder Kai told them.

"Amazing." said a surprised Gohan.

"So thats the story. I knew you guys had to have been hard at work to gain such an increase in strength but this is unbelievable." says Goku.

"Yeah it is Goku." Krillin agreed "Now it can be like the old days when we used to train together, now we can spar and I won't have to worry about just one of your hits knocking me out."

"Yeah things will be just like back in the ol-" Goku started but was interupted by an incoming power.

"Someones coming." Goten and Piccolo both said.

"Why hello there everyone."

"Supreme Kai!" the Z warriors say at the same time.

"Hello Goku, I'm afraid I have terrible news to bring." stated Shin

"So the Supreme Kai returns?" someone asks.

Everyone turns around

"Dad!" Trunks says "I thought you had left?"

"Never mind that boy." Vegeta tells Trunks "So Supreme Kai, What business do you have with this planet?"

"I'm glad that you are all here. The universe is in grave danger." said the Kai "Four beings that you all may be familiar with are about to escape from HFIL."

"WHAT?!" Piccolo yells "Who is about to escape? How will they do it? And why aren't you going to stop them?"

"That is what I am getting to" the Kai stated " The four beings are Frieza, Janemba, Cell, and Kid Buu. They will have escaped in about one year. The reason that only those four are going to be able to escape is because they are the only ones that have been training non-stop since they arrived. To answer another one of your questions; The reason I cannot go and stop them now is because they have done no wrong...yet. I was alerted by King Yemma that he had sent one of his people down there to investigate and the person that he sent contacted Yemma and told him what was going on. Apparently, Cell is done with his physical training and has gone into his mental training and in one year his mental aura will unintentionally open up a doorway to this dimension the only the strongest of beings will be able to go through. The reason I say unintentional is because Cell himself does not know that he will open up the doorway and that is the reason why I cannot go and stop him now, that and all of the beings that I have mentioned have increased their powers exponentially.

The Z gang just stood still

"I also have one forewarning." the Supreme Kai began "These four beings will test your limits and beyond. If I remember correctly, the weakest of them will probably have a power level of around 590,000,000. So please Goku, make sure everyone that will be in the upcoming battle trains hard, I must be going I have other matters to attend to as well."

"Wait!" yelled Piccolo

"What is it Piccolo?" asked the Supreme Kai

"Take me to King Yemmas." Piccolo told the Kai

The Supreme Kai looked into Piccolos eyes and then into his mind and foresaw what the Namek had in mind. It was a an ingenious plan that if it worked, it would make the odds of winning this battle so much better.

"Ok hold on to me." said Shin

"Piccolo where are you going?" asked Gohan

"Train hard you guys, I'll be back in time for the battles

And with that the Supreme Kai and Piccolo disappeared just as quickly as he appeared.

"Oh right Goten we get to fight all the guys that we never met before this should be fun!" shouted Trunks.

"Yeah I can't wait." agreed Goten

"STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" said a serious face Goku.

"You boys need to realize that this is not a game. I will not have you two pulling the same stunts you were pulling with Majin Buu. If I feel as though you two won't take this battle serious, I won't hesitate for a minute to take you two off planet and leave you there." Goku said.

The two boys looked upon each warriors face and could tell that the others were more serious than they have ever been about a fight. Even Vegeta looked worried.

My training will be redoubled to defeat those monsters thought Tien

I will make a difference thought Yamcha

I will defend my planet thought Krillin

Just more obstacles in my way trying to keep me from my rightful spot as the most powerful being in the universe thought and angered Vegeta

We've all got to step up our training, hopefully it will be enough. I hope Uub has kept up in his training because I think he will be needed as well thought Goku

I'll train hard Piccolo! thought Gohan

And with that the Z warriors began their training for what might be their last battle

At King Yemma's desk

"Piccolo!? What do you want you haven't died" asked Yemma

"Open the door so I may enter HFIL."