ATTENTION! This is a re-write! If Wishes Were Stars has been re-created by Scarlet.

A/N: Yes, I re-wrote IWWS. I read it over and didn't think it was my best work, and there were parts here and there that could be so much better. So I've decided to write it over again. It'll be longer and more detailed. The plot is the same; Sasuke and Hinata hook up in an interesting way. But I'll let you know now that it's going to take much longer. About two chapters longer, to be more specific.

"Hey Sasuke, wake up will you?" Naruto annoyingly elbowed the silent boy sitting next to him in his side. Sasuke, with his head in one hand, opened his left eye to glare at Naruto. They sat in a restaurant in a booth near a window. Next to Naruto was Neji, and on the other side by the window was a now pissed off Sasuke. Across from them were Shikimaru, Kiba, and Chouji. Akamaru was curled in Kiba's lap.

In the booth next to them were the girls, Sakura, Tenten and Hinata on one side and Temari with poor Lee and Gaara, excluded from the other guys, on the other side. Kankuro was sitting in a chair next to this booth.

Outside, it snowed lightly, coating all surroundings with a white blanket. It was that grand time of the year, Christmas. Of course, who thinks about cheeriness several days before it, though?

Shikimaru was yelling at Chouji about hitting him over the head (Shikimaru had made the audacious move of taking Chouji's last potato chip). Kiba, in the middle of them both, was trying to get them to settle down.

Neji was trying hard not to express any amusement at Naruto, who was having a hard time with his hair; it wouldn't stop flattening itself. As Naruto pouted and riotously shook his hands through his hair, Neji chuckled as Naruto grinned; only to find that in no more than two seconds would his hair was lifeless again. Neji quickly pulled his hands down from Naruto's head and smiled innocently at the kunoichi, who began to curse at his own hair.

Temari was perturbed because Lee wouldn't stop prodding her. Gaara rolled his eyes at Lee and listened to Sakura, Ino, and Tenten, who were discussing and comparing what they would wear to the party that night. Gaara soon found that girls were just as fascinating as the saltshaker next to his elbow.

And of course, all of this was going on at once. Aggravated customers would come in, sit for ten minutes, then leave, not bothering to eat. Some wouldn't even come in if they happened to come by the window the team of jarring teenagers was sitting by. They knew better.

The only two quiet ones were Sasuke and Hinata, as usual.

Sasuke continued to look out the window, as did Hinata. Sasuke kept his head in one hand and stared at the falling white, while Hinata silently laid her hands in her lap and watched the light snow as well. Gaara took his attention from his female observations and glanced over at Hinata. She was unusually quiet… usually she'd at least look at someone. Gaara looked at her curiously. What was she thinking about?

"Hinata, are you alright?"

The young girl's eyes opened wider than they were. The sudden interruption of her thoughts had taken her by surprise. She turned her head to her friend, who stared at her calmly. She paused, but smiled reassuringly.

"Oh, I-I'm fine, Gaara. Thank you." She then proceeded to look out the window. Gaara, though concerned, slowly looked away from her and continued to listen to the three chatting girls across from him. Hinata sighed. She actually wasn't fine. Everyone was going to be so social at this big party… but who would she have other than Gaara?

She felt a little knock in the back of her head.


She turned her head to the left, looking behind her. Sasuke turned around as well to face her. He had brought his head up, hitting Hinata's own head. As his eyes met hers, Hinata blushed for some reason. But that was normal for her… she blushed every time something embarrassing happened to her.

Sasuke cleared his throat.

"Sorry." And with that he turned back around. Hinata blinked, then turned around, daydreaming once more about her future partying plans.

Sasuke, surprisingly, was wondering the same thing Hinata was. He was so anti-social. It was his bad attitude that got a hold of him. There were times when absolutely beautiful girls came up to him, like Sakura or Ino, and he would repeatedly turn them down. What would happen to his assertive reputation if he didn't? He sighed quietly and ignored everyone around him.

Everyone other than the two quiet teens ate quickly. They were all soon out of the restaurant and walking down the street to Naruto's place, still talking about whatever subject they'd been on in the booth. Several citizens noticed it was safe once more to go inside, and rushed in the door from the snow.

Once they were all there, the girls went into Naruto's room. They'd all put their outfits of choice in the rooms earlier that day. The guys just waited in the living room. None of them felt it was worth it to change. Naruto put music on while they waited.

Meanwhile, in the other room, Sakura, Ino, and Tenten chirped happily about each other's outfits. Temari silently put hers on. Hinata sat on the corner of the bed, silently wrapping and unwrapping her finger in the string attached to her jacket.

When they were all finished accessorizing and grooming, they giggled and talked about how they would introduce themselves to the boys. Sakura glanced over her shoulder at the quiet and ignored Hinata. Confused, she walked over and sat next to her.

"Hey, Hinata… why haven't you changed yet? Don't you wanna impress the guys?" She giggled. "Especially Gaara? Come on… it'd be cute to see him stare at you."

Hinata looked up.

"I, uh, don't think I'll participate, thanks. I don't do well with parties…"

"Oh don't worry! You'll do just fine. Come on!" She pulled Hinata up by her hands and picked up the two dresses Sakura had left. One was a low cut lavender dress with sleeves that went down to the elbow. The other was a short black dress with no straps at all, and it was very tight and form fitting. Sakura smiled and handed Hinata the two dresses. Hinata sighed and stepped into Naruto's bathroom.

Sakura waited impatiently for Hinata. Finally, Hinata came out in the lavender dress, which was beautiful on her. The color matched her eyes perfectly, and it was the type of dress Hinata would look like she'd wear. Sakura debated on whether she should try to get her to wear the black dress or not.

Nah, she thought, smiling. I'll let her wear that another time.

Hinata walked out of the bathroom completely, letting the girls see her in something other than her everyday outfit. They praised her, while Sakura beamed. Hinata couldn't help but blush. So much attention over one outfit…

The guys were nearly bored to death when Sakura finally stepped out. She wore a mint green skirt with a dark green top. Her hair (which had grown out a lot more by now) was down completely. Naruto grinned and stood up, taking her hand and spinning her around.

Sakura laughed as Naruto spun her around once more.

"Okay, okay Naruto… let the other girls have their turn." Naruto grinned. Sakura cleared her throat.

"All right girls, come on out."

Kankuro crossed his arms, expecting his tomboy sister to come out in jeans or something. He came close to fainting when he actually saw her though.

Temari wore a pearl-white tunic that hardly went past her thighs, showing off a bit much leg. A very loose, black belt slanted to her left was used as an accessory. She wore her hair in a single ponytail. Kankuro raised an eyebrow. Gaara blinked. Since when was Temari such a… girl? It was strange… how their sibling was so…

Temari chuckled and walked over to Gaara, sitting on the arm of the chair. She giggled at the look on his young naive face.

Shikimaru's eyes widened at the sight in front of him.

Ino was, of course, wearing a very short skirt. It was orange, as was her top. She, too, wore her hair up like it always was. She laughed at the look on Shikimaru's face. It was too rich… Chouji also laughed at Shikimaru, who was now drooling.

Neji closed his eyes and smirked. Idiots. The female form couldn't draw him in.

Feeling overconfident, he laid back on the couch. He felt something press against his lips. He quickly opened his eyes to meet Tenten's own eyes. She ended the kiss and gave him a look, pretending to be stern. It was unnecessary, really, because Neji was suddenly attracted only to Tenten. She wore the same thing as Ino, except a light pink, and the shirt was cut at the stomach, showing even more skin.

Oh dear Gods…

Tenten cut off his thoughts by falling back into the couch next to him. Neji nervously blushed as he put his arm around her. Tenten smiled. He smiled back, though he could swear he was close to having a nosebleed...

Sasuke was alone, sitting on a stool next to the kitchen counter. He faced everyone else, leaning back with his elbows resting on the surface. Not too amused, he rolled his eyes. He couldn't comprehend the female fascination of clothes, or the male fascination of the female body. He sighed. It wasn't exactly of boredom. It was of loneliness. Something he hated feeling. He stared at the couples. Even Naruto was dating someone. It pissed him off sometimes, but Sasuke had learned to shake it off.

He nearly closed his eyes to rest a bit when he noticed a figure leaning in the doorway of Naruto's bedroom. It was the girl he'd somewhat spoken to earlier… Hinata. Sasuke was surprised at himself for remembering her name. He watched her, bored of everyone else. She had her hands behind her back with her head lowered. She watched the others a bit jealously. He saw her sigh and walk into the bedroom and close the door.

He sat up and got off the stool. He walked to the door, unnoticed. Placing his right shoulder on the door, he put a hand up and lightly tapped the door with the back of his knuckles.

Inside, Hinata gasped, startled. She sat on the far corner of the bed.

"Oh, c-come in!" She said, expecting Sakura or Ino. Instead, as the door opened, she once more locked eyes with the Uchiha boy. She wondered why he'd come in… the party had to be much more interesting than herself.

"I-is something w-wrong Sasuke-kun?" She stuttered. Usually she was just shy around guys, so this was normal for her. Sasuke shrugged. He felt unusually talkative now.

"Why are you by yourself?" He walked around the bed and sat next to her, looking out the window that Hinata had been looking out of. Hinata tilted her head and looked down in front of her.

"I… don't like parties…" She felt embarrassed. Why was he suddenly so interested in talking to her? He was probably just bored and felt like amusing himself. Sasuke leaned over his knees and lowered his head. Hinata watched him. Was he doing this to make fun of her? Or was he really just bored? They sat like that for nearly five minutes, without saying a word. Finally, Sasuke turned his head to look at Hinata, which caught her off guard. He half-smiled.

"Neither do I."

Hinata smiled uncertainly at him.

"Um, Sasuke… if you don't mind me asking, why did you come in here?" The girl tapped her fingers together like she always did when she was a bit nervous. Sasuke leaned back on the bed with his hands behind his head and closed his eyes.


Hinata tilted her head again. That was all? She leaned back as well, but on one elbow so she could face Sasuke.

"Are you sure? W-we've never talked before. D-do you want something? If you do I'll see what I can do, but other than that'd I-I'd like to be alone."

Sasuke opened his eyes and looked at her. She looked at him softly, in a pleading way. He shrugged and got off the bed. When he walked past Hinata, she watched him, wondering if she really didn't want his company. She gasped as she felt a little throb in her chest. Placing a hand over her chest, she did the same with her mouth.

Had her heart just skipped a beat?

That usually only happened when Naruto was around, and had ended soon after he'd started dating Sakura.

"Oh, uh, Sasuke! Wait!" The Uchiha stopped and looked over his shoulder. Hinata stopped, unable to say anything. She sighed and lowered her head.

"Tell Naruto I'll be leaving soon."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow. He shrugged it off and walked out to give the message. Hinata wished she had said something different. She looked out the window at the night sky. Stars were everywhere. She noticed one distinct bright star, directly in front of her. She gave a little smile as she thought to herself.

"If wishes were stars…"

I usually don't like making these little foot-note things at the end of chapters, but this'll be the first of only two in the entire fic. Reviews aren't needed, but they'd be helpful. Let me know if this is an okay start to refreshing the story.