Goodnight and Go

Title: Goodnight and Go

Rating: M

Pairings: Wait and see.

Summary: CM Punk gets one of the divas to be his last minute date after he gets cancelled upon. Two-shot.

Disclaimer: Don't own jack.


"She cancelled on me!"

CM Punk, everybody's favourite Extremist, was pacing back and forth in the locker room, hands and arms absent-mindedly behind his head as he walked, complained to anyone who was listening.

Tommy Dreamer, who had been lacing up his wrestling boots, looked over with a smirk written all over his features. "That's what you get for asking out a girl that's already taken, man."

Punk whirled around on the spot, facing his long-time friend. "Dreamer, she asked me out. I said yes because I felt sorry for he, she was going to cry if I said no." Tommy cocked an eyebrow curiously. "So why are you so pissed off?"

Punk mocked pouting like a baby. "Because now I don't have a date for that stupid Christmas thing Vince is holding." Tommy grinned widely. "I'm so glad he's letting me bring Beulah." The straight-edged man sat down beside him on the steel benches the WWE supplied in their locker rooms, scowling angrily. "Rub it in, why don't you?"

The grin on his face just got wider. "I'm so glad he's letting me –"

"I didn't mean it literally!" Punk punched him in the arm and stood up again.

Tommy just laughed loudly in his friend's face.

"You're kidding yourself, right? This company is packed to the brim with chicks. Walk into the cafeteria and you'll find at least five swanning around the salad bar, debating about how many fat grams are in the dressing."

His finely tattooed and pierced friend smirked the briefest of smirks.

"So go and ask one out, Ebenezer Punk. I'm sure there's a couple who'd be willing to date you."

Laughing now, Punk just threw a water bottle at his head and stalked out of the room.


"So, what was that – your fourth rejection this week, eh Punk?"

Tommy had walked up to him as Punk slammed his locker, where he'd been stowing away some gear for the night, shut. Trinity had been in there, looking for the other members of her tag-team that she managed, the FBI. She'd politely said hello – they went back to their TNA days – and suddenly he had found himself blurting out how he needed a date. Desperate, much? Trinity had refused and slapped him for good measure. His cheek stung like hell.

"Thanks for reminding me." he grumbled. Tommy grinned, then began ticking off the girls who'd denied his offer. "First Kelly, then Rebecca, Jazz and now Trinity."

Punk inwardly groaned. Kelly Kelly had been the girl who'd asked him out originally. He'd said yes because he felt sorry for her – she was a nice girl, after all. He hadn't known she still had a boyfriend either – he'd heard rumours backstage that they were over. (Apparently not, though.) Then she'd ended up cancelling on him because said boyfriend found out and was banning her from even going to the Christmas shindig.

Rebecca was that new interviewer chick… he didn't know her very well, but they'd been wrapping up an interview together and he'd randomly asked her. The former Diva Search contestant had looked at him disdainfully and walked away, totally no-selling his question. He took that as a no.

Jazz had been a long-shot… and boy, did he ever mean a ­long­-shot. He didn't find her attractive in any way possible, he didn't find her a particularly nice person whatsoever… but he respected her immensely. That would be enough, right? But nope, it wasn't. Jazz had categorically refused the offer and flipped him the bird as well.

"Time's a'ticking, Punk. There's only three days to go!"

Punk made an unintelligible noise.

"At this rate you won't even have a date."

Punk raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, and I will have a date. Trust me. Even if I have to ask out the stupidest diva on the roster… I will have a date."

It was like a lightbulb appeared over their heads. Both of them looked at each other at the same time, eyes wide as plates. It appeared that they'd had the same idea.

"Stupidest diva on the roster?" was all Dreamer said.


Short first chapter, I know... next one is longer, fo'sure.