A/N: A new story for this account. I have transferred it from my other account AvadaKedabra (check out my other stories!) and put it onto here, as I will slowly do with the others on that account.

Hope you like the story, please review! 5 reviews at least before I put up the next chapter!

Sirius Black, a shaggy black-haired, mischievous sixth year, leaned forward and kissed Marie Tuttleby on the lips passionately, giving the blonde- haired, blue-eyed girl a shock, but one that she eagerly received. She wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on tip toe to reach him.

She kissed him back even more passionately, and pushed him down onto her bed, much to his surprise. They were in Marie's dorm, as she was a Gryffindor, and Sirius could easily get into the Gryffindor girls' dorm rooms. They were all alone, and were taking advantage of that.

She lifted the bottom of his black muscle shirt up, and eased it gently over his head, still kissing him hard. He kissed her back and shivered, due to the sudden chill that had come over his body. Not because he was cold, something else…

After waiting a couple of minutes, just kissing Sirius, wondering if he would make a move on her, Marie decided that perhaps the boy just needed a little coaxing. Boys were quite dumb like that sometimes.

She sat back on his stomach gently, barely making a difference to Sirius, as she was very petite, and light as a feather. She slowly took off her white t-shirt, showing Sirius every inch of her hips up, and then throwing her shirt to the floor, much to the shock of Sirius. She was wearing red lacy underwear underneath her top, and, to must boys that would be very appealing.

But Sirius just looked rather worried to Marie, as if he was fighting some sort of inner battle, but she just put it down to nerves. I mean, even Sirius Black, Shagging King, could get nervous too… right?

She ignored it, and leant down over him and started kissing him again, the top half of her body up against his. She started gently kissing his neck, and then down his well filled out chest, lower and lower, until she got to the top of his belt buckle.

She looked into his worrying eyes, and slowly started to undo his belt buckle, watching the worry fill in his eyes, as he tried to keep a nonchalant face. What on earth had happened to Sirius Black, Shagging Extraordinaire, she wondered. Maybe he just needed a little coaxing, once again.

Just as she was about to pull off his belt entirely, Sirius put a hand up, and sat up on the bed, leaving Marie sitting on his thighs, and then gently picked her up and sat her next to him.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," he whispered to the bewildered girl. He slowly got up, and then, as if realising what he had just done, he ran from the room, running his fingers through his hair, and pulling on his top that had minutes earlier been discarded on the floor.

Marie looked after him confusedly, but didn't worry about it too much. Maybe he was just a little nervous- it must be a guy thing. There was always next time. After all, they had only been going out for a week or so, so there was plenty of time.

Sirius ran up the stairs to the Gryffindor boys' dorms, and then into the bathroom connected to his dorm room. Standing over the bathroom sink, he held his hair back as best he could and threw up what looked like the remains of his dinner that night, heaving and spluttering, trying to turn the water on.

He retched and heaved, trying to get it all out, feeling sicker by the minute. He could feel a headache coming on again, and felt as if he couldn't eat anything ever again. Tears started streaming down his face, and he wished that this wasn't happening. He hoped immensely that he hadn't left the door to the bathroom open, and that his dorm mates couldn't hear him.

But sure enough, he soon felt soft hands hold back his hair gently from his face, as Sirius dry retched. Those same hands held a damp cloth to his head as Sirius gagged and tried to find something, anything to throw up, but to no avail.

Sirius knew it would be Remus without even turning around, he would be the only one of his friends that would do that, and would do it silently, without asking questions. Plus, Sirius would know those hands anywhere. Sirius silently thanked him, hoping the other boy understood.

After he was done, and had stopped gagging and retching, he cleaned himself up silently, as a concerned Remus watched over him, hovering near the door. He thanked Remus quickly, without even glancing at him, and then strode into his dorm and threw himself down his bed, not saying another word.

His two other fellow dorm occupants, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew, were sitting on James' bed playing Exploding Snap, two beds down from Sirius' bed, and had abruptly stopped their game when Sirius walked in from the bathroom. They stared at his dishevelled look in worry. His eyes were bloodshot, face pale and drawn, his hair even messier than usual, his top inside out. What happened to their friend?

"What happened Padfoot?" said Remus softly, voicing everyone's question. He sat on his bed, which was right next to Sirius's bed. His blue-grey eyes showed deep concern for his best friend, and he reached out to feel Sirius's forehead.

Sirius swatted Remus' hand away slightly angrily, a very un- Sirius like thing to do.

"Nothing, I'm fine," he replied weakly, "I must have eaten something bad at dinner," he said, not looking Remus in the eye, because, after six years, Remus could usually tell when he was lying better than anyone.

"We all ate the same thing at dinner, and we're fine," called James from the other side of the room, completely oblivious to the glares that he was getting from Sirius, and the concerned looks that Remus was giving Sirius.

"Yeah, and weren't you just on a date with Marie?" said Peter, untactfully, putting down a few cards. Sirius ignored him, and didn't even dignify him with an answer.

Remus looked at Sirius suspiciously. "Are you sure you're okay Siri? You looked fine before you went up to Marie's dorm."

Sirius looked at the three pairs of worried eyes staring at him, and his walls came down.

"Don't worry about it okay! I must have eaten something bad! Maybe it just didn't hit me until now! Just don't worry about it! Merlin, why do you care anyway?! Leave me alone!" he yelled, pulling the hangings on his bed around him, and turning to face the wall. That was obviously the end of the conversation.

After staring concernedly at his unusually moody friend from behind the hangings one last time, Remus went back to James' bed to play Snap, but not without glancing over every so often to check on Sirius.

He was worried about Sirius. His usually mischievous, fun loving friend had been awfully withdrawn from most of his usual activities recently, and Remus needed to know why. What if something was terribly wrong? He just wished that Sirius would talk to him.

Sirius lay in his bed, legs curled towards him, arms crossed on his chest. He was confused. He hadn't meant to yell at his friends, or push Remus away, he really hadn't, but he didn't want to tell them why he was throwing up. He couldn't tell them. He didn't know how to explain it, how to make them understand. He couldn't even understand it himself.

The truth was, he didn't want to kiss Marie. Recently, every time he went to do almost anything sexual with a girl, he felt sick to his stomach. His chest muscles all pulled together, and he felt extremely nauseous. It was like he was having some sort of panic attack. He felt sort of… guilty. And he had absolutely no idea why, or what was wrong with him.

He had thought of telling Remus a couple of times, and had been extremely close to it, but somebody had always interrupted him. Remus was the most caring out of all the boys, and Sirius, for some reason, felt unbelievably close to him. Although everyone knew that James and Sirius were the mischievous pair that wreaked havoc around Hogwarts, the four boys knew that when it came to anything serious, Sirius was closest to Remus. That was the way it had always been.

Sirius hadn't always felt so sick- well, not to those extremes. There had always been a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach when he was with girls, but he had always ignored it, just putting it down to nerves.

But now… it was different. And Sirius had no idea why. All he knew, was that somehow, he had to cover it up, and make it stop. He was Sirius Black, Shagging God of Gryffindor, Hottest Guy in Hogwarts, as voted by the 5th, 6th and 7th year girls, for Merlin's sake! He couldn't put his reputation at stake because of some weird "feeling"!

Tomorrow, he would go and apologise to Marie, who was his latest conquest for the month, and then he would spend tomorrow night with her. And everything would be fine.

Sirius stayed in his bed the whole night, listening to his dorm mates and best friends yell at each other whilst playing Exploding Snap, Sirius's favourite game, without him. He wished he was out there with them, but he really couldn't face them.


Sirius woke up with a slight smile on his face. Oh, what a good dream he had been having. He couldn't really remember the exact details, but he knew it had something to do with Remus and cake… but what? Hm, he would probably remember it at a later date.

He looked over at his alarm clock on his bedside table, having to blink his eyes a few times to be able to see the time. 715. Ugh. Why was he awake at such an awful time? And on a Sunday, too!

He blearily looked over at the sleeping form in the bed next to him, smiling. Remus was so peaceful when he was sleeping. Sirius was just contemplating this when suddenly he remembered the events of the night before, they all just suddenly hit him without warning.

He groaned, and suddenly felt sick to his stomach again, lying back on his bed. Why had he been so horrible to his friends? To Remus? And what was wrong with him? Sirius now wished he had stayed sleeping. And that he had never woken up. But now it was the opposite, he couldn't get back to sleep, and so he had no choice but to lie there, staring at the ceiling, contemplating his misery.

Minutes later, after contemplating every awful aspect of his life, Sirius slowly fell back into a deep slumber…


'Hey Siri!' yelled Remus, walking towards his shaggy haired friend.

Sirius was standing in an empty field, staring straight ahead. He didn't seem to even acknowledge that his friend was standing on the other side of the field, calling him necessantly.

'Sirius!' yelled Remus, even louder.

Sirius stared straight ahead for a couple more seconds, eyes glassy, head high.

Then, as Remus was about to start sprinting towards his friend, Sirius looked towards Remus. He still didn't really seem to acknowledge him, and rather, looked through him.

He then looked down, and put a hand in the side of his robes, rummaging through the pockets for something.

Frustrated, Sirius put both hands in his pocket, and started to rummage deeper and deeper into his pockets.

Remus looked on in awe, still walking towards his friend. Sirius seemed to get farther and farther away…

Suddenly, Sirius removed his hands from his pockets, and brought out something in his right hand, holding it up in the air.

Remus squinted slightly to see what it was, but all he could make out was that it was a black object.

He started to sprint towards Sirius, keeping an eye on his friend as he ran. Suddenly he stopped. He could see Sirius closer now, and he could see the object.

There were tears streaming down Sirius's face as he held the muggle shot gun to his head.

Remus gasped, and tears started streaming down his face, as he violently started sprinting towards his best friend, running as fast as he could, feeling the ground beneath him move as he stepped.

But, to no avail. Remus could not get any closer to Sirius, no matter how much he tried.

Remus sat on the ground, sobbing, still watching his friend in despair.

"No, Padfoot! Why are you doing this?! What's wrong? What's happened! Stay with me! Padfoot! I love you!"

And, at Remus's last words, Sirius looked right to where Remus was still sitting collapsed on the ground, and pulled the trigger.

And the sound of a gunshot was the last thing that Remus Lupin heard, and then all he saw was red…


Remus sat up in his bed, gasping and panting, clutching at the sheets that were wrapped around him.

He breathed in and out heavily, and started to untangle himself from the sheets. Had that been a dream? What on earth was going on? The dream was so vivid, so… lifelike…

Remus scanned the room, eyes darting around as he tried to calm himself.

His eyes rested on the bed next to him, and suddenly the effects of the dream hit him. He clambered out of his bed, untangling himself and tripping over various things as he went. He ran over to Sirius's bed, and without thinking a thing through, much unlike Remus, he jumped on top of a peacefully sleeping Sirius.

"SIRIUS!" said Remus, hugging his friend as tight as he possibly could, "YOU'RE OKAY!"

Sirius opened his eyes blearily. There was something heavily human-like on him. He looked up to see a half-naked Remus Lupin sitting on him, hugging him with all his might.

Sirius blushed heavily, pushing his hair over his face so that nobody could see. Was this a dream? He quickly glanced over at the other boys and saw that, unsurprisingly, they were still sleeping. Just to be sure, he cast a silencing charm around him and Remus.

"Re- Rem?" said Sirius tentatively, grabbing the boy, who now had tears streaming down his face.

Remus looked at his friend, who was holding him at arms length, his face half-covered by his hair, the other half looking worried, and slightly pink.

"S- sorry Siri," said Remus, as if just realising what he was doing. He looked down, realising that he was clad only in stripy blue boxers, as was the other boy, and there were no covers between the two, as Sirius always kicked his off.

Remus blushed cutely, his cheeks still wet from crying, and clambered off Sirius quickly, landing on the floor in his rush. He put his head in his hands, and Sirius could see that he was still crying, because his back and shoulders were shaking.

Sirius stared at his friend for a second, before carefully taking the boy's hands and pulling him up onto the bed next to him.

Remus kept his head down, sandy hair over his face, using Sirius's technique of hiding his face.

"Rem," started Sirius softly, acutely aware that Remus was now gripping Sirius's hands, and not letting go, "Rem, what's wrong? What happened?"

Remus' grip on Sirius's hands loosened a little, but his hands still rested there, and he laid his head on Sirius's shoulder, tears still streaming down his face.

Sirius put an arm around Remus slowly, holding his other hands still, and started rubbing the other boy's back comfortingly.

"It – it was just a d-dream," said Remus shakingly.

"What happened in it?" said Sirius softly, "C'mon Remmy, you're my best friend, you can tell me anything."

"I – You… Siri, are you okay? Are you happy? Is something wrong? Is there anything you want to tell me?" said Remus, the words coming tumbling out of his mouth, as he finally looked up at Sirius, eyes filled with tears, a worried expression on his face.

"I…No… What… What brought this on? I'm fine, yeah, I'm fine Rem."

Remus studied Sirius's matching worried expression, wondering what else was hiding in that expression, but deciding that his friend wouldn't lie to him. Or, he wouldn't lie to him without good reason anyway.

"It's fine Siri, everything's fine. Just fine…"

Sirius studied Remus intently, and figured that Remus wouldn't lie to him without good reason. He pulled the werewolf into a tight embrace, resting his head on Remus' shoulder, as Remus rested his on Sirius's.

They sat like that for a while, wearing matching worried expressions on their faces.