Sirius looked at Remus worriedly, patting his back awkwardly.

"What do you mean? What do you mean something bad? What's going to happen, Rem?" inquired Sirius, holding his shaking friend.

Remus took a deep breath to calm himself down, his chest going in and out. He pulled back from Sirius' grasp and fiercely wiped away the tears that were running down his pale face.

He breathed in and out slowly, calming himself out of the upcoming panic attack.

Once he trusted himself to speak confidently again, he cleared his throat and began.

But nothing came out.

"Nothing Siri," he eventually croaked, "I was just being stupid. Forget about it."

Sirius glared at him in frustration, wanting to shake the boy.

"No, you weren't being stupid, but now you bloody well are! Just tell me what's going on Remus. You've been acting weird in the past couple of days, especially with these dreams. Why won't you just tell me!" he nearly exploded, all this still said in a fierce whisper, as he tried not to wake the others.

Remus cowered under Sirius' glare and moved back on the bed a little, pulling the covers back over his half-naked body, as if protecting himself from Sirius.

"As if you can talk, Sirius. I've been acting weird! You're the one that's been acting weird lately, coming in at all hours after seeing that new girl of yours, getting sick all the time. What's going on with you, huh? Think I haven't noticed?" he spat back, getting a little too fired up.

Sirius leant back a little, his facial expression changing a little, becoming more guarded and hard.

"What the fuck are you talking about? It's none of your business what I do when I'm with a girl, Remus Lupin, and as for me being sick, I told you, I ate something bad at dinner!" he yelled, finally losing his cool.

Remus glared at Sirius, his face slowly turning red.

There was a groan from a couple of beds away, as James finally woke up.

"What the fuck are you doing up at this hour, you idiots?" mumbled James, blearily opening his eyes to look over at his friends.

"Don't worry James," they chorused, glaring at each other as they spoke in unison. Sirius quickly whispered a silencing charm to put around the bed as James flopped back down and started snoring.

"Bullshit, you ate something bad at dinner. We all ate the same thing as you remember? And well, maybe it isn't my business what you do with girls, but um…" Remus didn't know what he had been about to say, but he had to think of something fast. "But, it is my business when you aren't happy, because, well, you're my best friend!"

Sirius softened a little, but still stood his ground.

"Yes Rem, you are my best friend, but that doesn't mean you control my life, okay! And I'm worried about you too, okay!" he said, contradicting Remus.

"Yeah, well maybe it's personal," Remus said quietly, turning away.

Sirius looked at him in frustration once again.

"Fine. Maybe whatever you want to know about me is personal as well," he hissed, taking off the silencing charm and stalking out of the room, leaving Remus alone with two sleeping boys.

Remus nearly screamed in annoyance, but decided instead to crawl back under the covers and hug his pillow.


Sirius strode out of the common room and through the portrait forcefully, cursing and muttering as he went.

To think, that Remus had the sheer nerve to treat him like that!

He was treading on thin ice.

All Sirius had been trying to do was help him, and look at the thanks he got.

Stupid twat.

He should kick his bony a-

"Sirius!" came a voice from directly in front of him.

Sirius realised he had been glaring at the ground as he walked, and had managed to bump into someone.

He looked up, only to inwardly groan at placing voice to person.

"Marie, what a s- surprise… Weren't you um, sleeping?" he stuttered.

She looked at him, her expression masked, one hand on her hip.

"Well I was, but then I found your note, and went out onto the Pitch to look for you. But, oddly, you weren't there…" she trailed off, willing him to explain.

He took a deep breath, coming up with a few dozen lies on the spot as he looked at her, taking in her appearance. All she wore were a pair of Muggle denim shorts, as well as a midriff top that showed her bellybutton.

"I had to go back to my room to get my broom, but then I got caught up talking to Remus," he started truthfully, "so now I'm going down to the pitch," he finished with a lie.

He wasn't actually going to the pitch – but for all she knew, he could have been.

She looked him up and down suspiciously, and he suddenly felt self-conscious, wondering what he had said wrong.

"So where," she started, walking closer to him and speaking extremely quietly, "is your broom?"

Sirius' stomach plummeted, and he felt the need to suddenly be sick again.

Quick, think of something. Faster! Faster, Sirius! Said the little voice in his head, urging him on.

"Oh! Yeah, you see, I went up to my room, and then when I had finished talking to Remus, I went to find my broom. I thought I had left it in my room, but turns out it's actually in the sheds! I mean, how silly of me, right?" he said, trying to act as normal as humanely possible.

She visibly relaxed, but he could see she was still worried about something.

"Honey, are you okay?" he said, touching her arm, ignoring every part of his being that told him not to.

She seemed to be fighting for words, but finally found them. And they weren't pretty.

"Why do you spend so much time with Lupin, anyway?" she said, looking a little angry.

Sirius stepped back a little, as if she had slapped him in the face.

"What do you mean?" he said, his voice starting to raise a little. "He's my friend isn't he? I am allowed to spend time with him, Marie."

She glared at him now, stepping back as well and looking him straight in the eye.

"Well I think you spend a little too much time with him. I think you are weirdly close to him. Why are you even friends with him anyway? He's so… weird! Like, he sits around reading for fun!" she said, as if this was the most incredulous thing she had ever heard.

Sirius glared daggers at the blonde beauty in front of him.

"Remus Lupin is my best friend. Do not ever speak about him like that. Ever. Okay?" he spat at an extremely surprised Marie.

She stared at him for a minute, before regaining her composure.

"Fuck you, Sirius. You would think that you would have more time for me than you would your stupid weird friend, but obviously not. You know what? I can just end this right now, Sirius," she threatened, staring him up and down as he tried to stand his ground.

This just made the boy even more furious. First she speaks ill about his best friend, and then she threatens him?

"You do not threaten me," he hissed. "It was over before it started, darling. I never wanted you, I was just out for a quick fuck, like you."

Marie looked taken back for a second, before walking straight up to Sirius and slapping him, hard, right across the face, and stalking away.

"Bitch!" he yelled after her as he stumbled backward, holding a hand up to his face.

She turned around for a moment, a satisfied look on her face.

"No, you are the bitch. But not my bitch – maybe Lupin's bitch?" she said cruelly.

He gaped at her, and she spoke once more before stalking away.

"Just go crawling back to your little boyfriend, I never wanted you anyway."

Sirius turned bright red in anger, and considered going after her.

He took a deep breath, calming himself down as best he could.

Once he could breathe properly again, he turned and ran as fast as he could, out of the castle and off the grounds, and into the Forbidden Forest.


Remus still lay in his bed, his tears starting to subside.

He sighed and curled up, hugging himself, trying with all his might not to fall asleep.

He couldn't fall asleep, he couldn't deal with any more dreams right now.

But, it seemed as if an invisible force was enticing him into it, his eyes becoming droopy and heavy, his head swimming with thoughts that were slowly becoming blurry.

Soon he couldn't stand it, and decided to have a little nap.

Just for a minute…

Nothing could happen in a minute…

Just a minute…

A/N: Ok, twelve. That's my asking price! Seeing I'm going to have no access to a computer for a week or more because I'm moving, I think that is a small ask. I mean I got 10 or 11 on chapter 3. Why not more on chapter 4? Cmon, do it for the story. FOR THE GOOD OF THE STORY! (And my sanity.)