Too Bad, It's Day

a/n: this is a short Buffy Angel x-over after the end of Season 6, a minor adjustment though.

Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy or Angel


Buffy stormed down the streets, she had realized something, she was furious with Spike. Furious that he had done that to her, and also thankful, she had tears running down her cheeks as she pushed through the crowded streets of Los Angeles. The sun beat down on her like a threat, she took a deep breath and walked into the busy hotel lobby, okay, and busy was an overstatement. It was four people sitting around reading books, the thunk of the door closing drew their attention.

Cordelia's head shot up, "Buffy, how are you doing after the whole dead thing. Is hell really that bad?"

Wesley hit her arm, "Buffy, are you looking for Angel?"

"Wesley, Cordelia, Gunn. Fred? No, I'm not looking for Angel, Spike." Buffy let the frown show on her face slightly.

Gunn spoke up, "He and Angel are in Angel's office." Buffy only nodded.

She walked pointedly over to the office and stalked inside then pulled Spike by the collar out, Angel taken by surprise followed. Buffy started to punch Spike roughly across the cheek and anywhere she could. "You bastard, you do that to me, leave, I get shot, Tara dies. Willow goes evil, tries to end the world. When I needed you to watch Dawn, keep her safe while I went to take down my best friend, I find Clem. He says you left, says you were drunk off your ass. What makes you think you had the right to come here of all places. Xander knows what you did, so does Dawn. Hell by know I bet they all do."

Spike had remained silent, and taking every blow. Finally, Angel pulled Buffy off him and made her sit on the couch. She would not take it; she stood up and started to cry.

"I should hate you; I should want to stake you. But I don't, god I want..." She broke off and ran at him; she jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist. She let her hands wander to his cheek and she caressed his soft skin. Then his lips were on hers, she whimpered and then submitted to him.

"Spike, do you want to explain to me what the hell is going on. Wesley, hit the books, this must be some kind of spell, like Willow's will be done spell. Will you two stop that, Now!" Angel was furious; his mate was kissing his childe.

"Spike," Buffy managed to say he set her down, "Angel, this is not a spell; this is something that happened over time. He was there when I needed someone, sleeping with Spike made me feel. When I realized it was wrong what I was doing, I ended it. Then he tried to rape me, he ran after that. After Will tried to end the world, I realized I didn't want to die again. I wanted to live, with him. I love Spike, I really love him. I can't help it."

Spike grinned maliciously, "I love you too pet, now, what you say we go make up. Too bad its daylight, could have found a nice patch of grass in the park, or a crypt. This place will have to do, we hardly ever make it to a bed do we luv'?"

The pair kissed again and only stopped when they heard a heavy crash, Angel had fainted. Buffy giggled and Spike led her up the stairs, holding her hand all the way.


So that was that, I love Buffy Spike pairings just as much as Buffy Angel pairings, what can I say I really like those two! Please Review, maybe I will write some other short fics like other reactions or just plain what ifs. All your choices though.

Daughter of the Black